Predictions of psychics for 2024 - for, literally

People always show interest in clairvoyants, mediums, psychics who can predict the future. After all, every person lives in the unknown, wanting to know what he himself, his homeland and the world as a whole have to go through. Therefore, it is already very interesting to know the predictions of psychics for 2024 - people who have repeatedly predicted high-profile events in the world with amazing accuracy.


The great clairvoyant is no longer with us, but expert records of her prophecies have been preserved for many years to come. She said that in 2024 the government will change. President Vladimir Putin will leave the post, but for what reason, did not specify.

At the same time, she noted that after a while he would return to a renewed Russia and make it even more powerful. Some experts believe that Vladimir Vladimirovich will nominate Dmitry Medvedev in his place, and then return to power again, as it was before.

Vanga also predicted a military conflict with Ukraine, which arose through the fault of the current Ukrainian ruler - the people's favorite, who sowed confusion. The statement went something like this:

A war will begin on the territory of the Black Sea country in the 21st century.

In her opinion, peace will come in 2024, when a new president will take power in Kyiv. But who it will be, the clairvoyant did not tell. Regarding the Russian Federation, Vanga said that our state would become a reliable defender and intercessor, unite the two countries.

2024 will be a turning point in history. Its strength and influence in the international arena will grow, leaving America behind. This is recognized by other states, many powers will want to actively cooperate with the Russian Federation.

Prosperity and tranquility await the country. But this will last until about 2033, when a strong warming will cover the Earth, the glaciers will begin to melt more actively, and some parts of the planet will be flooded, including territories. This will create new problems for society.

Literally, the prediction of the psychic Vanga for 2024 cannot be given, it has come down to us in a slightly modified form. Each specialist interprets her words a little differently, but the main essence remains.


Nostradamus is a respected French philosopher and soothsayer, many of whose prophecies have already come true. He predicted his own death to the hour. Hundreds of experts and people who simply believe in his insight are working on the interpretation of the words from his book.

Nostradamus said that in 2024-2025 various catastrophes would occur in the world, in particular, the Third World War would begin. The overall economy will change dramatically, influence will shift from the US to China.The UN will lose its power, another organization will provide peace instead.

There are predictions of the psychic Nostradamus for 2024 and specifically for. According to him, the authorities will strengthen their positions on the world stage, the economic condition of the state will improve significantly.

All Nostradamus' predictions are based on astrology, not on clairvoyance, as he himself pointed out in his writings.

Monk Abel

Monk Abel had the gift of clairvoyance and described various historical events in amazing detail, for example, he named the exact term of Catherine II's reign, predicted the execution of the royal family. Therefore, many listen to him.

The elder said that 2024 will be an important stage for the country, cardinal changes await. She will take a leading position in the world, will be respected and will become an unshakable player in the international arena.

Matrona of Moscow

The prophecies of the Matrona of Moscow remain relevant for believers, because she accurately predicted the tragedy of the royal family, the Great Patriotic War, economic crises. People call her Russian Vanga.

About Russia in 2024 she said:

The people are blind, people live in lies and dirt. But when they open their eyes, rebellions and outrages will begin. Citizens will be stuck in darkness for a long time, but the end will be good, victory will come.

Interpreting her words, experts say that in 2024 an economic crisis will come in the Russian Federation. This will lead to unrest in society, possible uprisings. Citizens will have to be patient, because difficulties always end, and Russia with the faithful people will become stronger and more prosperous.

She also said that during this period, almost everyone will turn away from the faith, because life will deteriorate, and you will have to choose between bread and the cross. The interpreters are sure that she meant that people would be forced to earn in dishonest ways in order to feed their families.

Inside the state, own production will appear, dependence on other countries will weaken. The Russian authorities will acquire many allies, will actively help other countries whose inhabitants have suffered from the international crisis.

Vasily Nemchin

Russian prophet Vasily Nemchin wrote down all his predictions, but then his manuscript was hidden in some archives. The popular astrologer Pavel Globa personally read it and partially remembered the prophecies.

According to Vasily's forecast, the president will change in 2024, and turmoil will begin, where numerous contenders for the throne will appear, quickly replacing each other.

But by the end of 2024, power will pass to a certain Great Potter, thanks to whom peace and material well-being will come. The new ruler will be loved by the people, so he will remain to rule until old age.

Alexander Chizhevsky's cycles

Alexander Chizhevsky is a Russian scientist who created the famous cycles of solar activity. He correlated the active position of the heavenly body with important events in history, and found a clear connection between them. Even the period of the presidency is reflected in this cycle.

According to his work, in 2020-2025 there will be a different ruler. It is impossible to give an exact date, since the cycles "float" a little in time. But if we take into account that the presidential elections will be held in 2024, then a new worthy candidate should appear just then.

Predictions of many psychics converge, which makes people believe in them even more. It remains only to wait until 2024 to find out how true the prophecies of the great psychics and astrologers are.

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