DIY crafts from a decorative pear: for kindergarten and school, instructions for beginners, 120 photos of unusual ideas

All parents are familiar with the situation when their child in kindergarten or in elementary grades is given the task of making a craft at home, and they want the creation to turn out no worse than others.

Of course, a parent can do everything himself neatly and beautifully, without the help of a child, but it is better to do crafts together with children in order to develop their creativity and imagination.

In the fall season, the materials for crafts are vegetables, fruits, leaves and branches. You can make of them:

  • Figures of people or cartoon characters,
  • Figures of animals and birds,
  • Paintings,
  • Flowers, trees and other plants
  • Various items - house, dishes, furniture, appliances,
  • Cars, planes and other vehicles.

Most important is fantasy.

This article will help you complete the task and offer many different options for implementing your plan.

Pear hedgehog

The first version of the craft is a pear hedgehog. Quite a simple and beautiful creation of little craftsmen.

Instead of a pear, you can take any fruit or vegetable that has a spout. Materials for a creative product:

  • Pear,
  • Cardboard,
  • Wooden toothpicks,
  • Grapes,
  • Green corrugated paper (floristic),
  • Greens,
  • Fresh flowers (chamomile),
  • Peppercorns - 2 things,
  • Universal glue,
  • The braid is green.

The scheme for creating a craft in the form of a hedgehog, or rather its stage-by-stage design:

  1. Cut a circle out of cardboard and glue it over with floristic paper. Glue the tape along the edge. It turns out the basis for the craft - the grass on which the hedgehog will sit.
  2. You need to make a nose for a pear. Gently cut off the unnecessary part to get a pointed muzzle.
  3. Next, string a grape on a toothpick and insert it on a pear, then add more grapes to fill the toothpick. There should be some space on the toothpick.
  4. And so it is necessary to fill all the space on the pear, so that there is no free space on it, and the direction would be in different directions. We fix the peppercorns on the pear in the form of hedgehog eyes.
  5. We put the hedgehog on a cardboard base, but in advance, you need to put beautifully greens on the cardboard. Then decorate the sides with flowers. Other flowers can be used, but not very large.

The hedgehog is ready for any exhibition!

Choosing a pear for crafts

Usually, the craft is done in advance, and fruits and vegetables tend to disappear in a fairly short time or rot if there has already been damage. In order for a pear to retain its freshness for the right time, you need to know some rules for choosing it for creative crafts.

  • There should be no damage to the pear.
  • It is better to take an unripe pear so that it does not spoil quickly. The harder it is, the longer it will last.
  • If you need to decorate a feast with a craft, then you can take it a little softer, since the decoration itself will be made before serving.
  • It is better to do the craft either in the evening before the very delivery of the assignment, or, if possible, in the afternoon, in a few hours, but this is only if the child is at home at this time.
  • Craft materials cannot be treated with chemicals. This can affect the child's allergic reaction.

These rules will help you choose a decorative pear for your craft.

Pear crafts for kids

Kids watch a lot of cartoons at their age. Therefore, they may be interested in a pear craft in the form of a cartoon character. For example, a brownie can be made from a pear by attaching large ears, a nose with potatoes, legs and bent arms to it from plasticine. Attach dill with a thread to the head of a funny brownie, and the fairytale hero will have hair.

The shape of the pear may resemble some of the toys of babies. One of the toys is a tumbler. Such a toy can be made from a decorative pear, paint it with felt-tip pens or paint, draw eyes, nose and mouth, and attach a paper hat to the head of the toy.

Toy cars

All children will love this craft! It can be done without the help of adults and at any holiday in order to captivate children and focus their attention.

And also soothe their hyperactivity. For crafts, you will need not only a pear, but a banana and toothpicks.

Instructions on how to make a craft in the form of a car:

  1. Cut the pear into wedges. This step is best done by an adult.
  2. Cut the peeled banana into small circles.
  3. Pierce the pear slice through in two places parallel to each other. On each side of the toothpick, string a circle of banana, these will be the wheels of the machine.
  4. For the imagination of children, you can add materials for crafts, children will definitely find applications for any objects.


This craft collects several fascinating topics such as cartoon characters and picking up cars.

The photo of the craft shows which fruits the cartoon characters can be made of:

  • From a decorative pear,
  • Apple,
  • Potatoes and onions.

Zucchini is used as a material to create a car. Attaching the characters and creating their faces is done with toothpicks and plasticine, respectively.

You can use other fruits that will be on hand. Everything only needs imagination.

Pear owl

When studying animals and birds with a child, you can visually make a craft of one of the birds and, during the creative process, tell about the animal itself.

An owl is a rather interesting bird, and for its creation it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • Pear,
  • Kiwi,
  • Grapes,
  • Toothpicks.

Step-by-step master class for beginners in creating an owl:

  1. Cut the pear almost in half, but so that the core is not visible, and the cut itself is quite large.
  2. A parent can help with this. And the pear should not be very soft in order to get everything beautiful.
  3. Peel the kiwi and cut 2 circles out of the middle. These will be the eyes of an owl.
  4. Attach the grape directly to the middle of the eye on the kiwi. You can cut the grapes in half and place half over each eye.
  5. Cut one of the grape halves, preferably dark grapes, into 3 parts - owl's claws.
  6. Divide the kiwi into slices and place each slice on both sides - the wings of an owl.
  7. Cut out the beak shape from dark grapes and place in the desired location.

An owl can be made not only from this fruit, but also from any other. The child will be happy with such a beautiful fruit product.

Photo of crafts from decorative pear

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