Traditional winter holidays - Christmas and New Year - are an excellent occasion to gather the whole family, together with the children at a large table, to talk about holiday traditions and make decorations for the house and the Christmas tree. Today, on the eve of a series of magical holidays, we invite you to learn how to make a Christmas angel with your own hands and create your own little miracle. In our article you will find a description of crafts made from completely different materials, including those that are often considered waste, as well as simple diagrams and descriptions for them. So let's get started!
Choose from what and how we will do:
- from paper cones
- accordion
- from paper napkins
- protruding
- flat cardboard figures
- from felt
- from salted dough
- from foamiran
- angel crochet
- from plasticine
- cross-stitch
- from beads
- from a light bulb
- from cotton pads
Paper cone angels
We suggest starting with simple crafts - from paper cones. To do this, you will need:
- paper, and both ordinary office and special thick paper are suitable: torchon, for scrapbooking, you can take watercolor white sheets;
- scissors: straight and curly;
- glue stick and PVA;
- a simple pencil to trace patterns;
- colored pencils and felt-tip pens (for coloring and painting on small details);
- sequins, buttons, ribbons, beads and beads are useful for decoration.
You can download, print and cut the diagram below. In any case, the work begins with the manufacture of the cone. There are two options for how to make a cone.
- Twist a bag out of a sheet, glue it. Cut off the excess part of the paper on the wide side, which will be the base of the toy.
- Using a template or compass, draw a circle, cut along the radius, then twist and glue the cone.
The head of a man can be glued from paper, cardboard, a small foam ball, a large wooden bead. The head can be decorated with a wreath of paper flowers, a halo of shiny foil. You can paint the face, or you can not do it - follow your creative idea.
The hand-made Christmas Messenger can be a free-standing figurine, or a hanging on a Christmas tree. In this case, it is necessary to provide a ribbon, a rope so that you can hang it.
If you put a garland of LEDs that do not heat up and are safe inside a paper figure, you can make a cozy, glowing in the dark decoration for the holiday.
Cutting schemes

Angels accordion
Folding the paper like an accordion and making another toy with your own hands is quite simple. Bend the paper like a ladder, making equal indents. For convenience, you can draw lines at a distance of 1 cm from each other - so the accordion will turn out to be smooth and neat.
The face can be drawn or printed. You can decorate such a house keeper with beads, glitter glue, ribbons.
Angel made of paper napkins
An angel from white paper napkins can be made with a surprise inside. This surprise (like the Advent calendar) will especially appeal to the smallest participants of the holiday. Insert a round candy into the "head" of the figurine (lollipop, chocolate wrapped). This will give volume and shape to the head of the toy and become a treat for the baby.
So, here is a step-by-step instruction on how to make an angel out of a napkin with your own hands.
- Unfold the napkin, spread it flat on the table, in 1 layer.
- Place the candy in the center.
- Gently squeeze the candy with your hands to shape the head without tearing the napkin. Secure with a ribbon or small rubber band.
- Fold the wings behind your back from a second napkin folded in half.
- Decorate the figurine as you wish.You can draw a face, glue a halo from a gold ribbon or cardboard.
Vytynanka angels
The delicate silhouettes of little guardians will look great on a window or a solid background: a wall or a door. Below you can download, print angel stencils and cut out figures of Christmas creatures for free.
For cutting, it is better to use a mock (stationery) knife, since it allows you to create subtle intricate patterns. For a backing, if you don't have a special mat (rug), take a plastic cutting board or a sheet of unnecessary cardboard, for example, from a shoe box.
Small children cannot do such complex manipulations; adults can help them. For babies, take the simplest patterns. Also, the ornament can be cut with nail scissors.

Flat cardboard angels
You can also cut out flat cardboard figures of God's messengers using a clerical knife. Use our diagrams or draw your own silhouettes.
You can immediately take colored cardboard:
- coated;
- velvet;
- foil;
- with drawing;
- embossed.
Or cut people out of corrugated cardboard, which is used for boxes. And paint or paste the finished figure:
- cotton or linen cloth;
- canvas (burlap);
- lace;
- beads;
- colored craft paper.
Do not forget to poke a hole (for example, with a hole punch) and thread a ribbon - to hang the angel on a Christmas tree or door handle.
Cutting schemes

Angel made of felt
Christmas toys made of felt can be sewn with a decorative seam or carefully glued along the contour using a glue gun or glue like "Moment-crystal".
Step-by-step sewing of felt toys is perfect for novice craftswomen, since working with felt (another name for felt) is quite simple, for many reasons:
- it is dense, keeps its shape well;
- the edges of the material do not crumble, do not interfere with sewing;
- a variety of colors allows you to embody a variety of creative ideas.
By the way, in handicraft stores you can buy felt even with a thematic pattern, suitable for sewing Christmas angels with your own hands.
Felt patterns

