The accreditation of health workers in 2022 is a necessary event on which the literacy of health workers depends. The Ministry of Health regularly focuses on increasing qualifications. Several years ago, a new scheme was developed for assessing professional compliance. Instead of certification, they began to use accreditation. How is healthcare worker accredited? Who is obliged to pass it in 2022? We will tell you about the main news further.
New regulation of the Ministry of Health
From 2016 to 2021, we smoothly moved from certification to accreditation of medical workers. Since 2021, the issuance of certificates has been completely stopped. Now health workers need to be accredited for admission to professional activities. During certification, they took an exam, and now knowledge is assessed not only in the exam, but also with the help of a portfolio.
Certification is needed to determine whether a health worker meets the requirements that exist for a particular medical specialty. The aim is to assess the readiness of the healthcare professional to competently cope with their responsibilities. Physicians must constantly learn, develop, improve their skills, improve their skills.
According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 02.02.2021 on the specifics of accreditation during the coronavirus period, the accreditation commission can decide to carry out the first stage of the procedure remotely, as well as postpone subsequent stages to another period. Those accredited can apply online.
If a doctor has not passed certification, then they cannot dismiss him from work, but they must not be allowed to work.
Who is accredited and when
Certification is a prerequisite for admission to work in the profession. On the official website of the Methodological Center for the Accreditation of Specialists, everyone can familiarize themselves with current test assignments, for example, in the specialties "Nursing" and "General Medicine".
Specially formed commissions accredit medical workers. Who will enter them is decided by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Attestation, like certification, is carried out every 5 years. But the difference is that they prepare for it more than once every five years, and the preparation becomes an ongoing process.
According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 1043-N, in 2022 certification will be mandatory for:
- Graduates of medical schools.
- Doctors and nurses who have undergone retraining by this time.
- Graduates in all residency and internship specialties.
- Doctors who work in a narrow specialization, but do not yet have a certificate.
- Medical staff who received a diploma abroad.
Types of accreditation
There are three types:
- Primary. For graduates of educational institutions with secondary, higher or pharmaceutical education. For example, there is a professional standard for a dentist, for a pharmacist, etc.
- Primary specialized. For those who have completed the development of training programs for higher qualifications or additional retraining programs, as well as for those who received education abroad. For example, for residents.
- Periodic (repeated). For everyone else. Physicians need to constantly improve their knowledge and qualifications.
What documents need to be submitted for accreditation
The package of documents depends on who will be certified - a graduate or a medical worker.
The graduate should be provided with:
- statement;
- a copy of the identity document;
- a copy of the diploma of education;
- copy of SNILS.
For active healthcare professionals:
- certificate of completion of accreditation (or certificate);
- portfolio;
- a copy of the work book.
Stages of the accreditation exam
Certification involves a number of sequential stages. To start a new stage, you need to cope with the previous one. Changing the sequence of tasks is prohibited.
The tasks are formed based on the qualification requirements for the positions of medical personnel.
The procedure follows the following scheme:
- An application for accreditation and a package of documents are submitted.
- After 10 days, the applicant is informed of the decision of his admission or refusal.
- The exact date of accreditation is assigned.
- The applicant is being tested. It consists of 60 questions that need to be answered in an hour. It is enough to answer 70% correctly.
- Knowledge is assessed in a simulation environment. Practical tasks consist of 5 questions, which are allocated 10 minutes each.
- The last stage is solving situational tasks. There are 2 problems in total, each of them has 12 questions. You need to complete the tasks in an hour.
The commission draws up the minutes of the meeting. The document contains the results for each stage. If the exam fails, then retake is possible in 11 months. The results are published on the NMO portal in two days. Within five days, the results are sent to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and information about the health worker is entered into the federal register. The medical worker is first given an extract from the protocol, and after 30 days - a certificate of accreditation.
For periodic certification, you need to pass a portfolio assessment.
In order for certification to be successful, you will have to spend at least 145 hours on training and improving the level of knowledge. The study of continuing education programs continues continuously. It is important to accumulate points over 5 years. All health workers participate in seminars, take courses, listen to lectures in order to form a portfolio that confirms their professional achievements.
According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, those who will undergo periodic accreditation in 2022 need to score 160 ZET points on CME points, of which 144 are for training, 16 for events.
Results appeal
A person who has not passed some stage of accreditation, in order to pass it again, must submit an application to the accreditation commission with a request to re-pass within five working days after an unsuccessful attempt. If a person has not submitted an application within the prescribed timeframe, then he is recognized as a specialist who has not been accredited.
Also, a person has the right to file a complaint if he is sure that the decision of the commission was erroneous. He must do this within two days after the publication of the results of the accreditation. The Appeals Commission considers the complaint within five working days. If the decision of the accreditation commission is canceled, then the applicant can continue to undergo accreditation.
Accreditation of doctors in 2022 is a prerequisite for admission to professional medical practice. The continuous educational process allows you to regularly improve the qualifications and skills of medical personnel.