Menu for the New Year 2021: the best recipes with photos!

It can be difficult for young housewives to correctly compose a festive menu, since they have no idea what dishes should necessarily be on the table, and experienced women often get lost in new recipes, wanting to surprise guests and households with new culinary delights. Both the first and the second will help this article, which contains a ready-made menu for the New Year 2021, taking into account the nature of its symbol.


  • Brief description of the symbol of the year
  • Snacks
    • Vegetable plates
    • Cheese platters
    • Sausage cuts
    • Original snacks
  • Salads
    • Red Riding Hood Salad
    • How to make a New Year's salad
  • Hot dishes
    • Chicken with lemon, garlic and white wine
    • Juicy pink salmon in the oven
  • Garnish
    • Crumpled potatoes
    • Potato croquettes
  • desserts
    • Baked apples
    • No-bake cake with lime
  • Beverages

Brief description of the symbol of the year

The bull is a rather conservative animal in its gastronomic preferences, this is manifested in the methods of cooking and in the products used for them. So, the symbol of the year will like the abundance of herbs, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits on the table. The presence of meat (but not beef or veal) and dairy products in the menu is permissible, but there should not be dishes with gelatin, because it is made from the bones of cloven-hoofed animals.


You cannot do without beautiful snacks at the New Year's feast. They are like a prelude to the main course, they should whet the appetite by the way they are served and taste. A beautifully decorated vegetable or cheese plate will cope with this task, but if you have the time and desire, you can make more original snacks from the same products.

Vegetable plates

When the coming new year is celebrated, sliced vegetables come to the fore on the menu among other snacks, because the symbol of 2021 loves to crunch fresh vegetables. The design of such a dish involves the use of fresh herbs: dill, parsley, basil and more. You can put a small container in the center of the plate with a sauce that will complement the taste of vegetables.

Cheese platters

This type of snack is a delicious way to thank the Rat (a symbol of the outgoing 2020) for all the good things that have happened to us in the past 366 days. It is not at all necessary to look for a beautiful serving dish for decoration; cheeses will look quite aesthetically pleasing on a round wooden cutting board. They can be cut into thin slices or cubes and served with olive oil, nuts and fresh fruit.

Sausage cuts

In the menu for the New Year 2021, additional requirements are imposed on sausage cuts regarding the composition of sausages. It should not contain beef, veal or cattle offal. The symbol of the coming year will not like the fact that his fellow tribesmen are eating at the festive table.

Original snacks

In addition to various plates (cheese, vegetable, sausage), you can make various easy-to-prepare snacks that will decorate the New Year's menu. These can be tartlets with various fillings, Santa Clauses from stuffed tomatoes, Christmas trees made from thin cucumber slices on a stick or in the form of small cheese cones of chopped greens. Ideas for their creation can be found in the above photos.


It is impossible to imagine the New Year's menu without various salads. Whether it will be a traditional Olivier or a new recipe, it doesn't really matter. It is important to use vegetables among the ingredients and appropriate presentation of the dish.

Red Riding Hood Salad

Replacing the classic New Year's Olivier on the menu can be a delicious puff salad with pomegranate seeds. It has all the products that the Bull will love (vegetables and pomegranates) and will pay tribute to the outgoing symbol (cheese and nuts). To prepare, you need to prepare:

  • 300 g of chicken meat;
  • 250 g potatoes;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 250 g mayonnaise;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 g marble cheese;
  • ½ pomegranate;
  • 50 g hazelnuts.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Boil meat, eggs and vegetables. Disassemble the pomegranate into grains, chop the nuts into medium crumbs with a knife, and cut the remaining ingredients into cubes.
  2. Lay in layers in the forming ring: potatoes, chicken, nuts, cheese, carrots, eggs. Grease all layers with mayonnaise. Garnish the salad with pomegranate seeds on top.

How to make a New Year's salad?

The Little Red Riding Hood salad is beautiful in itself, which cannot be said about other more familiar New Year's snacks, but they can also be given a more aesthetic look:

  • you can simply put the salad in a portioned ring and garnish with fresh herbs;
  • any salad can be formed into a ring, which can be turned into a Christmas wreath with a large amount of fresh herbs;
  • If you form a snack with a deep bowl, then on a serving dish you can make a Christmas ball out of it, for decoration of which pomegranate seeds, canned corn or green peas are suitable.

Hot dishes

One cannot do with appetizers and salads in the Year of the Ox, the hottest always takes center stage on the table. Below are recipes for such dishes that are not difficult to prepare, and which are appropriate in the holiday menu.

Chicken with lemon, garlic and white wine

Without lengthy preparations, you can make oven-baked chicken with lemon in wine and garlic sauce. The bird according to this recipe turns out to be unusually juicy and tender. To achieve this result, you will need:

  • 1.5-1.7 kg chicken carcass;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 400 ml of ready-made chicken broth;
  • 100 ml of dry white wine;
  • 30-50 g softened butter;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • salt pepper.

How to bake:

  1. First you need to prepare the chicken: it should be washed well, dried with a towel, greased with oil and rubbed with salt and pepper.
  2. Then put the carcass in a deep enough baking dish, sprinkle with chopped rosemary on top, and put a bay leaf, a piece of the remaining oil and a lemon cut into several parts inside.
  3. Combine broth and wine in a saucepan. Put peeled and disassembled garlic there. Bring everything to a boil and pour into the chicken dish.
  4. After that, tighten the carcass with foil on top and bake for about 1.5 hours at 190 ° C. Then remove the foil and cook for another 20 minutes under the grill or simply increasing the temperature.

After baking, the hot sauce can be poured into a warm saucepan and served with the chicken, which further diversifies the New Year's menu.

Other recipes for New Year's chicken on the link.

