For many families, having a baby is a great joy. Immediately at birth, a responsible task falls on the shoulders of the parents - to choose a name for the child. No wonder there is a proverb "As you name the boat, so it will float." When choosing, you should be careful and take into account many factors.
Each name carries its own energy, which further affects the character, and then the fate of the child. There are many names for girls in the Year of the Tiger, everyone can choose the appropriate one. The main thing when choosing to consult with loved ones, so that there is no misunderstanding.
In many peoples, the Tiger is associated with strength, power, unbridled rage and power. This year, conflicts between states, catastrophes, wars often occur. But despite its explosive nature, the Tiger is an innovator.
Children born this year will have the ability to easily and radically change their lives. They, like the Tiger, will be curious and playful, which means they will be open to new knowledge and opportunities.
What will girls born in 2022 be like?
People born under this sign match their patron. They are the same restless, explosive, sparkling with good madness. These people are leaders, they are able to lead. A calm, measured life is not about them. They are always ready for new adventures, spontaneous ideas, but in large-scale life plans they build clear tactics.
Thanks to their innate cunning, they are able to easily circle you and achieve the desired result.
On the way to their goal, they will go over their heads, if necessary. Tiger's life is like a game, and his love of risk makes it gambling.
Girls born in the year of the Tiger often create the impression of self-sufficient, strong and self-confident personalities. They are restrained and seem to be ready for anything: they will not be afraid of unforeseen circumstances, they will continue to remain calm. As true cats, they are subject only to their minds and will never allow them to be controlled.
The mind of the Tigresses is multifaceted. They will find their own approach to everything. Having developed, abstract thinking, they will come up with a lot of original ways to solve the problem.
Thanks to their mind, they are closer to intellectual work than physical work. They love everything related to scientific discoveries and creative ideas. Their logic sometimes seems strange, but if you understand it, it turns out to be brilliant.
Raising little Tigresses is a very difficult process, they always need an eye and an eye. But, despite his restlessness, this child is able to charm anyone. She is sure that parents should dance to her tune, and, surprisingly, this little leader often manages to get his way.
If someone makes a promise to the baby tigress, then he is simply obliged to fulfill it, there can be no other options.
This is a rather hot-tempered child, so parents cannot avoid scandals, but in public it is not difficult for her to pretend to be an obedient angel. The tiger girl is a born actress, every day she tries on a lot of different images, due to which she may seem like an ideal child, but only her parents know all her inner demons. But for all her hot temper and explosive nature, she loves her relatives very much and will do everything for their well-being.
In the household, these girls live according to the principle that order is born only in chaos. The tigress will explain the scattered toys, candy wrappers in the corners and crumpled things in the closet by “creative disorder” and will insist on this.
Baby Tigresses are sociable and open to new acquaintances, but only superficially. To become her true friend, you need to be able to win her trust, because she carefully selects loved ones and will never open her soul to a stranger.
Name of the girl by month of birth
Giving a name to your child is a very crucial moment. And best of all, it should be combined with both the year and the month of birth of the baby. Then it will be in perfect harmony with its meaning and will extract only the best qualities. In the table below, beautiful, modern names are perfectly matched to the seasons and their months.
January | Christina, Snezhana, Elsa, Vlada. |
February | Stanislava, Julia, Angelina, Varvara, Anna. |
March | Olga, Eugene, Agnia, Sofia. |
April | Xenia, Lydia, Marina, Karina. |
May | Anastasia, Maria, Victoria, Camilla, Yesenia, Ekaterina. |
June | Valeria, Arina, Irina, Vasilisa, Eva. |
July | Kira, Love, Olesya, Nadezhda, Lily, Rose, Arica. |
August | Daria, Elena, Ulyana, Zarina, Elizabeth. |
September | Alexandra, Veronica, Svetlana, Alena, Yaroslav. |
October | Violetta, Jeanne, Regina, Alina. |
November | Yana, Alisa, Darina, Svyatoslav, Taisiya, Polina. |
December | Tatiana, Nicole, Praskovya, Stephanie. |
It should be borne in mind that it is not enough to choose a name based only on the time of birth. It is still better to look also into the horoscope, because the month of the zodiac sign and the calendar begin at different times.
How to name a girl in 2022 according to her zodiac sign?
