Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2022

Many couples, when choosing a wedding day, want this day to be special and herald a long and happy life.

How to choose a wedding date? Take advantage of the MONA Boutique Hotel wedding calendar. In it we have collected different views and opinions on how to choose a date for a wedding and not miscalculate.

Folk omens

Perhaps a wedding is a holiday that is more shrouded in secrets and superstitions than others. Folk omens recommend that future spouses pay attention to the wedding month. The most successful are February, June, August, November and December.

The happiest days of marriage, according to the folk calendar of weddings, are the seventh and twelfth, but the number 13, on the contrary, should be avoided.

There is a popular belief that if the wedding took place on an even day, then the couple will have a boy's first-born, and if on an odd day, then a girl will be born first.

Spring wedding

Spring is a beautiful time: nature is awakening, everything around is green and blooming. The marriage, concluded in the spring, promises to be anxious, tender and romantic. There will always be joy and fun in the house of the young.

Summer weddings

Summer is the most popular time for weddings in Russia. Good weather, the sun is shining, it's warm outside and greenery around - what could be better? Even the summer rain on the day of the celebration is a good omen for the spouses.

A summer wedding promises young people a joyful and prosperous life, their feelings for each other will always remain warm and anxious.

Autumn weddings

In Russia, young people played weddings, as a rule, in the fall. Because:

  • The peasants were finishing the harvest, and they could prepare treats for the guests.
  • It was believed that after the autumn wedding, the firstborn of the spouses would be born in the summer, when it is warm - this is favorable for the baby.

Of course, modern life has long been different from the life of Ancient Russia, but autumn weddings are still popular in the wedding calendar.
An autumn wedding is about bright colors, wealth and sophistication. Marriage in the fall promises the family a long and strong union, and the spouses will definitely celebrate the “golden wedding”.

Winter weddings

The second favorable period in the calendar of weddings in Russia was considered the end of winter, before the holiday of Shrovetide. The peasants believed that having married at this time, the spouses would certainly be rich and skate "like cheese in butter."

Beautiful dates

One of the wedding trends of recent years is a beautiful wedding date. Lucky sevens on 07.07.07 at one time saw a real "wedding boom". The date of three eights, which symbolizes infinity, has almost approached such a record. In 2019, brides and grooms choose “mirror” dates for their holiday, for example, 09/19/19.
Numerologists claim that your happy wedding date can be calculated. To do this, you just need to add together the number, month and year of birth of the future spouses.
Let's say the bride's birthday is 07/10/1992, the groom was born 09/21/1988.

We consider:
Bride: 1 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
Groom: 2 + 1 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 38 = 3 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
Now add these two numbers: 9 + 2 = 11
It turns out that this couple is best married on the eleventh.

Orthodox calendar

Believers believe that before choosing a wedding date, it is imperative to refer to the church wedding calendar.
According to Orthodox canons:

  • The wedding should not be played from January 1st to January 6th during the Nativity Fast.
  • You cannot appoint a wedding for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, as well as from 17 to 23 February.
  • You cannot celebrate a wedding on Easter or Annunciation.
  • In May, weddings are not held on the day of the Ascension of the Lord and on the day before the holiday.
  • They do not celebrate the wedding on Trinity, as well as Trinity Saturday, and during Peter's Lent.
  • In the first half of July until the 12th, you cannot get married in the church.
  • From August 14, you cannot marry, since the Dormition Fast begins.
  • In September, weddings are not played for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. September 21 and 27, respectively.
  • November 1 and 2 are memorial days in the Orthodox calendar, so there is no need to celebrate a wedding.

From the point of view of Orthodox traditions, the most favorable time for entering into a marriage union is the Krasnaya Gorka holiday, which takes place a week after Easter.

Moon calendar

Astrologers and experts of the lunar cycles believe that the most successful days for a wedding are the eve of the full moon - these days the energy of the Cosmos is powerful enough to hear the desires of two loving hearts. A full moon wedding promises a comfortable life for the spouses. But the new moon is a good time for those who want to radically change their lives. For example, if a couple had relationship problems before marriage, then a new moon wedding will help spouses reconsider their relationship to life together.

We bring to your attention the most favorable dates for marriage:

Moon phase date Zodiac sign
New January 2 Capricorn
First quarter January 9 Aries
Full January 18 a lion
Third quarter The 25th of January Scorpio
New 1st of February Aquarius
First quarter 8 february calf
Full 16 february a lion
Third quarter 24 February Sagittarius
New 2nd of March Fish
First quarter 10th of March Twins
Full March 18 Virgo
Third quarter March 25 Capricorn
New April 1 Aries
First quarter 9 april Cancer
Full 16 april Libra
Third quarter 23 april Aquarius
New April 30 calf
First quarter 9th May a lion
Full 16th of May Scorpio
Third quarter 22nd of May Aquarius
New May 30 Twins
First quarter June 7 Virgo
Full June 14 Sagittarius
Third quarter 21st of June Aries
New June 29 Cancer
First quarter 7 july Libra
Full July 13 Capricorn
Third quarter July 20 Aries
New July 28th a lion
First quarter 5th of August Scorpio
Full 12th of August Aquarius
Third quarter August 19 calf
New August 27 Virgo
First quarter September 3 Sagittarius
Full 10 September Fish
Third quarter September 18 Cancer
New September 26 Libra
First quarter October 3 Capricorn
Full October 9 Aries
Third quarter 17 October Cancer
New the 25th of October Scorpio
First quarter Nov. 1 Aquarius
Full November 8 calf
Third quarter November 16 a lion
New 24 november Sagittarius
First quarter November 30th Fish
Full 8 december Twins
Third quarter December 16 Virgo

Now let's decipher the data in this table:

  • New moon. This period is favorable for starting something grandiose. So why not use the energy of the Cosmos to create a strong family?
  • First quarter. This is the period when the heavenly bodies to a greater extent affect a person's life, his thoughts and the course of events. You can even say that the Moon helps to overcome difficult moments.
  • Full moon. Many consider it to be the most dangerous phase of the moon, and there is some truth in this. But from the point of view of astrologers, a full moon wedding is quite a good event, since the heavenly bodies are favorable towards lovers.
  • Last quarter. And again there is a good time, when even the stars favor the newlyweds. During this period, it is customary to put an end to the stages, that is, a wedding is a kind of end to some relationships and the beginning of new ones.

To believe or not to astrologers is everyone's personal business. If the position of the moon in the firmament does not play a decisive role, you can turn to other criteria to determine a suitable date for the wedding.

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