The summer solstice in 2022 is the longest day of the year. The length of daylight hours has an impact on people's lives, although they do not always notice it. Nevertheless, the health, immunity, mood and mental state of a person depend on the length of time when the sun is above the horizon.
When is the summer solstice in 2022?
On the day of the summer solstice, the sun at noon rises to its maximum height relative to the horizon, and daylight hours lasts as long as possible. For example, in Moscow on June 21 it will be bright for 17 hours and 33 minutes, in Odessa - 15 hours 49 minutes, and in Vorkuta the sun will rise above the horizon for a month and a half: from May 30 to July 14.
In 2022, the summer solstice falls on June 21. This is considered the first day of astronomical summer in the northern hemisphere of our planet and the beginning of winter in the southern.
Benefits of solar energy
Solar energy is essential for all living things. Plants, animals and people need warmth and light to maintain life and health:
- plants convert the sun's rays into nutrients for themselves;
- reptiles and amphibians, thanks to the sun, maintain body temperature;
- in people under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for the course of vital processes in the body;
- under the sun's rays, a person's stress level decreases, mood improves, energy is added and sleep normalizes.
Sunbathing is not only beneficial but also pleasant. The main thing is to take precautions so as not to get sunburn.
Difference between equinox and solstice
The words "equinox" and "solstice" were invented by our distant ancestors, who considered the Sun to be one of the main deities. These concepts are opposite to each other: the solstice is the longest or shortest stay of the Sun above the horizon, and the equinox is the same length of light and dark parts of the day. There are two equinox days and the same number of solstices in a year.
Dates 2022
Due to the fact that not all years have the same number of days, the equinox and solstice dates are slightly shifted.
- The spring equinox in 2022 will be March 20.
- The summer solstice falls on June 21st.
- The autumnal equinox will take place on September 23rd.
- The day of the winter solstice, when the sun shines for the shortest possible period of time, falls in 2022 on December 21.
Influence on a person
The summer solstice affects human hormones. Due to the lengthening of daylight hours in the body, the following changes occur:
- the level of hormones of happiness and joy rises;
- metabolic functions are improved;
- mood improves;
- vitamin D is synthesized, which is involved in the absorption of calcium;
- fatigue decreases;
- energy is added;
- efficiency increases.
The greatest changes in their state are felt by northern people, who see very little of the sun in winter and early spring.
Celebration traditions and customs
In honor of the celebration of the summer solstice, our ancestors observed different traditions and customs:
- opened the swimming season in open sources. It was believed that from that day on, the evil spirits inhabiting the water lost their strength, so bathing became safe;
- on the shortest night, they went in search of flowering ferns. People were convinced that the one who managed to find such a plant would acquire amazing powers: he would be able to understand the language of animals, predict the future and attract good luck to himself.
- jumping over fires, according to the pagans, helped to cleanse from everything bad;
- the girls wove wreaths and launched them into the water. It was a good omen when the wreath floated far from the shore: in this case, the girl could hope to meet her betrothed in the coming year.
Folk omens
Many popular signs and superstitions were associated with the day of the summer solstice:
- meeting the sunrise on the street - to good health;
- if on the shortest night the sky is starry and clear, then this portends a warm and rainy autumn, rich in mushrooms;
- the baby born on this day has very good health;
- medicinal herbs collected on the day of the summer solstice have the most powerful effect;
- rainy weather foreshadows a cold summer and a lack of harvest;
- the marriage created at this time promises to be strong and long-lasting;
- a lot of dew - for a generous harvest, and she herself has healing properties.
The summer solstice in 2022 will take place on June 21. On this day, the Sun will rise most high above the horizon, and daylight hours will be the longest in the year. Solar energy affects the state of a person, and the more sun he manages to catch during the summer, the stronger his health will be. Some people today consider this day a holiday, observing special traditions and rituals that developed several centuries ago.