Congratulations on February 14 to loved ones in poetry and prose: boyfriend, girlfriend, friends

Every year on February 14, all lovers celebrate a holiday. People give each other small valentine cards with declarations of love, exchange gif.webpts or talk about feelings for the first time. Congratulations on the beautiful holiday of February 14 can be any: in poetry or prose, the main thing is that they are made from the bottom of your heart.

Happy Valentine's Day greetings to the girl

They are especially sensitive to the love confessions of the fair sex. Try to please your beloved with heartfelt words that will prove your sincere love. Usually young people give girls postcards with ready-made printed text. But to demonstrate how strong your feelings are, you'd better come up with your own congratulations. A valentine card with a quatrain written by you, or with a list of the virtues that you value in your chosen one, will be the best gif.webpt for the holiday.

Examples of congratulations on Valentine's Day in prose:

Love is a wonderful feeling that not everyone can experience. It's so good that we met with you, because now every day I feel like the happiest on the planet.

Darling, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I bloom next to you, you are my muse, happiness, a ray of sunshine. Be always the same empathetic, understanding, quivering, and I will do my best so that you wake up with a smile every morning.

My beautiful flower, my happiness, my ray of light! I congratulate you on Valentine's Day and wish you to remain always the same sweet, kind, sensitive, because for your sake I am ready to perform any feats. Please accept my most sincere wishes, and I hope that we will live happily ever after, sharing the joys and hardships together.

I am ready to confess my feelings every day. Today is a special holiday when you want to talk about your boundless love for the most tender, fragile, ideal person. Darling, let our feelings only grow stronger over the years, and I will remain a reliable shoulder on which you can always rely in any situation. I will love you forever!

They say that two halves of one heart will someday come together. It happened when we met with you, my love. I hope no forces will destroy our union, and we will be together forever.

Voice SMS greetings for your beloved

Wishes to the guy

It is generally accepted that sincere declarations of love speak only to women. This is not true! Men, even the most brutal, devoid of romantic views, will be happy to hear warm words from their beloved women on February 14. How can you congratulate a young man:

I am infinitely happy that there is such a caring and understanding man nearby! Please me further with your actions, because I know that I am behind you like behind a stone wall. I wish you happiness, my dear, luck, success, and I will always support and help you.

Dear, dear, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I sincerely hope that our future life together will be bright and carefree. But, if you suddenly have to go through difficulties, together we will solve all the problems, because our love is capable of working miracles! You are the best, I am happy that fate gave me such a wonderful man.

I give this valentine to a person who, by his example, demonstrated how to love! You taught me to dream, showed how beautiful sunsets and sunrises can be, what happiness it is to sit under one blanket and admire the stars. I also want to give you a piece of happiness, and know that I will always be there, no matter what!

My other half! I congratulate you on our holiday! I have been looking for you for so long, waiting so long, almost losing hope that I will meet my man. But it happened, and now our future life is doomed to be the happiest. I know that our feelings will grow stronger from day to day, and nothing will darken our joint happiness. I wish you, my dear, that over the years our love becomes even stronger!

For a woman, the most important thing is to find a reliable shoulder, support and rear to feel weak and vulnerable. With you I feel like a real princess, because you are a wonderful knight who will always protect and will protect from everything bad. I love you and I will love you forever.

Voice greetings for your loved one

Valentine's Day Cards for Husband and Wife

Even after living together for a long time, married couples arrange surprises on Valentine's Day. Living together should not kill romantic relationships, so wives and husbands exchange valentines, in which they write sincere declarations of love for their spouses.

How can you congratulate your husband / wife on February 14:

I am grateful to heaven that I got such a tremulous, sensitive, loving husband. I wish you to always be as reliable and kind, because next to you I feel like the happiest woman in the world! I am happy that I got such an understanding person who always supports, sympathizes, and enjoys my achievements. Honey, I wish you happiness, because you deserve it!

Dear, caring, sensitive husband! You are the only person next to whom I can be who I am. Over the years you have lived together, you have always been there, supported in difficult times and shared the joys. You and I are two halves that are made for each other. I hope that we will live a long, happy life together, and even in old age we will love each other as we do now. I love you more than life, my only, the best man!

