Enrollment in grade 1 for 2021-2022 has started in Russia, and we propose to understand in detail how to enroll a child in school, how electronic enrollment works in large cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, and what to do for parents in small regional populations points.
Main rules
Before starting the process of collecting documents, parents should know the following basic rules for enrolling a child in school in the 2021-2022 academic year:
- schools accept children aged 6.5 to 8 into grade 1 (you can send a child both earlier and later, but only by agreement with the administration of the educational institution);
- the priority right of admission is given to children of the microdistrict belonging to the school (they enter in 1 wave);
- on preferential terms, children of employees of an educational institution and younger brothers or sisters of children who are already students of the school are enrolled in the school (regardless of the region of residence) (provided they live in the same family);
- the school cannot refuse the child of its microdistrict if there are free places and the timely submission of documents;
- the school can accept children from other micro-districts (they come during the 2nd wave of enrollment);
- a school may refuse a child from another area, even if there are vacancies.
Children whose older brother / sister is studying in grade 11 in the current academic year CANNOT use the right of preferential enrollment, since at the time of the youngest child's enrollment (from July 1 to July 3), the older child will graduate from school and cease to be its student.
Those children whose older brother / sister is studying in the 9th grade in the current academic year CANNOT use the right of preferential enrollment if the brother / sister DOES NOT go to the 10th grade of this school.
Key dates
In all regions of Russia, an electronic enrollment for children who must go to grade 1 of a school in their area in the 2021-2022 academic year has been open since April 1, 2021.
- Stage 1 - admission of children from their area and privileged categories (from 04/01/21 to 06/30/21);
- Stage 2 - admission of children from other areas (from 06/06/22 to the completion of classes or until 05/09/22).
Important! Enrollment of pupils of preschool groups in the first grades of the same school will take place from December 15, 2020 by transfer at the personal request of the parents to the name of the school director. For them, registration of an application to the first class using the Official Portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow is not required, enrollment is automatic.
How to apply
You can apply in several ways:
- electronic enrollment in school for 2022-2023 through the State Services portal;
- through the MFC;
- contact the management of the educational institution directly;
- by sending an application by registered mail addressed to the director of the educational institution.
Today, electronic enrollment in school for 2021-2022 is no longer available only to residents of large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. In many regions, there are special online sites for enrollment in kindergartens and schools, or registration is organized through regional sites of State services.
If you have already chosen the school to which you will send your child in the 2021-2022 academic year, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the materials on the official website of the educational institution, which must contain information on how to enroll in grade 1 in your region.
Package of documents
For citizens of the Russian Federation:
- Child's birth certificate.
- Certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay in the territory attached to the school (forms No. 8 or No. 3) or an extract from the house book (the extract is valid for one month).
- SNILS of the child.
- Passport of one of the parents (legal representatives).
- Medical insurance policy.
- Medical certificates: (form - 086 (medical examination of the child), form - 063 (vaccinations - copy)
For foreign citizens:
- Document confirming registration in the territory assigned to the school (temporary residence permit or residence permit for the child in the territory attached to the school) 2. Birth certificate of the child (translated into Russian).
- Parent's passport (translation into Russian).
- SNILS of the child.
- Medical insurance policy.
- Medical certificates: (form - 086 (medical examination of the child), form - 063 (vaccinations - copy)
Important facts
If you want to send your child to a school in your area, then you should know that:
- if there are enough places, then everyone will be enrolled;
- the decision to accept the 1st wave is not influenced by either the status and wealth of the family, or the level of preparation of the child;
- if there are not enough places, then after 06/30/21 a blind draw will be held and those who do not receive a place in the school of their area will be able to apply during the 2nd wave.
When considering applications for the 2nd wave, educational institutions can conduct a competitive selection and refuse applicants even if there are free places in the 1st grade. That is why, even if you are not going to enter a school that is related to your neighborhood, it is better to submit documents there as well, because in this way you can get a guaranteed right to enter an educational institution.
Also see how to correctly enroll a child in school in grade 1 for 2021-2022 through the State Services portal:
Read also:
- Holidays in 2021-2022
- Trimesters at school in the 2021-2022 academic year
- OGE in 2022: compulsory subjects, changes