Poems for March 8 to mom: short and long, funny and beautiful, from daughter and son

March 8 is a wonderful spring holiday when men and boys congratulate their grandmothers, sisters, daughters and, of course, mothers. Beloved mother wants to say the kindest, sincere words, because this is the closest, dearest person. She loves her children so disinterestedly, tenderly, anxiously, as no one will ever love. For every mother, the best gif.webpt for March 8 will be sincere poems from children.

Long beautiful poems for mom

Beautiful poems for mom on March 8:

Mom - how much tenderness and affection there is in this word.
As a child, she reads us fairy tales,
The blanket sticks in at night,
He forgives all insults to his children.
Loves with all his heart, with an open soul,
Always looks at children with warmth.
If necessary, he gives his life for the children,
She is always waiting for her sons and daughters at home.
Mothers are our wings behind our backs
Children are always supported by the mountain.
Be happy, family, do not be sad,
Live for yourself at least a little.

You stood by the crib at night, did not sleep,
When I screamed as a child.
I was carried in my arms
And you only dreamed about dreams.
When I grew up a little
And briskly began to stomp,
Followed me on his heels
She did not leave on business.
When I was naughty a little
You didn't look down on you.
You were always with me only next to me
She took care of me from troubles and worries.
Mommy, dear, I congratulate you,
I wish only the best in my life.
I'm happy that you are like this
Caring, sensitive, dear.
I pray for one thing, never hurt
After all, you are a kind angel for us children.

You braided my hair long
She sang songs to me, played with me
I always read fairy tales to me at night,
Protected the peace of mind.
How much soul you put into me
How, mummy, to thank?
She loved me with all my soul, with all my heart,
She taught to love openly as well.
I used to live and did not understand
How can you give so much warmth?
And only when she became a mother herself,
I finally understood everything.
You are our sun, our joy,
The best mom and grandmother ever.
We don't need anything in this life,
If only the children were healthy.
If only our mothers do not get sick,
We enjoyed life and comfort,
Were young longer, did not grow old,
We were there at any moment.

Short poems for March 8

You can read or send by SMS short quatrains. The main thing is that the words come from the very heart, with love and tenderness to a loved one.

My dear mother,
I love you very much.
Congratulations on March 8,
I wish you happiness, joy.

Mommy, live without troubles,
Preferably up to a hundred years.
May everything work out for you
All dreams always come true.

You're the best in the world,
Children adore you
And daddy adores you
The family wishes you happiness.

We want to give you flowers
You deserve the best bouquet
As a symbol of female beauty,
After all, there is no better than you in the world.

Poems for mom from March 8 for kindergarten and school

In kindergarten for International Women's Day, kids learn poetry for grandmothers and mothers. It is so touching when little daughters and sons diligently and with expression read quatrains for their mothers.

Poems for the matinee:

I love my mom
I'll give her flowers.
Happy holiday mommy,
I will kiss her tightly.

My mom is just class
She loves us very much.
We will give her a bouquet
There is no better mother than ours.

I'm in a hurry to see my mom
To congratulate on Women's Day.
She is the best in the world
We take care of mummy.

We help around the house
And we will always deliver your purchases.
We adore mummy
Congratulations on Women's Day.

Mom I am a flower
I will give you from paper
Because mommy
I love mine.

I found a snowdrop in a clearing
I'll take it to my beloved mother.
May mom rejoice in the flower
Then I will collect a whole bouquet.

It is still cold, there is no sun,
I'll take paints and paint summer.
I'll give my picture to my mom,
I love and appreciate you, Mom.

The school also hosts festive concerts dedicated to mothers in honor of March 8. Students read congratulatory poems, sing songs, show scenes, give gif.webpts and flowers to mothers and grandmothers.

Scene in poetic form

An example of a scene about moms that can be shown at a school concert.

There is a cradle on the stage, a loud crying of a baby sounds. A schoolgirl, disguised as a mother, rocks the cradle, straightening her hair.


