Applications of the Tiger in kindergarten: New Year's symbol 2022

The new year 2022, which will be held under the auspices of the Blue Water Tiger, is a good reason to better acquaint children with the beautiful and graceful representative of the wild. The Tiger applique is one of the creative ways of such an acquaintance. What can be used to make such crafts and what techniques are used will be discussed further.

Applique tools and materials

What tools are needed in the process of creating a tiger applique will directly depend on what it will be made of. For this type of applied art, you can use the following materials:

  1. Paper is the most popular material because it allows you to create beautiful three-dimensional and two-dimensional appliqués using a variety of techniques. For work, multi-colored paper of different densities and textures (for example, corrugated, wrapping, napkins, colored for origami) is suitable.
  2. Fabric - applications made from it belong to one of the types of embroidery. This type of creativity is suitable for children of middle and senior school age. The technology for working with this material consists in sewing on or gluing individual elements onto a fabric base. Thus, you can not only create paintings, but also decorate interior items (for example, sofa cushions) and clothes.
  3. Felt - combines the properties of paper and fabric, it can be used for appliqués, both on paper and fabric or felt, by gluing or sewing on individual parts. The variety of colors allows you to create bright colorful felt crafts.
  4. Groats - lentils, buckwheat, rice, millet and other types of cereals can become a beautiful picture depicting the symbol of the year. To create it on a sheet of thick cardboard, you need to draw a Tiger, and then pour cereals of the corresponding color on the parts of the picture greased with glue.
  5. Natural materials - straw, dried leaves and flowers, acorns, chestnuts, shells and cones on cold winter evenings can turn into a real treasure for children and their parents, because they can be used to make beautiful applique crafts in the form of a Tiger.

In addition to the material for the base and individual details of the Tiger image, you will also need:

  • scissors to cut applique elements;
  • glue for gluing to the base - PVA or a pencil for working out of paper and "Dragon" polymer glue or a hot glue gun for other materials;
  • threads and a needle - if the details are sewn to the base.

If the applique will be done as a craft for a kindergarten or school (for example, to participate in a competition), then you should take care of its design by purchasing or making a frame suitable for the picture.

Popular applique techniques

Since most often such Tiger crafts are made of paper, there are more techniques for its use. Consider the most popular ones that will interest children of different ages:

  1. Tear applique - the image of the Tiger can be created from small pieces of colored paper, torn by hands. For older children, instead of scissors, you can also propose to cut off the parts of the craft along the contour with your hands. This is a more sophisticated version of the breaking technique.
  2. Silhouette applique - its essence consists in superimposing the cut out silhouette on the base pasted over with colored paper. The tiger will turn out if the base is filled with strips of multi-colored paper to imitate the striped color of this wild cat.
  3. Modular application - well develops imagination and spatial thinking, since the picture must be composed of the same figures-modules. For example, the symbol for the year can be made from orange and dark brown hearts.
  4. Applique applique - the conceived image of the Tiger is divided into parts, which are glued on top of each other in layers, while the higher the part, the smaller it is. To add volume to the work, parts can be glued to thick adhesive tape or there is a layer of thin foam between them.
  1. Collage - composing an image from different textures or using different techniques using the same material.

Other materials can be used in paper appliqués, for example, fabric, rhinestones, buttons, ready-made eyes, and more. This will add uniqueness and personality to the Tiger.

Applique ideas for inspiration

An applique in the form of a tiger can be obtained if we take as a basis the master class of crafts in the shape of a cat, only adding characteristic stripes to the animal's skin. Examples of finished works and templates for cutting, collected below, will tell you how to do this.

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