Beloved, only, precious wife! February 14 is another reason to thank you for being always there, supporting, helping, making you happy with your smile and beauty. There is no greater joy than to see your happy eyes, hear your laughter and admire you, beloved! Let love reign in our house every day, let our children see how dad loves mom, and mom reciprocates to dad. Be happy, dear, and I will do everything that depends on me so that your smile never leaves your face.

Darling, I congratulate you and wish you always remain the same sweet, sensitive, understanding. I feel the happiest next to you. Do not worry, do not be sad, be happy, I ask you, and I will do everything in my power to make your every day the best. I love you more and more.

Do you remember how we wanted to live together, give birth and raise children, and then die in old age one day? Now we have wonderful children, a home full of happiness and prosperity, and old age is still very far away. Let's continue to please each other, not to grieve and not be offended. Happy holiday to you, beloved husband!

Friendly wishes

Happy Valentine's Day not only congratulate the second half, but also the best friends. Those who share your sorrows and joys, are always there, support and help, will be happy to receive a valentine card with warm, sincere words.

Options for congratulating friends on the holiday:

Dear friend! Happy Valentine's Day! I wish that in life there will be one who will surround you with care, love, will cook the most delicious soup, meet in a sexy negligee and love with all her soul. Be happy, dear!

Dear friend, I want to wish you a lot of happiness, a strong family, pleasant communication with loved ones. Let every day bring happiness and joy, and let your beloved surround you with warmth and care.

Sweetheart, beloved friend! You constantly amaze with your beauty, intelligence and excellent sense of humor, although we have known each other for many years. Such an amazing person deserves the best.I wish you mutual love, a worthy man next to you, who will carry you in his arms and make you the happiest in the world. Happy Valentine's Day dear!

What do you usually want on February 14? Of course, love! Without it, our life becomes dull, boring and lonely. I wish you, my dear friend, to find personal happiness. So that mutual love will settle in your heart forever. Be happy!

Short valentines for SMS

Nowadays, more and more often loving people exchange not postcards, as was customary before, but laconic SMS messages. Of course, you can regret that handwritten paper hearts are a thing of the past. But life does not stand still and dictates its modern conditions.

If you decide to send a love confession via SMS, we offer you the following options:

I feel like a beautiful princess with you. Thank you for turning my life into the fairy tale I dreamed about!

I love you very much,
I can't eat without you, I can't sleep.
Always be with me,
Don't forget about the evening of passion.

Valentine's Day
Congratulations to you.
For a beloved man
I am grateful to fate.

I promise that I will never scold you and will always greet you with dinner. When we meet, I will hug and kiss!

On this holiday, I wish you all the best
And, of course, the mood of the most romantic.

On Valentine's Day, I wish to forget all the grievances that were between us. You are the best person in my life, I can't imagine my existence without you. Love you!

Congratulations in verse

If you know how to put words into rhymes, your loved one will be happy to receive poetic congratulations on February 14th. But do not be upset if you do not know how to write poetry. Write one of the following poems on a valentine card or email your significant other, friend, or colleague.

Happy Valentine's Day
I congratulate you.
I wish you unearthly happiness
I wish you success and joy.
And mutual love -
You won't forget this one!
Let that person meet
Who will you be happy with.

Valentine's Day
Let dreams come true
To be fulfilled today
Everything you dream of.

I love you like that
And I can't imagine it to others.
And myself in your hands
I feel happy.

Thank you, darling, that you are always near,
And support in happiness, and if trouble.
I dream with you to live up to a hundred years,
And in old age I will not love less.

The magic day of lovers has finally arrived
I've been writing these lines for you all night.
What happened, do not judge too harshly,
After all, I am not a poet, and I write only a little.
Everyone loves you, my dear, unconditionally,
But I will undoubtedly take your reciprocity.

Valentine's Day
I hurry to you with greetings,
To congratulate loving
And hug at the same time.

Regardless of which lines you write to the person you value, the main thing is that the words are sincere and come from the heart. You can design a valentine in the form of a postcard, email or SMS message.

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