Petrov post (Petrovsky post) in 2022: what date

In 2022, Petrov Lent begins on June 20 and ends on July 11. From Monday of the week of all Saints, the fast of the Holy Apostles begins, established before the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This post is called a summer post. The continuation of the fast is different, depending on how sooner or later Easter happens.

It constantly starts on All Saints Monday and ends on July 12th. The longest Petrov fast includes six weeks, and the shortest one a week with a day. This fast was established in honor of the Holy Apostles, who by fasting and prayer were preparing for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel and preparing their successors in the work of saving ministry.

Strict fasting (dry eating) on Wednesday and Friday. On Monday you can eat hot food without oil. On other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.

Begins on Monday, 57th day after Easter (one week after Trinity), and always ends on July 11 (inclusive). In 2022, it lasts 22 days.

On Petrov Lent on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday fish is allowed, on Monday - hot food without oil, and on Wednesday and Friday - dry food.

On the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7), you can eat fish (no matter what day it falls on).

The emergence of Petrov's post

7 days after the feast of Trinity (Pentecost), the Apostolic, or Peter's, fast begins, in memory of the two most revered apostles Peter and Paul.

The establishment of Peter's fast - previously called the Pentecostal fast - dates back to the earliest times of the Orthodox Church. He was especially established when in Constantinople and Rome St. equalap. Constantine the Great (d. 337; Comm. 21 May) erected churches in honor of Sts. the supreme apostles Peter and Paul. The consecration of the Church of Constantinople took place on the day of remembrance of the apostles on June 29 (according to the old style; that is, on July 12 according to the new), and since then this day has become especially solemn both in the East and in the West. This is the day of the end of the fast. Its initial boundary is mobile: it depends on the day of the celebration of Easter; therefore, the duration of the fast varies from 6 weeks to a week and one day.

The people called the post of Petrovka simply "Petrovka" or "Petrovka-hunger strike": at the beginning of the summer there was little left of the last harvest, and the new one was still far away. But why is the post still Petrovsky? Why the Apostolic is understandable: the apostles always prepared themselves for the service by fasting and prayer (remember, when the disciples asked why they could not cast out demons, the Lord explained to them that this kind comes out only by prayer and fasting (see Mark 9, 29), and therefore the Church calls us to this summer fast, following the example of those who, having received the Holy Spirit on the day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost), “in labor and exhaustion, often in vigil, in hunger and thirst, often in fasting” (2 Cor. 11, 27) were preparing for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel, and calling the fast "Peter and Paul" is simply inconvenient - too cumbersome; it just so happens that, when naming the names of the apostles, we pronounce the name of Peter first.

Folk traditions of Petrovka

Orthodox Christians in Russia fasted according to the Church Charter, therefore, many traditions of Peter's fast were associated with cooking. The people of Petrov post were called "petrovka-hunger strike": at the beginning of summer, little was left of the last harvest, and the new one is still far away.

On Wednesdays and Fridays, summer lean dishes were prepared: okroshka, lean cabbage soup, mushroom caviar, botvinia from young greens and many other dishes.

On the holidays of Petrov Lent, the hostesses often baked special pies - fishmongers. The whole fish was baked in the dough, the pie was open.

How to observe Petrov fast

“The task of sober limitation, maintaining control over one's own consciousness and prayer life, as well as remembering that even on the beach or on the garden of the hacienda, you are a Christian, is relevant for Peter's Lent,” says Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, head of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The main thing for a believer, in his words, is "not to turn into a blot." That is, do not let passions overcome you.

“In the summertime, the intensity of liturgical life decreases, and a person simply wants to relax and rest - which is normal in itself.But so that believers do not forget that it is necessary to pray, that there is a temple and that in any pastime there should be reasonable self-restraint, ”says Father Maxim.

What you can eat and drink

Believers often ask themselves whether Peter's fast is strict or not. According to the clergy, it belongs to the category of lungs. Its charter is about the same as that of Rozhdestvensky.

“You can eat fish during this post,” Father Maxim Kozlov points out.

Orthodox Christians are advised to abstain from food of animal origin - meat, milk and eggs. They can be substituted for fruits and vegetables. And also for seafood.

On Saturday, Sunday, on the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, as well as on the feast day of the church, it is allowed to drink wine (of course, in moderation). And in the menu of many monasteries, including for pilgrims, in this summer time there is kvass, often of its own preparation.

What not to do

Some believers are not used to the comparative ease of Petrov's fast. Therefore, they, according to the priests, are trying to impose additional restrictions on themselves.

“One of the mistakes of people who have come to the Church in the last 20-30 years was an attempt to psychologically adjust themselves to this summer fast as well as to the Great one. It will not work, and there is no such task, ”says Father Maxim.

On the other hand, this does not mean that one can, for example, "revel to the point of unconsciousness." The main thing that should not be done during fasting, as on any other day, is not to forget about the Christian way of life.

During the summer period, during which the post falls, it is customary in Russia to play weddings. Hence, many ask the question - is it possible to get married before Peter's day?

According to the clergy, it is possible - only if we are talking about a trip to the registry office. But from a church point of view, a marriage at St. Peter's fast cannot be concluded. On fast days, according to the statute, the sacrament of the wedding is not performed.

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  • Lazarev Saturday in 2021
  • Trinity in 2021
  • Annunciation in 2021

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