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) | Ksenia, Lydia, Marina, Aurora, Aprelia, Ida, Anfisa, Berta, Venus, Dana, Evdokia, Carolina, Lesya, Nelly, Oksana, Marianna, Claudia, Lyra. |
Taurus (21.04 - 21.05) | Anastasia, Maria, Victoria, Camilla, Yesenia, Ekaterina, Assol, Bella, Maya, Laura, Margarita, Nicole, Pelageya, Rimma, Slavyana. |
Gemini (22.05 - 21.06) | Valeria, Arina, Irina, Vasilisa, Eva, Sofia, Aurora, Julia, Jasmine, Isolde, Seraphima, Ninel, Melissa, Lydia, Clara, Inna, Zarina, Euphrosinia, Dorothea, Grace. |
Cancer (22.06 - 22.07) | Kira, Love, Olesya, Nadezhda, Lily, Rosa, Arica, Gloria, Vanessa, Dina, Julia, Liana, Malika, Vera, Polina, Gaia, Emelyana, Zlata, Ivanna, Camilla, Love. |
Leo (23.07 - 23.08) | Daria, Elena, Ulyana, Zarina, Elizabeth, Vesta, Gabriella, Evdokia, Zoya, Augustina, Natalia, Muza, Nikolina, Olympia, Raisa, Sabrina, Taisia. |
Virgo (08.24 - 09.22) | Alexandra, Veronica, Svetlana, Alena, Yaroslav, Zlatoslav, Katarina, Kaleria, Oksana, Alevtina, Nelly, Louise, Sylvia, Helga, Charlotte, Ella, Juno. |
Libra (23.09 - 22.10) | Violetta, Jeanne, Regina, Alina, Sabina, Ella, Lilith, Seraphima, Tamara, Yarina, Junia, Elina, Chloe, Sonya, Rufina, Neva, Monica, Lina. |
Scorpio (23.10 - 22.11) | Yana, Alisa, Darina, Svyatoslav, Taisia, Polina, Inga, Ada, Eleanor, Albina, Selena, Lana, Inessa, Zoya, Zhdana, Tsarina, Inga. |
Sagittarius (11.22 - 12.21) | Tatiana, Nicole, Praskovya, Stephanie, Iskra, Isabella, Gerda, Helia, Ilona, Zvan, Dekabrina, Jenny, Dianna, Zinovia, Irma. |
Capricorn (12.22 - 01.20) | Christina, Snezhana, Elsa, Vlada, Faina, Adele, Ilona, Judith, Malvina, Zara, Dolya, Glafira, Vassa, Azalea, Anita, Broneslava, Wanda. |
Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02) | Stanislava, Julia, Angelina, Varvara, Anna, Greta, Roberta, Viviana, Grace, Zlata, Iskra, Miloslav, Ksenia, Muse, Nicole, Olympia, Ruslana, Severin, Chloe. |
Pisces (20.02 - 20.03) | Olga, Eugenia, Agnia, Sofia, Raisa, Rimma, Slava, Ustina, Marta, Yasmina, Darina, Natalia, Ninel, Elina, Tamara. |
Home fairies
The main dream of the girl's parents is simple female happiness. It just so happened that nothing can replace a strong family, a reliable spouse, and prosperity. The task of adults is both simple and complex at the same time: to educate not only a good housewife, but also to lay the foundations of worldly wisdom, to cultivate the seed of piety, to strengthen the delicate core of inner strength, which will become the main support of an adult woman.
Veronica - Veronichka, Nikusya. Soft girl. This fluffy kitty will purr to anyone. But it is not for nothing that this name consists of two names: Vera and Nika. The first part creates a wave of trust. Everyone, without exception, trusts Veronichka: both children and adults. The husband trusts his wife infinitely, and the children will share their innermost secrets. The second part of the name, Nika, says that its owner will overcome any adversity and protect her family and friends. All of these traits help build a strong family. She is a great mother, a great wife and a gorgeous hostess.
Christina - "Christian". The popular name is widespread all over the world and sounds practically the same in all languages. Christina is a smart, inquisitive girl. She is neat and clean from the cradle. In her room, and then in the house, order and harmony reign.She is cheerful and open. But Christina the tigress is a time bomb. She is quick-tempered, capricious, capricious. Christina's mood can change in one second. And then there's no time for vanilla kisses.
But Christina is always exactly what she wants, and even more so, she is aware of how to get what she wants. As a result, Christine's house is a full bowl. The spouse clearly understands the task and does an excellent job with the function of the earner. Children clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted and do not allow themselves to be discouraged. In general, the severity in which Christina supports the family is leveled by tenderness and love, which she has in abundance.

