Planting zucchini for seedlings and greenhouses in 2024 - when to plant, calendar

Zucchini is an unpretentious vegetable, and among its varieties there are varieties adapted to the weather conditions of different regions. Today we’ll talk about how and when it’s better to plant zucchini, what are the features of planting seeds for seedlings, in a greenhouse and in open ground, and also what dates in 2024 will be optimal for planting.

Growing methods

Most summer residents and owners of country estates try to plant a vegetable marrow in the garden. You can grow a vegetable in many ways: using a greenhouse, a hotbed, or planting a seed simply in open ground.

Zucchini is grown in a greenhouse if the region is located in the northern latitudes, as well as in the central and southern regions for an early harvest.

The greenhouse is designed to protect young shoots from possible temperature changes at night and will be relevant for the southern and central regions.

Growing crops in open ground is also possible in many regions of the country, but in this case, sowing seeds (or planting seedlings) will have to be done much later, when the air and soil temperatures rise to optimal values (not lower than 8-10℃ in night time).

Choosing the optimal variety

First of all, you should think about how fast you would like to harvest:

SortFruit ripening dates
ultra-early28 - Day 40
early41 - Day 50
medium51 - Day 65
later100 - Day 106

It is also worth understanding the visual features of different varieties. There are white, green, yellow, pink, spotted and even striped varieties.

If you plan to plant zucchini in a greenhouse in 2024, then you should pay attention to self-pollinating varieties:

Plant typeVarieties
EarlyBeloplodny, Kavili, Waterfall, Moor, Karam, Aeronaut
MediumKuand, Mini Zucchini, Gribovsky, Jade
LatestNutty, Spaghetti Raviolo

If you plan to sow seedlings for further planting in open ground, then you should choose varieties based on the region in which the plant is to be planted:

Middle lane, UralZebra, Tsukesha, Gribovsky 37, Parthenon, Iskander, Ball, Kavili
SiberiaPolar bear, Roller, White-bearing, Pharaoh, Anchor
Southern regionsAeronaut, Skvorushka, Chaklun, Goldfish, Zukersha

Growing steps

To get a good harvest, it is important to provide the plant with the right care at each stage:

  1. seed preparation (soaking, sprouting);
  2. sowing seeds for seedlings;
  3. planting young plants in the main place of growth;
  4. plant care (watering, feeding).

Dates of sowing and planting

Every gardener knows that the zucchini planting calendar in 2024 is tied to the phases of the moon:

  • the waning moon is a great time to prepare seeds;
  • new moon is an unfavorable period for any work with seedlings;
  • the growing moon is the perfect time to sow seeds and plant seedlings in the ground;
  • full moon is a good time to control pests and weeds in the garden.

To understand when planting zucchini for seedlings and greenhouses in 2024 will be optimal, let's analyze the lunar cycle from February to July:

MonthDescendingNew MoonGrowingFull MoonDescending
February1 to 91011 to 232425 to 29
March1 to 91011 to 242526 to 31
April1 to 789 to 232425 to 30
May1 to 789 to 222324 to 31
June1 to 567 to 212223 to 30
July1 to 567 to 202122 to 31

Since not only the dates of the new moon and full moon are considered unfavorable, but also the next two days, you can make the following zucchini planting calendar:

MonthAuspicious daysBad days
February12-229-11, 23-25
March12-239-11, 24-26
April10-227-9, 23-25
May10-217-9, 22-24
June8-205-7, 21-23
July8-195-7, 20-22

Analyzing the signs of the Zodiac that are active on one or another day of the spring and summer months, it is worth remembering that planting zucchini for seedlings in 2024 will be successful if the date is under the influence of Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus or Pisces. At the same time, Capricorn and Libra are neutral Zodiacs, but Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries can negatively affect the yield.

Sowing and planting zucchini in the days of the dominance of Aquarius is strongly not recommended. According to the lunar calendar, Aquarius will be active on the following days:

MonthAquarius dates (most unfavorable)
February9, 10
March7, 8
April3, 4, 5
May1, 2, 28, 29
June24, 25
July22, 23

Ground planting by region

Because climatic spring and summer occur at different times in different regions, the question "when to plant squash" can best be answered by the weather forecast for your region.

On average, the optimal conditions for working in open ground in different latitudes occur in the following months:

RegionSowing seedlingsStarting outdoor work
Ural, SiberiamayJune

At the same time, in the south, early zucchini, which will grow and bear fruit in a heated greenhouse, are planted starting from mid-February, or early March.

Useful tips

Experienced gardeners recommend:

  • soak the seeds before sowing for 3 days in a special solution of "growth activators" ;
  • use peat pots to grow seedlings;
  • when planting seedlings, the seed is planted 2-3 cm into the ground;
  • The first top dressing for young plants is necessary approximately 7-10 days after the emergence of sprouts;
  • when planting the bushes should be placed no closer than 30 cm from each other (optimally 50-60 cm);
  • recommended row spacing - 70cm;
  • zucchini does not like acidic and heavy soils;
  • beds with zucchini should not be located in close proximity to the place where watermelons, melons, pumpkins, squash or cucumbers grow.

Important! Carefully read the information on the package of purchased seeds. Quality producers always give full information about when it is better to plant this variety, as well as what kind of care a young plant needs to achieve the most abundant and long-term fruiting.

We also invite you to share in the comments your experience of growing zucchini in a greenhouse, hotbed or on open ground, as well as varieties of crops that have proven themselves well in your home gardens in different climatic conditions.

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