Brownie Day in 2024: what date, signs

In 2024 Brownie Day falls on the second Saturday of February. In Ancient Rus', the holiday was celebrated in a special way, the pagan god Veles was honored in every possible way, whose subordinates were considered “lower spirits”. Later, this tradition was reborn into a holiday, during which they treated and tried to appease the "owner of the house." If he is not treated with respect, he will turn into a villain. Then troubles cannot be avoided.

What date is Brownie Day in 2024

The Orthodox Church tried to guide Christians on the true path. But, realizing that the ancient traditions among the people are not quickly forgotten, by the days when pagan holidays were celebrated, they selected the dates of death or canonization of the associates who carried the word of God.So on the birthday of the brownie in 2024, as every year, they will honor the philosopher and educator Ephraim the Syrian, canonized as a Saint after death.

Ephraim the Syrian was not a martyr, but the church attached great importance to his ascetic labors. In them, he defended family values, wrote about morality, about how important it is to strive for spiritual ideals. In 2024, Brownie Day will be on February 10 as a day off. Therefore, you can arrange a dinner party. Evil spirits "master of the house" refers to the dark forces - prefers the same time of day. You can have fun all night, and sleep on Sunday.

History of the holiday

The Ancient God of Wisdom Veles had many hypostases and incarnations. One of them is the animal principle, because he was born into the world as the heavenly cow Zemun. In order to control everything that happens among the creatures of the forest, sea, and earthly people, he created the Velesich army.It also included the spirit of the dwelling, which, in addition to the now known name, was called: baker, domovik, homemaker, bannik.

Earlier, people walked around houses with tambourines, celebrating Velesici. Therefore, then there was another name - Kudesy, from bells.

Ephraim Sirin, who lived in the 4th century, was the first to describe the energy essence of a dwelling. He believed that every person should respect his home, protect from evil thoughts, and avoid scandals. Only then will happiness come to the family, the family will live together, and sorrows and illnesses will be bypassed. The saint explained how to behave in order not to anger the “owner”, how to please him. That you do not need to leave him money or other material values, enough attention and modest treats.

Holiday traditions

It is customary to celebrate an old folk holiday on the night of February 9-10. But it’s not customary to stay too long at dinner.The hearth keeper usually comes out of his hiding place at midnight, so it's not worth turning his celebration into something like Halloween. Before going to bed, you need to put sweets in one of the corners - better by the radiator or in the kitchen - sugar pads, cookies or candies, pour milk into a saucer.

It is advisable to add a gift to the offerings:

  1. A box made of wood or glued from postcards, and put bright buttons, beads, jewelry with shiny stones or a few small coins in it.
  2. A small cloth or plastic doll.
  3. A deck of playing cards.

To find out what gender you got home, you need to leave all the gifts at once. It is believed that if the cards are moved from their place, then the owner is a man, and when the chrysalis is a woman. The box is ajar - a married couple has settled in the dwelling, so you need to especially monitor words and deeds, take care of each other.Any quarrel, and the "keepers of the hearth" will turn into evil spirits, they will try to harm, bring trouble to the house.

Leaving gifts, you need to say several times (3 or 9) the appeal, “Master, accept with respect, an offering from me! Drink, walk, but protect my family from troubles and hardships, may good luck come! Then you should bow to the ground at least three times. One of the best gifts for a homemaker is a little kitten. After all, the cat is one of his earthly incarnations and a faithful assistant.

Signs for Brownie Day in 2024 and congratulations

The holiday is celebrated only on the territory of the former CIS, in the regions where the ancient Slavs-Russians lived - Belarus and Ukraine. It was so popular that the weather was even predicted from it. Wind in the morning - summer will be damp and rainy, frost will be hot.

Other folk omens are associated with the behavior of the housekeeper:

  1. The knock on pipes is periodically heard - households will often quarrel over trifles.
  2. It seems that someone is crying behind the wall - unfortunately.
  3. Dishes fall out of hands, constantly beating - to the fire.
  4. Waking up from the feeling that someone is pulling your hair - to serious family conflicts.
  5. A gasp is heard - to lack of money or useless spending.
  6. The cat stands on its hind legs and tries to touch the owner's hand with its front legs - to material well-being.
  7. If from February 9 to 10 someone gets sick, or something breaks, the spirit gets angry. He must be appeased, treated with something tasty.

It is not necessary to congratulate each other on a home holiday. But you can please by sending SMS, a funny picture, and give a small gift. The best options are small boxes or wallets.

Additionally, we suggest watching a cartoon about brownie Kuzya.

When creating postcards for Brownie Day in 2024, you can draw a portrait of Ephraim the Sirin in the corner. Then the congratulations will be truly original.

Small home holidays are not among the official ones, but they help to get closer to all family members. If you celebrate them annually, give small but pleasant gifts to the spirit of the house and to each other, your home will always be warm, fun and cozy.

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