Victoria is a victory. Vikusha, Vikusya … Affectionate girl who will always get her way. She will win where others will sign their own helplessness. Victoria has an iron character and unbending will. Victoria does not change her ideals, is true to her principles and always goes to the end. But in everyday life, Vika is calm and self-possessed. Affectionate mother, patient and faithful spouse, responsible hostess. It is easy and reliable with her. Victoria knows how to provide rear services and develop a strategy for the development of the family's well-being.
Catherine is immaculate. Katyusha is a wonderful girl. The ideal firstborn for young parents. Affectionate and gentle, with great potential for love and kindness. It would seem that she has no tiger habits. But it only seems to be. Katyusha knows exactly who to "sharpen her claws" about, but this procedure will be extremely fair. Katerina is an excellent cook. She cooks beautifully and is able to cook 10 dishes from three ingredients. But order is secondary for her. No, of course, she is “attacked by purity,” but rarely. In principle, this does not prevent Katyusha from receiving guests often. And they go to her with great pleasure. After all, where Catherine is, there is fun and carelessness.
Barbara is the standard of femininity. Varyusha - sounds soft and tender, Varenka - tasty and sweet. But Barbara is formidable and indomitable. As a child, Varyusha strikes with his compassion. She is ready to shelter everyone. For Varya, feeding the hungry is not a problem at all: she is an excellent cook. Varyusha's husband is even in the garage in a starched collar. Well, children are always in a state of expectation of a surprise. Barbara, like a true cat, remains playful throughout her life.
Business lady
Thrift is, of course, good. But what should you call a girl so that she can self-actualize in the material plane? After all, a good financial base allows you to stay afloat in difficult times. After all, the family wants to eat and live in serenity.
Karina - each nation has its own meaning of the name. But most often it is interpreted as "girl", "sweet", "tender". But the character of Karina does not at all coincide with the meaning. This is a child-tsunami, a fiery whirlwind, a formidable typhoon. She is a true Tiger. Karina knows how to wait and attack quickly. And it doesn't matter in what area. Karina is a born leader. Even if she doesn’t know something or doesn’t know how, she will take it unceremoniously. Parents need to keep their ears open, and not fall for the tricks of a soft, charming kitten: sharp claws and teeth do not sleep. But at the same time, Karina is wise, purposeful, prudent and prudent. These traits help her build an excellent career in any field.
Alexandra has a steely character. The baby will plug any bully in the belt. Outwardly, Sasha is the sweetest creature, but inside - a beast. Having matured, Sasha masters complete self-control and clearly sees his life path. Yes, during her school years, Alexandra is not easy, but this is exactly the case when a C grade student becomes the head of a large enterprise. The masculine traits that the name gives make Alexandra an excellent businessman.

Kira is not all Shrovetide for the cat. Freaky and capricious in childhood, Kira is a real disaster. Only people with strong nerves can cope with it. But the girl knows exactly which strings to pull in order to achieve the desired result.Kira easily starts any business: be it a flower shop or a construction company. She does it on click. But she quickly gets bored of doing the same thing for a long time. Therefore, having untwisted one, Kira enthusiastically proceeds to another.
Isolde - life according to plan. This is a perfectionist. Isolde has everything scheduled every minute. As a child, the girl is frightened by her adherence to the regime and order. She has everything on the shelves, everything is marked and recorded. Isolde's punctuality is off scale. However, it only benefits her. But it is very important for her to learn how to have a good rest.
Roberta is a fashionable name for the iron lady. A seasoned, cold girl. While other girls are jumping "classics" and swaddling bobbleheads, Roberta thinks over a plan to take over the world. Bertha is calm and reasonable. She is quiet and prefers solitude. Bertha's best friends are books. Prefers scientific and educational literature.
But for all her coldness, Roberta has an innate sense of tact. She is an excellent diplomat, knows how to smooth out the brewing conflict. Often, the girl's classmates do not notice how they fall under the influence of the silent Roberta, because her authority is indisputable. As an adult, Bertha will not let anyone escape. She doesn't care who stands in front of her: a colleague or a boss. The amazing thing is that they are all obedient to Bertha and do as she says. If she decides to open her own business, then she will achieve dizzying success. After all, the plan to conquer the world was drawn up in childhood.
