How to decorate a school and class for the New Year 2022 - 70 photo ideas

New Year is not only the most joyful holiday, it is also the most elegant. At this time, everything is being transformed: streets, courtyards, hospitals, apartments, shops, kindergartens and schools. It is especially important to dress up the school, because no one is waiting for the New Year like schoolchildren: he brings them not only the desired gif.webpts, but also the holidays.

That is why the atmosphere here should be the most wonderful. Funds are not always allocated for New Year's decorations, parents of different classes have to organize everything on their own, which does not always make them happy. But not so long ago there was not so many purchased jewelry and such things were organized only thanks to improvised means and imagination.

How to decorate a school for the New Year? - simply. You can use everything that catches your eye: tinsel brought from home, postcards, colored cards, cotton wool, rain, even A4 paper is suitable for these purposes.

In this article:

  • We decorate the corridors.
  • We decorate in the New Year's foyer.
  • We are preparing the assembly hall for the holiday.
  • Safety first.

Corridor decoration

To decorate the school for the New Year, including the corridors, children should be connected. Children will be happy to take part in this event, especially primary school, children from grades 1 to 5.

First, have each student make a craft or poster at home and bring the product of their labors to school. Place bulky crafts on window sills or place in corners. Hang beautiful New Year's posters along all the walls, and small decorations can also be hung there.

Collect all the tinsel you have, sort it out by color, and decorate the top of the walls, making it look like an awning. You can fix it with tape or paper clips. The corridors for the New Year will simply shine.

Second, use whatever you planned to throw away. For example, if you have old tulle or gas, do not rush to throw it away. With a fabric, you can do this: having made beautiful waves, tie them with tinsel. The structure can also be placed anywhere: on the walls, under the windowsill and even under the ceiling. The very same ceiling for the New Year is decorated with snowflakes or rain. On such a subject as technology, a class teacher can cut and glue a huge number of snowflakes with students, which are attached to the ceiling with a thread or safety pin.

New Year's glasses

Today it is very fashionable to decorate glass with different winter-themed pictures. It can be the image of Santa Claus with his granddaughter, a forest, winter games and entertainment. Techniques such as decoupage are excellently used to decorate external glasses.

For New Year's decoupage, you need beautiful New Year's napkins, with drawings of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, snowmen, which must be cut out and glued to the glass with PVA glue. Gently grease the surface of the picture with a thick brush with the same glue, sprinkle it with glitter. When the work dries, the glue becomes transparent and only a beautiful pattern remains. For expressiveness, you need to draw the border of the picture, you can do this with the help of gouache or a tube of henna.

Also, winter-themed drawings will look great on school glasses. The technique with glue and glitter is no less interesting. PVA glue is taken, patterns are drawn with the help of patterns, which are showered with sparkles on top. When all this dries up, there are patterns very similar to the drawings of Frost, which we all remember from childhood. Everything is easily cleaned up after the holiday.

Foyer decoration

To decorate the foyer, each school needs to take part in a city event for the best Christmas tree decoration for the New Year.Schoolchildren and their parents make wonderful toys of all sizes and bring them to school. It will be convenient to organize exhibition platforms and place them in different places. For example, put a desk in a corner or between school windows, decorate it with the same gas and tinsel, and then install crafts on it. It will be both interesting and useful, because parents rarely do something with their children.

And if you add sparkles to your works, the feeling of a fabulous holiday will become even more real. The pillars in the foyer and corridors can be wrapped in tinsel and decorated with full-length rain. But in no case do not "ennoble" the risers and batteries - this is prohibited by fire safety rules. There must also be free access and visibility of the fire hydrant and fire extinguisher. You can slightly decorate the wooden base of the box, but not the glass.

For the ceiling in the foyer for the New Year, they use not only raindrops attached to cotton wool, but also snowflakes on a colorless fishing line, which will give them the appearance of soaring in the air. You can also cut out small spirals from blue, white and blue paper in a circle, you get a "home-grown" serpentine. Transparent beads on threads, which will resemble icicles in their appearance, are well suited. Virtually every child, especially girls, has them in the house.

Assembly hall decoration

The Assembly Hall takes center stage in any holidays, and even more so in the celebration of the New Year. Here you should try your best. But the whole class must be connected to this issue as well. To stimulate work, announce a competition and present diplomas and certificates for the best creativity, today it is more relevant than ever.

