Holy Trinity - history and traditions of the holiday

Trinity is one of the most revered holidays of Christians around the world. It is celebrated fifty days after Easter, therefore another name for this holiday is Pentecost. In 2016, the feast of the Holy Trinity will be celebrated on June 19.

history of the holiday

In Orthodoxy, this day belongs to the twelveth holidays and glorifies the Holy Trinity. Since ancient times, the Day of Holy Pentecost has been considered the day of the founding of the Church of Christ.

For centuries, this holiday has combined joy, fun and endless love with a prayerful attitude. The feast of the Trinity is striking in its beauty. Since ancient times, the decoration of houses and churches has been decorated with greenery: fresh grass, flowers and tree branches, since green symbolizes life.

It so happened that in Russia since ancient times, birch branches have been used for decoration, so this tree has a special attitude. Many poems and songs are dedicated to him. Celebrating Trinity without a birch is like celebrating Christmas without a tree. However, the climatic conditions on the territory of our large country are far from the same, therefore, in different places, when decorating houses for the holiday, branches of rowan, maple or oak can be used.

The feast of the Trinity is filled with merriment and joy. In the morning, everyone visits the temple to participate in the festive service. She is the most solemn and beautiful on this day. As a rule, parishioners went to the service with bouquets of wild flowers and twigs of trees. The flowers were then kept behind the icons. The preserved bouquets were placed under fresh hay, in barns to scare away mice, and also in the attic to protect the house from fire. They also tried to grab the grass from the church that covered the floor.

Folk traditions associated with the day of the Holy Trinity

The people of the Trinity are very fond of, so they prepared for it in advance: they put things in order in the yard and in the house, washed and cleaned everything, baked loaves and pies, and invited guests to a festive dinner. Also, on the feast of Pentecost, it was customary to give gif.webpts and curl birch wreaths.

There are many traditions associated with the feast of the Holy Trinity. Young people staged round dances and walked in meadows and forests. On this day, the girls were in the best outfits, often specially tailored for the holiday, and took part in the "non-celebrity bride". They gathered in a grove, where they laid a tablecloth, put loaves decorated with flowers on it, and danced in circles.

At this time, the guys were choosing their brides. Getting married to Trinity was considered a good omen. They said that love, joy and wealth will accompany those who are married on this day. The tablecloth, wreaths woven for the Trinity and baked loaves played an important role in the future family life. The tablecloth was secretly laid on the table during the show, the loaf was left on crackers and protected until the wedding, and the girl's wreath was sometimes passed on to her lovers as a symbol of loyalty.

Even on Trinity, a birch tree was curled. This rite came from ancient times. Curling birch branches, the girls hoped to connect their thoughts with a guy who is dear to her heart, or wished health to their mother. Also, many folk signs are associated with this holiday, by which people guessed the weather and how good the harvest will be in the current year.

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