The topic of the transition of all schools in Russia to a five-day school week is being discussed for the first year, but in the 2021-2022 academic year, not all educational institutions in Russia will introduce a five-day period. It is worth noting that schools in the Moscow Region switched to a five-day school week back in the 2018-2019 academic year. More than 95% of schoolchildren and their parents in the region voted for this innovation.
The law determines that each educational institution has the right to independently approve its own program, curriculum and work schedule, that is, a 6-day or 5-day school week. And parents - to choose the school that they consider the most comfortable for the child's education.
Why does the school have six days
When deciding on a six-day week, the main reason is the desire to reduce the load on students, to reduce the daily number of lessons. Most often this is practiced in lyceums and gymnasiums, where the volume of the teaching load is quite impressive.
In the 90s, in most schools, a five-day period "reigned", where the compulsory school curriculum fit perfectly. It was comfortable for everyone. However, with the increase in the volume of programs, various educational institutions began to gradually increase the week at the expense of Saturday, which is not prohibited by law.
Since not all schools will have a five-day school in the 2021-2022 academic year, parents will have to choose between two possible options:
Option number 1 - send the child to school with a 5-day day (often far enough from home) and with a standard curriculum.
- Plus - the possibility of a long rest for two weekends, visiting sports sections and full-fledged family communication.
- Minus - the standard program, which will obviously not be enough for admission to a university. However, the services of a tutor have not been canceled, and you can always fruitfully work out with a private teacher on Saturday or Sunday;
Option number 2 - opt for a six-day period, with additional classes and an expanded training program.
- Plus - in-depth study of some subjects, expansion of the number of core disciplines.
- Minus - discomfort for the whole family, lack of full recovery of the child in just 1 day off and, as a result, possible psychological problems for children with a weak nervous system. In addition, even on weekends, the child is not able to have a quality rest, since part of the time is "taken away" by homework.
Matvienko raises the question again
Russian schoolchildren should be transferred to a five-day school week instead of a six-day one, said the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko on March 2.
As noted by Matvienko, it is necessary for the child to spend as much time as possible with his parents. The main task is for the child to have time for physical development, for walks, playing in the fresh air, so that, in addition to lessons, he can attend circles and develop creatively.
The question of introducing such a schedule for schoolchildren is under the jurisdiction of the regions and the schools themselves. The six-day school week remains a forced decision due to the lack of teachers and facilities.
Matvienko also cited the opinion of experts who are sounding the alarm for the overload of children at school. She expressed confidence that with a six-day school week, a student does not have time to recover in one day off.
“It seems to me that it is necessary to actively discuss the topic of the five-day sittings,” concluded Valentina Matvienko.
The initiative to transfer schoolchildren to a five-day school was also supported by the Public Chamber of Russia.
When choosing a school with a specific learning regime, parents should take into account all the nuances:
- the state of general health of the child and his nervous system;
- the need for additional subjects that the school offers;
- workload of children - music school, tutor, sports sections.
A long-term problem still remains unresolved, and in 2021-2022, the introduction of a five-day week is not expected for all schoolchildren in Russia. Discussions at all levels are ongoing. The five-day week, for which many parents, doctors, human rights activists and even parliamentarians advocate, has its supporters and opponents. The Ministry of Education believes that schools with advanced study of subjects are physically unable to "fit" a weekly program in 5 days.
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- Enrollment in grade 1 for 2021-2022
- Residency in 2021-2022
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