Predictions of psychics for 2022 are interesting to many. Man is naturally curious. The future excites and attracts, I want to know what awaits us. Therefore, the predictions of ancient and modern psychics are so attracting attention. You will find some predictions from the strongest psychics below.
Predictions of Nostradamus
The prophecies of the French astrologer have been stirring people around the world for centuries. Many predictions came true during the life of the great philosopher. The Oracle encrypted the predictions in verse, spanning a period of 2,240 years. Something has already happened to humanity, but something has yet to come true. Nostradamus called the XXI century a time of cardinal changes, when the usual way of life changes, a new order is formed, the usual patterns will collapse. The end of the world should not be taken literally, rather, it is just the end of the old time and the beginning of a new period.
In the poems of Nostradamus, there are references to natural disasters. He says that humans will have to acknowledge the power of nature and reflect on their misbehavior towards ecology. In the near future, according to the forecasts of the oracle, the situation will only escalate. Therefore, instead of relaxing, it is better to prepare for various climatic surprises.
According to the predictions of Nostradamus, in the 21st century, humanity will face new deadly diseases and epidemics. The oracle emphasized that the emergence of new viruses will be the result of the invention of bacteriological weapons. The prophet also celebrates the emergence of a new dangerous virus that will quickly spread throughout the planet. The source of the virus, Nostradamus named one of the eastern countries.
The forecast for 2022 is disappointing. The Oracle foresaw the outbreak of a major military conflict involving many countries.
According to the predictions of Nostradamus, 2022-2041 - the last period when there is a likelihood of a global armed conflict in history. The cause of the conflict will be the Muslims who have flooded Europe. But the conflict can be settled.
There is a quatrain where the oracle says that after a big armed conflict, two countries will win - China and India. It is believed that a blow to the West should be expected from China. And the reason for the war lies in the rivalry between the United States and China.
The seer devoted many of his predictions to the east, in particular to China. For example, he said that in 2022 China will become the leader of world politics. Chinese immigrants will be ambitious new leaders who will be in power and worshiped.
Nostradamus told and what awaits Russia. According to him, this year will be calm for Russia in comparison with the previous ones, when there was a time of discontent and unrest in the country. The Russian Federation will take the position of a referee in the confrontation between the United States and China. The Russian ruler will face a fateful choice.
In poems, Nostradamus encrypted the prophecies in a very allegorical way. His works are the basis for reasoning and his own conclusions. The oracle's predictions were a revelation for mankind several centuries ago, and they remain a revelation for many peoples and countries now.
Wanga's predictions
The Bulgarian clairvoyant has left many mysterious, gloomy and contradictory predictions for 2022. Vanga paid a lot of attention to Russia in her prophecies.
The seer often made shocking predictions, which, fortunately, did not come true. Among them: the war between Russia and China in 2007 or the beginning of the Third World War in 2010. Despite the miscalculations, according to statistics, more than half of her predictions have already come true. Among them: the tragic death of Princess Diana and the terrorist attack in the United States on September 11.
In fact, Vanga rarely spoke directly.Almost all of her predictions become clear after the event has occurred. Then the puzzles are added and it becomes clear what the seer meant.
The soothsayer predicted the collapse of the USSR and the victory in the elections in 2000 for Vladimir Putin.
About 2022, Wanga said that the number of countries will decrease. Perhaps the soothsayer was referring to the flow of emigrants. Vanga believed that the Russians would have to save the inhabitants of other countries from natural disasters and other problems.
The clairvoyant spoke about conflicts that would lead to the division of the Russian Federation into separate countries. Moscow will cease to be the capital. The Urals and Siberia will secede.
Wang did not mention the end of the world, but her predictions were sad. She emphasized the likelihood of environmental disasters and new diseases for which no cure has yet been invented. For the world in 2022, Wanga predicted that China will become the new world power.
Matrona of Moscow
The predictions of Saint Matrona are revered by contemporaries and clergymen. She is often compared to Wanga, since Matrona was also blind. But the church did not recognize Wang, and Matrona is worshiped by parishioners in the main church of the saint in Moscow. Matrona's predictions had a unique style. She talked about significant events affecting the future. Matrona voiced visions that help ordinary people and bring healing. Although they did not immediately trust the fortuneteller.
Basically, the prophecies of Matrona concerned Russia. She predicted a crisis in the economic and social spheres. Many of Matrona's predictions coincide with the words of Vanga, but the dates are different. Matrona promised the end of the crisis period for Russia from 2020 to 2025. She believed that a decisive moment had begun for the Russian people. There will be losses, but without this there is no purification of the mind and soul. The seer believed that the struggle for her own freedom would finally bear fruit. the country will regain greatness and become an invincible power. Matrona advised people to turn their faces to the Lord, then no enemies would be afraid.
