The carnival mask is the accessory that completes the whole image. You cannot do without it, especially if the child is in an animal costume. From this article you can learn about what carnival masks are, how to make this accessory out of paper, and you can also download a ready-made template for a Bull costume.
All carnival masks can be divided into three types:
- half masks that cover half of the face; they can be made from papemash, cardboard or thick paper;
- full face mask - it can also be made from the same materials as a half mask;
- on a hoop - they are made according to the same principle as paper masks, but the result is fixed on a steel or paper hoop; they will help out if the child finds it difficult to breathe in an accessory that fits snugly to the face;
- mask-cap - suitable for little children who are afraid to hide their face; it is rarely made of paper, if only using the technique of paper modeling (papercraft), more often such accessories are sewn from fabric, plush or felt.
To make a paper mask with your own hands, you must proceed as follows:
- First you need to print the finished template on plain office paper and carefully cut it along the contour. The latter can be entrusted to the child.
- Since thin paper will tear quickly, you need to make a thicker base for the mask. Cardboard is suitable for her. You can immediately stick a printout of the template on it, and then cut it along the contour. It is more convenient to cut cardboard with a clerical or breadboard knife.
- The last thing to do is to attach the ties so that the Bull's mask holds well on the head. An elastic band or a satin ribbon tied at the back with a bow can act as a tie.
The finished mask can be supplemented with some details that give it individuality, for example, rhinestones, sparkles, New Year's applique.