Juicy pink salmon in the oven

Pink salmon is not the most juicy fish, but if you cook it correctly, the tenderness and juiciness of the baked steaks can surprise and delight you. For New Year 2021, you can bake pink salmon in a sleeve with spices and red wine. For this dish you will need:

  • 500 g pink salmon steaks;
  • 100 ml of red wine;
  • 30 g starch;
  • a mixture of spices for fish or separately coriander, cumin, cloves, pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

Baking sequence:

  1. Combine spices, starch and salt in a mortar, knead everything well. Pour a little olive oil into the mixture to make a thin gruel.
  2. Spread the portioned steaks generously with the resulting marinade and fold into a roasting sleeve, pour red wine into it.
  3. From above, in several places, make holes in the sleeve and send the fish for 20 minutes to the oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Before serving on the New Year's table, baked pink salmon can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.


The conservative Ox will love the menu with a side dish made with potatoes. This could be your favorite puree or one of the options below.

Crumpled potatoes

Traditional potatoes for a side dish can be baked, but not in the usual way (for example, in a peasant way), but as they do in Portugal.

In the original version, young tubers are baked, and for the menu for the New Year 2021 you can take any potatoes with a thin skin.

Ingredient proportions:

  • 8 approximately identical potatoes;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 10 g rosemary;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 40 ml olive mala;
  • Coarse salt.


  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and cook in the peel until tender. Then drain the water and wait until they cool down.
  2. After that, each potato needs to be slightly crushed on top with a spoon, but so that it does not fall apart.
  3. Pour the amount of olive oil into a baking dish and distribute it evenly over the bottom. Chop the garlic cloves into thin plates and place in a mold.
  4. Next, put the prepared tubers in the form with the mashed side up. Sprinkle everything with salt and chopped rosemary.
  5. Cut the butter into small cubes and place them on top of the potatoes. Bake at 180-190 ° C until browning.

Rosemary can be used both fresh and dried.

Potato croquettes

Another side dish for the New Year's menu can be potato croquettes, especially since you can pre-prepare the balls, and just deep-fry before the feast. List of products required for cooking:

  • 1000 g of potatoes;
  • 80 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 20 g of greens;
  • 40 g semolina;
  • 80 g bread crumbs;
  • 60 g flour;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Peel the potatoes, cook until tender and mash in mashed potatoes with butter and finely grated cheese. Let the puree cool to room temperature.
  2. Then add 1 egg, chopped herbs and semolina to the potatoes. Mix everything carefully with a mixer.
  3. Prepare three plates: shake the egg in one, add breadcrumbs to the other, and flour in the third.
  4. Roll walnut-sized balls from the prepared puree, then alternately roll them in flour, dip in an egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

It is better to spread the finished croquettes with a slotted spoon on paper towels to rid them of excess oil.


Desserts on the menu for the New Year should not be too heavy; after a plentiful table, it is better to eat something light and not high in calories. The symbol of the new year will be delighted with delicacies with a pronounced fruit taste

Baked apples

The bull will love the baked apples. You can prepare such a New Year's portioned dessert with different fillings. So, you can take honey, cottage cheese, raisins, dried fruits and chocolate, combining these products to your liking.

How to cook:

  1. Cut off the top of apples and carefully make a depression in the fruit by cutting out the seed capsule.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with honey and dried fruits. Fill the apples with the resulting mixture, cover with cut tops and bake in the oven at 180 ° C.
  3. A couple of minutes until ready, sprinkle apples with grated chocolate on top.

Apples with smudges of black and white chocolate look very nice. To make them beautiful, you can pour melted chocolate on a ready-made New Year's dessert.

No-bake cake with lime

On the eve of the New Year's feast, the oven is busy preparing a hot dish or a side dish, and there is no time or place for baking a cake. In this case, a recipe for a cake without baking with a refreshing citrus flavor will decorate the menu. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g of shortbread cookies;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 500 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 150 g cream cheese or fat cottage cheese;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 1 lime;
  • green food coloring.

Priority of actions:

  1. Line a detachable baking dish with parchment. Mash the cookies into crumbs and mix with melted butter. Tamp the resulting mass on the bottom of the cake-shaped mold and refrigerate for 40 minutes.
  2. Whisk together sour cream, cream cheese and sugar. Pre-prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Cut the lime in half, leave two thin circles from the middle of the fruit for decoration, you can also remove the zest with a thin spiral. Squeeze the juice from the lime halves and mix with the dye.
  4. Continuing to beat sour cream with cheese, add lime juice and gelatin into it. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, pour it onto a shortcrust pastry cake and refrigerate to freeze the cream.

Decorate the finished New Year's cake with zest and lime slices. You do not need to add dye to the cream, but make another layer of ready-made green jelly on top. It will also turn out nice and tasty.

For the New Year's menu, you can prepare simple desserts, but decorated in the New Year's theme. For example, you can bake star-shaped cookies (not necessarily gingerbread) and assemble a sweet Christmas tree from them, or simply decorate with white icing similar to snowflakes. Jelly can be poured into portioned silicone hemisphere molds, which, using chocolate decor, can be turned into Christmas balls. Puff jelly in muffin tins also looks beautiful.


It is impossible to imagine more than one feast without drinks. For most, New Year is associated with sparkling champagne, but there are those who cannot imagine this holiday without brandy or vodka. Well, everyone has the right to choose according to their taste, stopping at one thing or mixing cocktails from different drinks. But in the use of alcohol, it is necessary to observe moderation, since the symbol of 2021 does not like drunk people.

The homemade baileys recipe is here.

Do not forget about the soft drinks on the New Year's menu made from fruits and vegetables. It can be juices, fruit drinks, compotes or cocktails. And there must be water on the table, because only it can really remove thirst.

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