New Year's monopoly - a story about gif.webpts

For our children, we hide gif.webpts under the Christmas tree on the night of January 1, so that in the morning, when they wake up, they believe in the arrival of Santa Claus. This was the year when Dima was 4, and Denis was 6. The boys differed little in their taste, which made it easier for us to find gif.webpts.

As a result, huge cars were bought for both. Only one was a fire department and the other was a police officer. It was assumed that the children themselves decide who gets which. There were also sweet gif.webpts, books and Monopoly under the tree. According to our invented legend, "Monopoly" was a gif.webpt for adults from Santa Claus to play with the whole family.

On the morning of the first day, after a noisy holiday, my husband and I woke up late. We were sure that the children did the same, so they tiptoed into the kitchen. Passing the nursery, we heard a small but incomprehensible noise. We opened the door and were stunned by what we saw.

The children's room was all in torn wrapping paper, in candy wrappers, in feathers from pillows, and in the middle of this mess, perched on one of the beds, sat our little ones. They played Monopoly peacefully, without uttering unnecessary words, adjusting their financial strategy.

As it turned out in the course of the subsequent conversation, my husband and I slept a lot. The children made their way to the tree early in the morning, dragged all the gif.webpts into the room and began to quickly open them. Sweet gif.webpts immediately went into action, while they dealt with the main question - who should get which car. Both wanted to have a fire engine, and they could not agree with words. They began to fight with pillows, from where, after a few minutes, feathers fell. Then they remembered another box that contained the game. After reading the rules, our sons decided that the one who wins and will choose the car for himself. The game is protracted, so for the second hour they were figuring out who would be the winner. My husband and I decided that next time we would sign gif.webpts. Least of all you want to get out on the first of January!

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