Thanks to the amigurumi technique, you can knit almost any animal or fairy-tale character from threads. Knitting technique is not difficult. You will need a minimum amount of materials and tools, a diagram with a description.
Pig and Boar - symbols of the new 2019
In 2019, the yellow earth pig will become the symbol. It is believed that this animal brings good luck, improves the material condition, however, if the pig is angry, you should not rely on the benefits presented to it. To appease the animal, you can crochet a small original gif.webpt in the form of a pig.
A crochet pig can have different decorative purposes:
- it can be hung on a Christmas tree in the form of a toy;
- can be presented to friends and acquaintances as symbols of the new year;
- a knitted Pig can become a child's favorite toy;
- this craft can be used to decorate potholders, a baby hat or a backpack;
- crocheted flat pig can be used as an applique for a greeting card;
- you can use the product as a keychain.
What you need to prepare for knitting
To make a crochet pig beautiful and neat, you need to prepare acrylic or silk threads. If it is not possible to use this type of base material, you can buy half-woolen yarn. The main thing is that the knitted Pig is dense and keeps its shape.
Additionally, you need to prepare:
- white threads for the pig's body;
- white thread for knitting hooves;
- if the pig has an outfit, you need to purchase colored threads;
- small plastic beads and buttons;
- hook size 1.8 and 1.2;
- needle;
- thread;
- filler.
How to stuff a knitted Pig?
It doesn't really matter what will be inside the holiday souvenir, the main thing is that it keeps its shape. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that no lumps arise during filling, or the filler is unevenly distributed.
It is not recommended to use natural materials such as down and wool as a filler. Firstly, after washing, the piglet will deteriorate, the filler will get lost and you will have to get it out. Secondly, natural material can cause allergies.
Some needlewomen fill toys with grass and cereals, hay dust. These toys are great for falling asleep, children love to play with them. If nothing suitable is at hand, you can fill a knitted pig with cotton wool.
But it is best to use special fillers - holofiber or synthetic winterizer. They are sold by footage at fabric stores. If you do not need such a large amount, you can buy a special filler for toys in handicraft stores. It comes in small sachets.
You need to wash the craft carefully, only in warm water. Regular detergent is not suitable for washing, you can use shampoo, liquid soap, a special detergent designed for washing wool. Rinse the toy thoroughly, squeeze it out a little, dry it a little in the fresh air, and then put it on a warm battery.
Below you can find detailed patterns for knitting pigs. We have collected some of the most relevant and detailed diagrams that even a beginner can figure out. In addition, here are several original ideas for decorating a pig from different needlewomen.