Umbrella with money for a wedding: how to do it yourself

The newlyweds, parents, invited guests responsibly prepare for the wedding, because this is an important, solemn event for all those present. It is required to choose an outfit, hairstyle, makeup, as well as prepare a gif.webpt, come up with a congratulatory speech. More and more often money is given for a wedding, especially since there are many ways to present it in an unusual way. We will tell you how to make an amazing umbrella with money for a wedding, which will amaze the young and guests at the celebration.

How to make an unusual umbrella with money for the newlyweds?

Traditionally, envelopes with bills are brought to the wedding, but if it seems that such a congratulation is too boring, prepare a vivid performance with a useful gif.webpt. At weddings, an umbrella with money has recently become a fashionable presentation option. The surprise has a symbolic meaning: the accessory saves from bad weather, and the young family is under reliable protection from thunderclouds: quarrels, strife, scandals. It is believed that now the weather in the house will be sunny and favorable.

Another plus of the original umbrella - along with the money, you give the young family a necessary and useful gif.webpt. The umbrella often breaks, gets lost, is forgotten at home, so a branded item for a young family will come in handy. And the main advantage of an unusual surprise is a fascinating show that will remain in the memory of those present at the holiday: a simple handing over of money in an envelope turns into a vivid performance with the opening of an umbrella over the newlyweds under the stormy delight of the guests.

To make an original cash gif.webpt, no additional skills and a lot of time are required. First you need to decide on the amount that you will give for the wedding. Exchange big money for small money, but do not overdo it - use bills of at least 5-10 dollars or rubles in equivalent.

Money should not be dented, dirty, torn. Choose only new, beautiful pieces, because this is a gif.webpt to a young family, and it should look gorgeous. You can use different currencies: euros, dollars, Russian rubles.

If you are afraid of ruining your money, hang a fake on your umbrella: “fake” bills can be printed on a color printer. To make the gif.webpt exclusive, transfer the photos of the bride and groom to the "money". After a bright performance with a money umbrella, present the newlyweds with an envelope with real money.

What do you need?

Initially, you need to find a suitable umbrella to hide bills in it. Pay attention to important points:

  1. The accessory is designed for two, so it should be roomy.
  2. It is advisable to choose an umbrella-cane so that the bills do not wrinkle when the attribute is folded.
  3. A transparent / translucent product will not work, otherwise there will be no surprise.
  4. Coloring is also important - for a wedding, things are traditionally given in white or pastel colors, but a red umbrella also looks impressive. If you know in advance what colors will dominate the wedding, it will not be difficult to choose the right accessory. You can buy an umbrella to match the bride's bouquet.
  5. A surprise can embody the cherished dream of young people, for example, a trip to Paris. Bring an umbrella with the image of the Eiffel Tower, and inside the couple there will be a monetary surprise that can be spent on a trip to Europe.
  6. An umbrella in the shape of a heart looks unusual, and you can also make an accessory to order with the image of the newlyweds.

What materials will be needed for a gif.webpt in the form of an umbrella with money:

  • packing of colored paper clips (must match the color of the umbrella);
  • strong threads, thin ribbons, long elastic bands;
  • wedding decor: artificial flowers, small toys, hearts, bows, confetti.

How to attach bills so as not to damage?

When a suitable umbrella has been selected, the materials have been prepared, and we get to work.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a monetary surprise for a wedding:

  1. Cut the threads / ribbons of the same length - they will be needed for attaching embellished bills.

    The length should be such that when folded, money does not peep out from under the umbrella.

  2. Then you need to open the accessory and evenly tie several ribbons / threads on all knitting needles. The other end remains free for now.
  3. All decor will be attached to ribbons with paper clips, so make holes or sew on eyelets beforehand to keep the decorations well.
  4. Tie a paperclip to each free end of the ribbon / thread.
  5. Now the most painstaking work begins: you need to carefully fasten the bill to a paper clip. You can attach a small cardboard or paper heart to the money - this way the structure will hold better, and the bill will not be scratched or torn.
  6. We attach decorations to the rest of the ribbons / threads that remained free after hanging the money. The composition looks beautiful, where money evenly alternates with decorative elements.