Sleep, sleep, dear son,
I will always be with you.
Don't cry, good, calm down,
Darling, don't be afraid of anything.
For three days I have no sleep
And it's spring outside.
Nothing, you grow up
And you will go for a walk with me.

Next scene: a little boy walks next to his mother by the hand.


Buy me this car, mom!


Son, don't be so stubborn.
We just bought you a car yesterday.


I want this! Have you forgotten?

Falls to the floor, begins to thrash hysterically.

Mom (sighs):

Okay, I can do without a raincoat,
After all, it's warm outside and spring.
Let's go, son, to buy a car,
And together we will play with you.

On stage, a teenager sits with a laptop.


Son, it's time to learn lessons,
You need to get education.


Mom, you always worry about me
I'll figure it out myself, because I'm already an adult.


It's time for you to put the computer down
You need to forget about games for a while.
It's so important in life to achieve everything
And it can be so hard.

The son sighs and sits down at the textbooks.

Next scene: an adult son in a suit comes to his mother with flowers.


Mom, I congratulate you on March 8,
You gave me so much.
I wish you peace of mind
After all, you lived only for me.


Son, dear, it's so important to me
To make everything work out for you.
Be brave, kind, sensitive, courageous,
To make it work for you.

Next scene: a son with a pram comes to his mother.


So you quietly became a grandmother,
The years go by so fast.
How tired you were with me
I wish I could go back.
I would behave very differently
I would be sorry for you,
Only now, when he himself became a dad,
Just now I have grown wiser.


Son, I raised you with love,
After all, mothers live for children.
If only health does not fail,
Let the grandson nurse as soon as possible!

Look at the video for a few more cool scenes for mom:

Song for mom

Song-alteration on March 8 for mom (to the tune of the lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping"):

Tired girls are sleeping, dads are sleeping
Sons sniffing on the sidelines, dreaming.
Only mothers are next to us
Straighten the blankets
Mom, rest

You didn't sit down all day
There are plenty of things to do.
You did so much
Does not matter.
Cooked, cleaned
She washed our things
Mom, rest

Mom, dear mom,
Fall asleep
You are very tired, we know
We need to pity you
After all, you are always with us,
Mom, rest.

Another popular remake song for March 8 for mom:

Touching wishes to tears in verse

Any mother will be pleased when her own little man utters beautiful and touching words for the holiday.

How many tears have you shed, dear,
How much effort has been spent.
You love me more than life, I know
Even though I didn't appreciate it.
I got older and realized I was closer
For me, there is no man.
Be happy, dear mother,
Live without tears and grief for many years.

Our mothers are like buttons, we all hold on to them,
We love them with all our hearts.
It happens that we are angry with mothers or we are angry,
Let's go dear another.
But we always return home
To our mothers under the wing.
We hug them tightly and apologize
And they forgive us easily.

Congratulations, mom, on your holiday,
We, children, often offend, do not know what we are doing.
Forgive us, dear, do not be offended,
Always stay beautiful and happy!
May there be a festive light in your heart
There is no one closer to you for us.

You are the whole universe, an example of kindness,
I wish you love, beauty.
Always stay the same sweet
Do not be sad and smile more often.

Cool and unusual poems from March 8

Sometimes mommy wants to surprise, please, make laugh. Then funny and original poems will do:

I want to congratulate mom
Happy International Women's Day.
Yes, I can be stubborn
Houses are sometimes a madhouse.
I throw all the toys
I don’t want to dress.
I throw pillows at you
I scream at you loudly.
But you take me by hand
Do not take offense at all
Sing a lullaby
You smile sweetly.
And I become obedient
I hug my mom
I'm not afraid of terrible monsters,
I am the most courageous!

