Soon, soon a magical holiday is approaching, New Year. Many housewives will think about how to decorate their home. I want it to be original, fresh and, preferably, inexpensive.
So, we propose to make decorations with our own hands according to our master classes - a decorated New Year's ball made of threads. This is a fairly budgetary decor option for the holiday.
- In this article, balls from:
- Made of bright threads, PVA glue and a balloon;
- From threads on a foam base.
1. Balls made of bright threads, PVA glue and a balloon
Necessary materials:
- A skein of knitting threads. We recommend taking Iris yarn, which is thin in structure, strong and has rich shades. You can use several shades for making strings at once. Threads can be used not only thin, but also thicker. Then the ball will turn out to be more embossed.
- Long needle with a large eye.
- PVA glue. We advise you not to dilute it.
- Balloon. A large ball is more suitable, it is stronger than a small copy.
Detailed step by step instructions
To create a wonderful ball of threads, you need this:
- The first task will be to inflate the balloon. And before that, imagine what diameter and size you want to get the jewelry.
- Then take the thread and thread it through the needle. Therefore, the eyelet should be wide.
- PVA glue is poured into a small plastic container, preferably flat (kinder surprise, disposable cup, etc.).
- Next, do as follows: pierce a vessel with glue with a needle and pull the thread out.
- The needle is no longer needed, so you can simply remove it from the thread.
- Another important step: wrap the glued thread around the ball. Try to do this evenly. The more you wind the yarn, the more voluminous the product will turn out.
- The resulting wrapped cocoon must be left in an open dry space. You can get closer to the battery to dry out faster.
- When the workpiece dries up, you need to carefully separate the balloon from the thread. To do this, you need any blunt object.
- The last step, which gives many people a lot of pleasure: take a sharp object and pierce the balloon.
Decorating options:
- You can wrap a garland on the outside or put light bulbs inside the balls, you get a composition inside,
- It will look beautiful with pasted rhinestones and beads,
- Sectional staining is suitable. And if supplemented with interior lighting, it will be especially mysterious.
A ball of threads with your own hands is ready! You can decorate them with anything: a New Year's interior or a Christmas tree.
By the way, in the same way you can make not only a ball, but also a heart.
2. Balls of thread on a foam base
Making such a decoration is very similar to the previous one. Only the process does not use a balloon. It is replaced by a foam ball base. And how to make a ball out of foam-based threads, we will tell you in the next master class.
The product will require:
- Foam base ball.
- The threads are thick: wool or jute of the right size. You can use several colors, then you get a rainbow version of the ball.
- PVA glue, undiluted.
- Lace decoration. Its width depends on your idea. And prepare the length according to the diameter of the ball.
- Pour PVA glue into a small bowl. Take the foam base in your hands and begin to coat it with glue.
- At the very beginning, prepare a small piece of thread, for which you will then hang the toy. And place the tips on a greased surface.
- Place the thread in a circle on the oiled surface. Try to do this carefully so that there are no gaps between the rows of threads.
- The ball is wrapped evenly with thread row by row. Do not forget to coat the base well with glue before laying.
- Then take the lace and wrap the resulting ball with it. Secure the decoration with glue.
Ball decoration methods
Here, let your imagination run wild. You can decorate with anything: large and small beads, bright or solid rhinestones. Any lace is suitable as a decor. You can also glue real cones with a spruce twig (here are ideas for crafts from cones for inspiration).