Creative person
All parents want their child to become a harmoniously developed personality. Therefore, from childhood, they try to consider a singer, artist, artist, musician in him. And few people notice that numbers or building blocks are much more interesting than a violin or parquet. As a result, tears, screams and exhausted nerves. The name has a very strong influence on the child. Therefore, if you really want the girl not to part with pointe shoes or tassels, it is better to choose the appropriate name.
Eleanor is a delicate person. Delicate flower with a steel shaft. If you put Elechka at the ballet barre, she is ready to handcuff herself to it, give a brush in her hands - doom her to sleepless nights by the next landscape. Elya will give all of herself to creativity, and internal perfectionism will not allow her to breed strange daubs, or move like a wounded grasshopper.
Selena is a rhyme from nowhere. Selena is able to speak in poetry. There are no “growling” sounds in the name. But it sneaks quietly and imperceptibly, softly stepping with pronunciation, bewitching with vibration. Selena loves silence. After all, it is in her that unique lines are born. And Selena can hear the notes perfectly. It will not be difficult for her to master musical notation. She will do it with pleasure, because some poems need to be clothed in a musical veil.

Alice is our whole life a game. Even in diapers, Alice knows when to sob and when to stretch out her arms. The actress from her is amazing. But Alice does not play a role, she lives in it. It only looks like an angel girl. In fact, a wolf in sheep's clothing. She will not miss a single performance, even a pumpkin in the garden, but she will play. And she will make her role as a pumpkin overshadow the extravaganza of Cinderella.
Stanislava is a rare name consisting of notes. In childhood, it is especially unclear what Stasya wants, but then his head does not hurt, what to give for his birthday. Guitar, ukulele, drum kit or accordion. Stasya will exhaust all the tools. Parents should not be skeptical about this hobby. At first it seems that it is strumming, knocking, but all to no avail. Quite a little time will pass, and Stanislava will become a human orchestra.
Spark is a fire girl. Goes through life dancing. It flashes, then slowly goes out, then it swiftly circles, then it flows smoothly. The girl is a musical empath. She is very accurately able to convey emotions through movement. Show the whole gamut of feelings with your body.
Of course, it is difficult to guess who your daughter wants to become: a singer, an artist, or someone else.But here famous women who have achieved some success will come to the rescue. Who knows, maybe Eleanor Duse or Alice Frendlich is now in diapers.
Good character traits
Many parents do not place an emphasis on developing specific talents in their children. It is important for them that a person grows up good. And for the majority, these moments are associated with human qualities: compassion, mercy, tact and diplomacy. In the future, such people find themselves in the social sphere: teachers, doctors, social workers.
Gerda - to save at any cost. The girl's fabulous name leaves an indelible imprint on her character. Gerda is very compassionate. But in his desire to save everyone, he can go too far, hurting those close to him. A known problem is a shoemaker without boots. It is important to teach the girl to remember everyone, not just those who are suffering.

Darina - will give the last shirt. She gives everything that she has. He does it easily and simply, without thinking about value or necessity. It doesn't matter who Darina becomes, she will give all of herself to her beloved work. Darina does not see herself as a cabinet worker. And even if she is offered a promotion, she will refuse in order to remain a practitioner.
Mary is the standard of sacrifice. Masha will always live only for people, animals, the planet as a whole. The vibration of this name carries such a powerful charge of love that sometimes it becomes uncomfortable. But there are nuances. If education is released on the brakes, then the output will be a very unsightly character. Maria can become a mentor and dictator. After all, everyone knows, Mary Ivanna Mary Ivanne - strife. But a competent approach to a girl will help to nurture an incredible personality who will find the strength to warm anyone.
Zarina is a great volunteer. Since childhood, he strives to guide everyone on the right path. The wisdom of this child sometimes frightens the parents. She knows how to explain a lot and show other facets of the situation, bewildering the environment. Often Zarina chooses the legal profession, psychology, becomes a social worker or social educator. Moreover, he easily agrees to provide his services free of charge. But on the other hand, such a specialist is passed from hand to hand, so there is no end to wealthy clients either.
It is difficult for a tiger girl to find a name. After all, it should combine both feline tenderness and the strength of an experienced, formidable predator. Suitable names are those that sound harsh in their full version, have a lot of "growling" combinations, but in the diminutive - soft and tender. In any case, it is important to remember that the name is just a way of addressing, and most importantly, to love your child.