In the assembly hall, large figures from balls or those crafts that children do together with their parents will look great. For example, snowmen: they can be made with thread, glue and balls.

Snowmen made of threads and balls

Inflate three balloons of different sizes. If, according to the plans, the snowman should stand on the floor in the New Year, the ball must be immediately loaded, for example, with heavy washers or stones, and then inflated. There is nothing to do for hanging toys. Wrap it carefully in a circle with white threads, layer by layer, smearing each layer with PVA glue. The ball should virtually disappear under the cobweb of threads. You dry it, then pick up a dry ball, burst it with a needle, carefully eliminate the rest of the ball, only a ball remains in your hands. Fasten the balls together with threads, decorate with glitter, sequins. Roll your nose out of colored paper and cut out the eyes, you can glue everything on double tape.

Crafts of this kind are not expensive and very beautiful. You can use the same principle to make Christmas (ceiling) balls, Christmas wreaths (from sausage balls), bells. Bells are a little more complicated, but quite affordable.

Bells from bottles

For bells, you will need plastic bottles of all sizes. The length you need departs from the neck (usually 15 cm) and the bottle is cut off. The bottom is discarded (or used as a cup). It turned out to be an almost finished bell, it remains to decorate it with gouache, glue the sparkles. Then, at the base, just below the cork, tie a beautiful bow.

Bows, by the way, are generally a universal decoration: they can be fixed both on the Christmas tree and on the walls. Making them is easy and simple. Tie a piece of cloth or foil in the center and, voila, the bow is ready!

Classroom decoration for the New Year

Christmas decoration for the class is a favorite thing for all students, but again, they should not be allowed to do it without adult supervision.

The guys can prepare a large New Year's poster with personal photos in advance. But since our theme is New Year's, every boy must cut out a red cap, and a girl a blue cap, like the Snow Maiden. Decorate the poster with snowflakes and sparkles and write some short greetings for the whole class, teachers and parents.It is imperative to dress up the board by hanging tinsel around its perimeter. It is better not to glue anything on the ceiling in the classroom, so that all this does not fall on the students and does not distract from the educational process.

  • Classroom windows can be decorated with stencil white drawings, but very little. The light must penetrate in sufficient quantity into the classroom.
  • Wardrobes lend themselves well to decoration. They can be decorated and painted at least along, at least across. But, on the cabinets themselves, again for safety reasons, nothing should be.
  • Flowers (by the way, they have been banned in schools for some time now) are great at disguising themselves for any holiday. You can dress them up with paper snowflakes and small handmade Christmas tree decorations.

And on the door of each classroom, you can hang a wreath of cones or some other material. Let the guys compete: announce a competition for the most beautiful wreath.

DIY Christmas wreaths

A New Year's wreath can be made of spruce legs and wire, neatly tied together in a circle, and decorated with tinsel and small Christmas tree decorations.

You can also make a wreath from salted dough. To do this, you need to take 1 kilogram of flour and 1 kilogram of salt, mix all this with water about 500-700 milliliters and, after thorough stirring, use it for crafts. They take cardboard as a basis: cut out a circle, cut out the inner circle to make a donut. The dough is divided into two parts 1: 3. Spread most of the dough in a circle on a cardboard base. Level it with hands dipped in water, making the surface smooth.

Decorations will be organized from the remaining dough. First, roll up a few balls, sculpt a couple of bows, etc. Attach them to the surface of the donut. From above, using a garlic press, you need to squeeze out curls around the entire perimeter of the circle, press everything slightly so that the patterns sit tightly. You need to bake such a creation in the oven, like a regular 180-degree pie. Finished products are painted with paints, decorated with sparkles. You can also make wreaths from other materials.

A little about security

When decorating a school, you should not forget about the most important thing: about child safety. After all, the main thing is not how to decorate the classroom, but how not to harm the children. If you are using paints, then you should not get carried away more than using regular gouache. Stained glass paints should be of a proven company, without any odors.

Each attached bead, like the film decor, must hold well so that younger students do not slip on all this. Adults or children should be supervised to hang New Year's decorations for the school, especially on high walls and ceilings, because any awkward movement can lead to injury.

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