What elections will be in 2022 in Russia - mayor, governor, municipal

“Will there be elections in 2022 in Russia?” Is a question of interest to the politically active public. The answer is yes (exceptions - a global crisis will occur, a new pandemic will not happen, etc.) The alleged events will become a really interesting sight for the public.

The minimum number of parties, unrest in the country, the global crisis and pandemic, new technologies, as well as the introduction of new laws, and the current president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, can be re-elected 2 times.

Let's understand the intricacies of the upcoming elections in Russia in 2022: who will participate, the calendar of elections in 2022, how the voting will affect the future, and why turnout is very important.

Elections innovations in 2022

Candidates and parties are now asking themselves the question: "What elections will be in 2022 in Russia?" At the moment, there are an extremely large number of laws to prevent any person from participating:

  1. Foreign Agents Act… By law, any public association that is not registered as a legal entity. person, as well as any individual. a person can be declared a foreign agent. What's bad about it? A party recognized by a foreign agent is not allowed to participate. A presidential candidate announced by a foreign agent is not admitted to attend. I think the conflict between the law and fair voting is understandable.
  2. Education Act… According to the law, any person sharing educational information outside the scope of educational activities can be condemned and fined. Of course, the law can get rid of fraudsters (bettors, information businessmen, witnesses of pseudoscience, etc.), but since its introduction, not a single person has been convicted. This is due to the fact that the law is as vague as possible and is made with one single purpose - in extreme cases, to impose a criminal record on the candidate.

There is a list of specific, not abstract and possible, innovations:

  • The CEC wants to achieve a reduction of signatures required for getting into the municipal authorities to 5%;
  • e-voting will have to extend to the entire country, and not to selected regions;
  • voting lasts 2-3 days, as many citizens found this format convenient.

New digital platform

By 2022, the CEC plans to create a new digital voting platform to replace the failed Elections platform. The purpose of creating this platform is not clear, and the criteria are vague.

There are already serious questions about the platform:

  1. Why is it impossible to complete an already working site ?;
  2. What technologies are used if nothing has changed since the creation of the previous platform ?;
  3. Sense from the platform, if the performance cannot be tested?
  4. Will it be a way to fake results?

Therefore, until at least a partially working platform is presented, it is necessary to focus on the existing platform and polling stations.

Municipal elections in Moscow in 2022

Most of the news starts with the words "the opposition is preparing for war." And it's hard to disagree with this. Current events show that some of the people in the country want a change in the governing regime. And the center of this regime is Moscow. Therefore, the main struggle will be concentrated there.

One of the main advantages for the opposition is that voting can take place entirely online. In 2018, the opposition already used online voting as an honest and incorruptible voting option. Indeed, faking such results is many times more difficult than just throwing a few ballots into a box.

But, this option will be difficult to implement for several reasons:

  • the site will be created by the CEC with the support of the Russian authorities;
  • not all people believe that the opposition is fighting for something good;
  • the opposition is going through hard times;
  • officially admitted opposition parties do not gain even 10 percent of the vote;
  • online voting is only an idea, it has not been implemented;
  • Moscow has been really developing lately, and people are noticing positive aspects.

It is also important to understand that Moscow is not the Moscow region. They play according to different rules, and if the opposition has a chance to seize some of the seats in local self-government bodies and municipalities, then in Moscow there are almost no chances.

When is the next Duma elections?

This is currently unknown. The media, based on Wikipedia and available information, claim that the main stage will take place on September 19, 2021. But in the sphere of Russian legislation, there is no clear answer to this question.

Already, 3 bills on postponement have been submitted to the State Duma. In addition, the public has many questions for the registered participants, one of which is “who do we elect in the 2022 elections in Russia in September?”.

In total, there should be 17 points in the ballots, but history tells us that only 3 parties will make it to the Duma:

  1. "United Russia".
  2. "Communist Party".
  3. "Liberal Democratic Party".

Games that can go into thought, breaking the 5% barrier:

  • "Fair Russia"
  • "Communists of Russia"
  • "Party of Pensioners".

The public is extremely negative about such results.

Why is everyone obligated to vote?

It is generally accepted in Russian society that the voting results do not decide anything, that the ballots are forged, that nothing will change. But the main reason for immutability is the deaf public and minimal knowledge of politics. It is impossible to forge votes with a high turnout.

In 2020, about 40 percent of citizens came to the referendum. In such conditions, the remaining 60 percent calmly attracted both the current authorities and the opposition.

Meanwhile, parties and candidates do not get into the Duma because they gain a few percent of the vote. This is Russian reality and a critical assumption of the legislation. Full attendance will help to avoid such a situation.

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