If you will be using fake banknotes, punch a hole in each with a hole punch and attach to a ribbon / string.

Design options

Unlike cakes made from banknotes and other complex wedding designs, a money umbrella is made very simple. The money is attached with tape / paper clips to the ribbons, and additional decor will add a special charm to an unusual surprise.

What decorations will help to beautifully arrange a present:

  • hearts;
  • rings;
  • small plush toys;
  • felt figures;
  • artificial flowers;
  • bows, ribbons;
  • miniature notes with wishes.

Postcards with congratulations can be made of thick cardboard, textiles, or, if time permits, order wooden plaques with cut out commemorative inscriptions. If, when opening a wedding umbrella, a rain of rose petals or glittering confetti should "rain down" on the young, pour them inside in advance, carefully close the accessory. To prevent all the wealth from spilling out ahead of time, securely fix the base of the umbrella with a wide satin ribbon.

What are the words to congratulate the newlyweds?

Be sure to prepare your wedding greetings in advance - it can be poems or prose, the main thing is that the words are sincere, from the bottom of your heart.

What verses for the gif.webpt "Umbrella with bills" can be recited at a wedding:

We give you this wonderful gif.webpt,
To make the weather clear for you.
The sun was shining, there were no clouds,
A detachment "for some reason" was running alongside.
This difficult umbrella will protect from bad weather,
Open it soon, it will rain golden.

With these words, the newlyweds open the umbrella, and golden glitter spills out on them.

If the weather doesn't go well outside,
I wish you, friends, not to grieve about this.
There is a thunderstorm and rain outside, maybe a strong heat?
Do not forget to take this umbrella with you at all times.
And so that all dreams come true as soon as possible,
Open your umbrella now, come on, more fun!

When the young people open the accessory, a pleasant surprise awaits them - banknotes suspended on knitting needles.

A few more examples of poems that can be read when presenting a gif.webpt:

In the rain we so often feel sad and sigh
We put on the hood, walk through the puddles.
But now there is no terrible bad weather for you,
This uneasy umbrella will bring you happiness.
Flowers and many congratulations
For you today, only two.
Let you from this moment
Every moment brings joy!

Today in your life
Most important day.
And not "mine" already, but "our"
You pronounce now.
This umbrella is not easy
I give you with hope
What to love each other
You will be as before.
Understand and respect
Never offend
Don't cut for money
To live together for up to 100 years.

Congratulatory texts can be written on a beautiful handmade postcard - the products made using the scrapbooking technique look elegant.

Congratulations on your wedding day can be like this:

Dear bride and groom! From the bottom of our hearts we would like to congratulate you on an important event - the birth of a new family. Safeguard and value your feelings. Love, respect, pamper, please each other, so that your marriage grows stronger over the years, and romance never leaves your family. We wish you more vivid impressions and the warmest, sunniest and most beautiful weather in the house. And if suddenly clouds appear in the sky, open this umbrella, snuggle together tightly and remember that there is a reliable support nearby, a loved one who will support both in sorrow and in joy.

But making an original umbrella and preparing a touching congratulatory speech is not all preparation for the wedding. You need to figure out how to present a gif.webpt in an original way so that it is impressive and remembered by the newlyweds.

We offer several creative ideas:

  1. You start to make a congratulatory speech, and then robbers run up to the young. They start to shower them with a rain of sparkles and confetti. Here you present your gif.webpt to the bride and groom, they open the umbrella, and the robbers run away.
  2. You can give a surprise to a song that mentions rain. If you wish, fulfill it yourself - you will get a spectacular performance that young people will surely appreciate.
  3. Play a scene with a talisman umbrella that protected your ancestors from adversity and misfortune. When you give a gif.webpt to young people, do not forget to mention that it has miraculous properties that will take effect immediately after the accessory is opened.

A monetary gif.webpt in the form of an umbrella is an original and easy-to-make surprise that any person can handle, even if he is completely unfamiliar with needlework. Accompany the presentation of the presentation with an original performance to impress the young and cheer up the guests.

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