Clinical examination 2022: what years of birth are included, what is included

The medical examination in 2022 will continue according to plan, so you need to know which years of birth are covered by the free program and how often people of different ages need to undergo medical examination.

Features of undergoing medical examination

Clinical examination is a set of measures, which includes various methods of examination in order to assess the state of health of the population and prevent diseases.

After the examination, the patients are assigned a health group and, if necessary, the person is registered. Medical examination is carried out according to the legislation at different times for certain categories of citizens.

The implementation of medical examination is regulated by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1391-r dated 06/27/19 and the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 124-n dated 03/13/19. These regulatory documents determine the plan for the medical examination and what years of birth pass at what time.

The examination is free of charge. It is important to understand that this is in the best interests of every person. After all, identifying health problems at an early stage is the key to a successful recovery. Most diseases at an early stage are easily treatable.

Medical examination is a voluntary event. There is no punishment for evading a medical examination.

Who needs medical examination?

Individuals who have reached the age of 18 undergo medical examination or screening. This applies to the entire population, regardless of employment: study or work. In 2022, the survey will be required for those whose year of birth is shown in the table below.

Table: which years of birth are included in the medical examination in 2022

Year of birth




















Periodicity for children

For children, a separate schedule has been drawn up for scheduled preventive examinations:



0-12 months

Once a month

1-2 years

Every 3 months

2-3 years

Every 6 months

from 4 years old

Once a year

Extended medical examinations and tests are carried out upon admission to kindergarten and school, as well as at the age of 14-17.

Periodicity for adults

Previously, the entire population of the Russian Federation, upon reaching the age of 18, was examined every three years. But since 2019, the situation has changed:

  • persons 18-39 years old are screened every 3 years;
  • persons over 40 years old - annually.

There are separate categories that are examined annually:

  • participants of the Second World War;
  • invalids of military operations and the Second World War, residents of besieged Leningrad and other persons with disabilities;
  • persons who have 5 years left before retirement;
  • working pensioners who have retired due to the length of service.

To determine if you need to be tested this year, divide the age by 3. If you get a whole number without a remainder, then yes, you do. Let's say 39: 3 = 13.

The calculations take into account the year of birth, not the entire date. For example, if a person was born on 11/26/1992, then he undergoes medical examination in 2022 in any month, without waiting for November.

If a person last year for some reason did not pass the examination, although she should have, then she has the opportunity to apply and undergo a medical examination for free in 2022, although this is not her term.

Conditions for conducting medical examination according to the law

The norms for a massive free medical examination are the same for all regions of the Russian Federation. Throughout the country, there will be no difference in which year of birth is participating in the program and which surveys are required. The conditions for undergoing medical examination may differ.

It is more convenient for many organizations to conclude contracts with medical institutions and form a schedule of medical examination of employees. This ensures a continuous workflow.

Also, scheduling is practiced in a number of large cities for an even distribution of the population throughout the year.A local therapist who serves a particular area is responsible for organizing preventive examinations. He deals with:

  • informing people about the work schedule of the medical institution;
  • examination of patients;
  • referral for additional examinations if necessary;
  • determination of the health group based on the results of the examination;
  • registration.

Those who work are given a paid weekend to be screened. Young people are given one day, while people of pre-retirement and retirement age are given two days. If for some reason the employee did not have time to go through all the doctors, then he is additionally given a day off, but already unpaid.

What does a preventive examination include?

So, what is included in the prophylactic examination? It includes two stages. The patient is offered to visit such specialists:

  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist.

The first stage of the survey is mandatory for all citizens. And the need to go through the second stage depends on the identified problems and the need for further examinations to assign a particular health group.

Stages of medical examination 2022

Various diagnostic methods are available for the surveyed, and the process itself is divided into stages:

  • scheduled screening (take into account the year and health status);
  • additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis.

First, the existing diseases are identified and the factors that can later provoke the disease in the subject are determined. At the initial examination, a questionnaire is conducted, the main indicators are measured: pressure, height and weight, waist volume.

Directions for research are issued:

  • cholesterol levels;
  • blood glucose levels;
  • fluorography.

Women undergo a gynecological examination.

Starting from the age of 35-40 years, the number of examinations increases:

  1. ECG.
  2. Mammologist (for women).
  3. General blood analysis.
  4. Intraocular pressure.
  5. Fecal occult blood test.
  6. EGDS (endoscopic examination).
  7. Examination by a neurologist.

If during a routine examination, any problems were identified, then the doctor prescribes additional studies and examinations from narrow specialists.

As part of the second stage, patients pass or pass:

  1. Blood for glycated hemoglobin.
  2. Lipogram (lipid spectral analysis of blood).
  3. EFGS.
  4. Scanning of the arteries.
  5. Blood chemistry.
  6. Ultrasound of internal organs.
  7. Examination by a neurologist, cardiologist, surgeon, urologist, proctologist, gastroenterologist.

Health groups after medical examination

Health group is a conditional characteristic of a person's health status. The following classification of groups is used:

Group no.






No chronic diseases identified, but there are risk factors These factors include: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol levels, obesity, the presence of drugs in the blood


Chronic diseases identified The examinee needs constant medical supervision


Acute disease The examinee needs help in a medical facility

Upon completion of the screening and taking into account the health group, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment or put on a dispensary record. Dispensary registration implies a systematic visit to the clinic. How often you need to visit the clinic is determined by the doctor. This applies to individuals with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other important systems.

Despite the fact that mass medical examinations of citizens help the early diagnosis of diseases and the detection of weaknesses in the body, not all methods used bring unequivocal benefits and give the result that was expected.

Among the main disadvantages of general screening are errors in diagnosis, due to which the wrong opinion is formed that a person is completely healthy.Because of this problem, special requirements are imposed on clinical examination, often overstated, but this is to minimize the risks of misdiagnosis.

Medical examination 2022 will be carried out for adult citizens of a certain age. No innovations are expected, everything will go on as before. General screening is carried out for the early detection of diseases and a general assessment of the state of health of citizens.

A medical examination must be done to make sure that nothing threatens your health and there is no reason for concern. And if problems are found, then it will be possible to solve them in time. Better to prevent serious consequences before it's too late!

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