The saint also had predictions for Ukraine. Matrona felt a strong connection between the two neighboring states. She believed that these countries should not be in conflict and should live in peace. In 2022, the saint predicted difficult times for Ukraine, the Ukrainian people will have to suffer, they will face losses and depletion of resources. Matrona also mentioned Donbass. She called this territory a reflection of the country's internal destruction. The seer assured that the threat would not come from a neighboring country, but from the unwillingness of the Ukrainians themselves to take responsibility for their actions and take responsibility. She predicted that Ukraine would be restored after a leader who believes in God is in power.
Matrona also had visions about Belarus. She said that the country would drown in blood. The saint saw that the revolution would lead to massacres and take many lives. Coping with a complex economic crisis will not be easy.
The prediction of the Iranian prophet Salman Salehigudarza
An elder from Iran predicted a way out of the crisis for Russia. He assured that the Russian people will survive all the trials with dignity. He saw an invisible dome protecting the country from problems. The seer believed that the country would reach greatness in 2022. From this time on, a new period in history will begin, a sharp leap in the development of the country will take place. The elder predicted that immigrants would return to the country and, in general, the number of those who wanted to live in the Russian Federation would greatly increase. Other states will envy Russia.
The Prophet assured that there will be no more poor and hard work, people will not need anything and will be able to do what they want. But the elder warned that the rise would take place only after a series of tests. First, the state will have to cope with natural disasters and something terrible from China.
Prophecies of the holy elders about Russia
Seraphim of Sarov, Nektariy Optinsky, Nil Myrrh-streaming, Stefan Karulsky, Paisy Svyatorets are elders known not only for their amazing lives, but also for their truthful predictions. They baffled their contemporaries, and only now it becomes clear what they meant.
Elder Aristokles predicted a threat from China that could take over the planet and destroy the whole world. If earlier this prediction seemed fantastic, then after COVID-19 the prophecy looks real. In the future, Aristokles still saw salvation for Russia, which will be reborn and become the center of the world. But before that, all states will turn their backs on Russia, the rulers will leave, and people will turn to God.
Believers often refer to the prophecies of Seraphim of Sarov. He said that the villains will be in power, but then a terrible disease will fall on the main villain and the destructive plans will not be allowed to come true. Perhaps these words were about the Bolsheviks. He also had prophecies about the "last days" or the end of the world. The elder predicted that before the end of the world the country would unite with other lands and Slavic peoples. He prophesied the emergence of an invincible all-Russian kingdom.
The holy Elder Nektarios of Optina had a dream in which the date of the end of the world came to him. In a dream he saw the apostle Peter and Jesus. Peter asked the Son of God when the torment for the people would end. To which he received the answer that until the 22nd year. Just 2022 is ahead and it can be assumed that the prediction may come true.
Paisiy Svyatorets predicted a redivision of the world. He said that the countries would occupy Turkey, and the Chinese would reach Jerusalem.
Predictions from participants in the "Battle of Psychics"
The show "Battle of Psychics" has been popular with viewers for several years. Many magicians have an unusual gif.webpt and can look into the future. Often from the participants in the "Battle of Psychics" you can hear interesting predictions about Russia and the world as a whole.
One of the most famous winners of the show, Alexander Litvin, suggested that 2022 will be a difficult year for Russia, as it will be full of various problems and trials. There will be fundamental changes in the government: new faces will appear on the political scene. The people will witness a serious struggle for sales markets.
Fatima Khadueva is confident that despite all the problems, the country will withstand the tests with dignity and prove its greatness and power to the whole world. People from the periphery will no longer go to Moscow. Regions will begin to develop actively: everyone will strive for money and success there. There will be wars in Europe that will bring grief and many lost lives. Nevertheless, the psychic emphasizes that the Third World War will not happen.
Julia Wang predicts absolute economic stagnation in Russia. Popular discontent will lead to fierce enmity between the center and the regions. The current government will undergo cardinal changes. A complete change of power is possible. But the arrival of new people will not be welcomed by everyone. By the end of 2022, the country will be on the brink of civil war.
Mehdi Wafa sees the picture more optimistically. He assures that success and prosperity await Russia in 2022. A new life will start unexpectedly and last for a long time. America will lose its position as a world leader. The Russian Federation should look for allies in the east, in particular, stick to the PRC.
Khayal Alekperov commented on the situation in Ukraine. He is sure that all the worst has already happened there and will not get worse. At the same time, one cannot count on a quick resolution of the conflict. Relations between Ukraine and Russia will gradually improve. In addition, he said that large-scale climatic cataclysms are possible.
Rubina Tsybulskaya says the escalation will end and the conflict in eastern Ukraine will subside at the end of 2022.
Psychic predictions for 2022 are very different from each other. Which of this will come true - only time will tell. Predicting the future cannot be called 100% true.Prophecy should be viewed as a way of showing people what can happen if humanity does not begin to live consciously.