Salt dough angel
Crafts made from salt dough for the Christmas holiday are very voluminous and "alive" due to the use of natural ingredients to prepare the mass. This material is safe and perfect for children's creativity. The easiest salt dough recipe:
- 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
- 1 tbsp. fine salt ("Extra");
- 0.5 tbsp. cold water;
- 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly to dissolve the salt. Otherwise, the crystals will interfere with the sculpting process.
If desired, the salted dough can be kneaded immediately with a colored one, adding food colors - those that are used to paint eggs for Easter.
Or paint a finished dry toy. You can take gouache paints (for kids) or acrylic paints (for older creators). After the paint has dried, coat the salt dough toy with varnish to add shine and durability. You can leave the product unpainted and retain its natural color.
Salted dough is a very malleable material. From it, both tiny figures and large compositions consisting of several parts are obtained, which are molded and dried separately, and then mounted together (with PVA glue).
You can make prints and patterns on the dough. You can use a plasticine knife (stack), also interesting prints-drawings are obtained from:
- caps from pens or felt-tip pens;
- twigs, leaves, dried in the fall;
- lace and nets (it is better to take hard linen).
Do not forget to leave a hole for the ribbon in the finished product. It is best to dry the craft from salt dough as follows. Place the dough products on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or tracing paper and place in the oven. Heat the oven to approx. 100 deg. and leave the figures to dry.
Or you can “bake” it for 20 preheated to 200 degrees. oven. In this case, the product will turn out to be rosy and appetizing, like a bread crust.
Angel from foamiran
Foamiran - foamed cardboard - pliable, plastic material. Please note that the contour on the foamiran should not be drawn with a pencil or pen. Use an ordinary toothpick. It seems to push through the soft surface of the material, then cut out the parts with scissors along the resulting groove.
For little messengers of Christmas made of foam board, you can apply the same schemes as for crafts made of paper and cardboard. Foamiran figurines with sparkles will look especially impressive. For decoration use:
- rhinestones, sequins, sequins;
- wooden and varnished beads;
- ribbons, lace, braid.
Crochet angel
Remember the openwork napkins that our grandmothers knitted with tiny crochet hooks from mercerized cotton yarn? Crochet, a skillful airy crochet, is now at its peak. Thanks to our simple and straightforward schemes, you can cope with this, at first glance, a difficult type of needlework!
All patterns are based on the alternation of air loops, double crochet and single crochet. As an additional decor for filigree angels, the following is suitable:
- beads;
- beads;
- embroidery;
- finishing with lurex, gold threads.
You can also crochet a Christmas tree.
Plasticine angel
Plasticine is a favorite material for creativity of all children, without exception. To create wonderful Christmas angels with your own hands, use airy plasticine. It is very soft, pliable, tactilely pleasant, the colors mix well with each other. The finished plasticine craft dries in the air within two hours, becomes almost weightless and retains its strength.
After complete drying, you can paint on small details (eyes, smiles) with markers or felt-tip pens.
Angel cross stitch
Cross stitch is another type of old handicraft, the interest in which is reviving today. On our page you can find patterns and layouts by colors, which you can easily embroider with wonderful colorful heralds of the Christmas holiday.
For embroidery you will need:
- canvas - loose fabric for needlework;
- a hoop to stretch the fabric for embroidery;
- colored threads - traditional floss, wool, silk, cotton.

Some needlewomen prefer to supplement cross-stitching with other embroidery methods - stalk seams, knots, loops, etc. Your imagination will tell you what the final version of the work will be. For decoration, a baguette with painting is well suited - when some elements are painted on on a cardboard mat to make the picture complete.
Beaded angel
Weaving from beads is a painstaking manual work. Our schemes will help you understand the intricacies of beading and create real New Year's masterpieces. Beads in crafts can be connected in series, parallel or in a circle - depending on the pattern of the part you are doing.
Beads can be used:
- brilliant;
- matte;
- faceted - "Charlotte";
- bugles - elongated tubular cylinders;
- rainbow;
- metallized.
Stock up on wires of different thicknesses - to connect suitable beads of different sizes and inner hole diameters.
If you liked this type of creativity, check out more beaded Christmas trees and beaded snowflakes.
Light bulb angel
Light bulbs that have served their life can become the basis for creativity. They make an excellent skeleton - the body for the future angel. By adding a little imagination and details from different materials, we will get a unique toy, the second of which will definitely not be in the world!
The wings can be made from decorative ornamental feathers, cut out of cardboard or felt. A large bead or drink cork is useful for the head. The hairstyle can be made from thread or wool yarn.
Complement the Christmas tree toy with a foil halo, a booklet, or angelic notes from a folded piece of paper. Here is a great example of upcycling - recycling waste materials.
From cotton pads
Cotton pads seem to be asking themselves for New Year and Christmas crafts. They are white, soft, with neat edges. Let's take advantage of them! To make angels from cotton pads with your own hands, the details can be cut out, almost like from felt or paper, to make notches that imitate feathers in the wings. Or you can use it as a whole - folding and twisting.
Be sure to add decorative glittery elements:
- beaded eyes;
- halos made of shiny metal wire and foil;
- buttons, beads, sequins.
By the way, on cotton pads, patterns can be drawn with acrylic paints-contours in tubes with narrow noses.
Using these diagrams and workshops, you know how to make Christmas angels. Be healthy! May the kind keepers, whom you create with your own hands, bring goodness and endless happiness to your hospitable home!