Dad and I decided to cook dinner
After all, today is my mother's day.
First, we need a recipe,
And also drive away our laziness.
What are we going to cook, dad?
Maybe dumplings, manti?
Pie, casserole, lasagne?
Let's buy some flowers.
But daddy said: “No, what are you,
We will give flowers
It's time for us to take a little care
In turn, manifest. "
I tried very hard in the kitchen
I studied the recipes,
But something didn't work out,
Apparently there is little practice.
We'd rather order pizza,
Let's please our mom.
We need to learn to cook
In the meantime, let's wash the pots.

Poems to beloved mom from daughter

Mothers have a special relationship with girls, because it's so great when you can choose dresses together, braid pigtails, play with dolls. For every woman, a daughter is a little princess who will hug, kiss, give so much tenderness and affection. When daughters grow up, they become best friends with their mothers, and there is nothing more important than warm, sincere relationships.

Mothers are so pleased to hear from their daughter on March 8 the words of congratulations and the most sincere wishes:

Let's sit with you in silence
We remember our best years.
You know, mom, how ashamed I can be
That I am often stubborn.
Moms will always give everything
To make their daughters happy.
I'm so glad that they always wait for me at home,
And I've always been loved here.

Mommy beloved, I congratulate you,
I wish you only good.
Live, dear, and enjoy life,
Forgive me for everything and do not be offended.
I try my best to be
Just like you, love.
I dream of becoming a mother just like you,
And I wish you to dream more often.

Today, mommy, is a spring holiday,
And this sunny day is wonderful
I wish you always remain
Do not know grief and smile.
Pamper yourself, enjoy the spring,
And I will always be by your side.

Poems to mom on March 8 from son

Sons are the support, support, pride of every woman. All mothers want their boys to grow up to be real men who value and respect women, do not throw words to the wind, always act honestly, according to their conscience.

Congratulations from your son on March 8:

Mom, dear mom,
I'm sorry that I was stubborn
I often tormented your soul
Sometimes I didn't listen to you at all.
I have become more mature and wiser
And I realized that you are not relatives.
Live, dear, up to a hundred years old,
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles.

Spring day, there is no cold outside the window,
The rays of the sun begin to shine.
I need the best gif.webpt
To give it to my mother.
I'll take colored pencils
And I'll draw a picture for mom,
The gif.webpt will come from the heart,
Because I love my mother.

Dad gave mom
A large bunch of flowers.
I saved money for a long time,
To buy gif.webpts.
I'll give my mom a cake
Delicious and big
So that we eat it
For a holiday with the whole family.

How to originally congratulate mom on March 8?

For a holiday, you can simply give a gif.webpt with congratulatory words, of course, mom will be pleased. But, in order to surprise mommy on March 8, prepare a surprise for her and original congratulations on the holiday.

How can I do that:

  1. Adult children can invite their parents to dinner at the restaurant. Only this must be done so that the mother does not guess that she will have an unforgettable pastime with her family in a pleasant place. Invite your mom to take a walk in the evening city and, as if by chance, go to a restaurant where all family members will already be waiting for you. This will be a pleasant surprise for mom.
  2. Make your mom coffee, bring it to bed, and put a greeting card and a gif.webpt on the breakfast table.
  3. Let a bunch of colored helium balloons float into my mother's room on the morning of March 8, to which a box with a gif.webpt will be tied.
  4. Write a song for Mom and perform at the gala dinner. You can pre-mount a small video greeting or arrange a display of family photos.

Postcards with verses for March 8

Adult children often live far from their parental home, but congratulations on March 8 can be sent by e-mail. Choose any postcard you like on our website, download it with the right mouse button to your desktop or to a separate folder on your computer, and then send touching and tender congratulations to mummies.

Mom is the closest person who deserves the most sincere, warm words not only on March 8, but every day. Please them with touching verses, because children so rarely tell their mothers how much they love them.

Video congratulations on March 8 for mom

Postcards, flash mobs, performance songs in video format will really please your beloved mom.

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