Think back to the time when you were a child. What have you been looking forward to the most from the New Year? Probably not a feast with delicious dishes. Well, of course, a gif.webpt from Santa Claus! And those who had already ceased to believe in magic were still waiting for some surprise under the Christmas tree. And this is always a headache for parents, what to give a girl for the New Year, to find a present that will amaze their beloved princess.
Useful tips when choosing a New Year's presentation
Nowadays, it is difficult to surprise girls with gif.webpts, because there are many bright toys, souvenirs, and cute gizmos in stores. If you still can't come up with a present, you should heed these simple tips:
- Pay attention to the child's behavior: the baby is calm and quiet or restless minx, an inquisitive researcher or a homebody.
- Choose a gif.webpt not just before the holiday, but in advance. That is, you need to listen to your daughter: what she is talking about, what she is dreaming about. Then you don't have to run around looking for a surprise.
- Despite the physical maturation, the girls in their souls remain babies for a long time, so they like cute and delicate gif.webpts, colorful books or kits for creativity.
- When choosing, rely on the child's hobbies, what they like to do. If you like to paint, then a large set of watercolors and brushes can become an appropriate subject. If you like to read, then a colorful encyclopedia under the Christmas tree will come in handy.
- An important factor is the assortment in the store, it is worth studying it in advance.
- And the most interesting thing - think over the festive packaging for your souvenir, create a New Year's atmosphere in the house, this will enhance the effect of your gif.webpt.
Girls under three years old
At this age, babies are just beginning to study the world around them, to speak. Also, children show their first real and conscious emotions. At this age, an interactive toy that will sing, speak, and execute simple commands will become a special souvenir. It will be interesting to play with such a toy not only for the girl, but also for the parents. An approximate list of gif.webpts for a baby:
- Rattles are a gif.webpt for the little ones. You can now find stuffed soft toys in stores.
- Educational toys for an early age are diverse. For example, Lego constructor in delicate colors. You can pick up a kit with princesses and parts for building a castle.
- Dolls and baby dolls. They have been played by girls at all times. Currently, the toy has not lost its relevance. In stores, you can find classic versions or heroines from modern cartoons. When choosing, you should focus on the preferences of your daughter.
- Kinetic sand is an interesting and developing present for the New Year in 2022. The illuminated table itself will already attract attention. And the opportunity to paint pictures in the sand will be a real pleasure.
- Artistic clay set. A wonderful surprise for an inquisitive baby. Bright colors will attract attention. Clay does not dry out in your hands, so you can experiment with figurines. And then leave the one you like in the air, and it will freeze.
- Technical toys: cars and constructors. Oddly enough, but modern princesses are very dexterous with such toys. They like to drive cars, simulate traffic, and also carry their favorite doll not only in a stroller, but also in a car. So this is not a bad idea for a New Year's presentation.
Girls from three to five years old
At this age, children do not know exactly what they expect from Santa Claus in the New Year. Today they want a doll, and tomorrow they want a beautiful car.So you have to choose one that will meet the basic properties of the girl's addictions: be pink or go to the pot, or be able to eat, change color, like a LOL doll. The ideas are as follows:
- The symbol of the year Tiger in the form of a soft toy is a good choice for an animal-loving beauty.
- Projection games are a wonderful option for spending time of chance. It is intended for indoor use where the lights can be turned off. The kit includes a moon-shaped projector that projects light onto an opposite wall or ceiling surface. You need to catch the reflections of the stars with a magic wand.
- Dolls do not go out of use and will also be an excellent present. And you can donate a set of furniture to it. Then your baby will already play role-playing games and live with her doll in the morning, washing, feeding.
- Kits for children by profession: salesman, doctor, teacher. Such a gif.webpt will collect in the game not only your daughter, but also her girlfriends.
- Sets for needlework. You can give a set with beads of different sizes so that the girl can independently assemble a bracelet or beads for herself. At the same time, this game contributes to the development of fine motor skills.
- A swing is perhaps the coolest gif.webpt for any child. There are mobile options for home installation. Then the daughter will be able to swing on them all year round whenever she wants.
- A scooter or a bicycle is the top of the list of cool gif.webpts for the New Year. They are both expensive and may not be large in age. So at the discretion of the parents, such presents. There will be no limit to delight, however, when the baby discovers such a gif.webpt next to the Christmas tree.
- musical instrument;
- safe baby cosmetics;
- finger puppets;
- mosaic;
- tent house;
- cute socks or slippers with animal faces;
- a set of beautiful titles;
- felt-tip pens, glitter pens, a set of decorative adhesive tape for creativity, just countless.
For girls from six to eight years old
This age characterizes a certain maturation. The daughter prepares and goes to school, the first responsibilities appear. But she still wants to get into a fairy tale and get bright magical emotions. Therefore, the gif.webpt should cause the most enthusiastic surprise.
- A basket made of felt, a set for embroidery with ribbons or an animal made of pom-poms - such gif.webpts will surely cause a storm of delight.
- Puzzle - suitable for an assiduous stay-at-home. The game develops intelligence, memory, logic.
- 3D puzzles is an innovative game in the children's goods market. They are very reminiscent of a volumetric constructor. Develops logic and spatial thinking.
- An interactive toy - a bird in a cage. A great idea when a child asks to have a pet at home, but the parents do not want it at all.
- A beautiful accessory is a watch. A useful and beautiful gif.webpt. A child at this age learns to tell the time, so it is very opportune to wear a wonderful little thing on his hand.
- If the child loves to draw, then it is appropriate to present her with a large drawing set, which will contain not only paints, but also a set of colored pencils, felt-tip pens, and crayons. The child will definitely not remain indifferent.
- A large doll house is a cool present. There are versions even larger than the baby's height. Delight from such a surprise is simply guaranteed. All dolls will fit in the house as one big family.
- Even at this age, they love to arrange concerts and various performances. Therefore, it would be appropriate to present a screen for a puppet theater, a microphone or an interactive musical toy with songs.
- Inflatable pool (if the recipient of the gif.webpt lives in a private house or spends time in the country). There will be no limit to delight!
- Small trampoline. These are sold in sports stores, they are foldable and do not take up much space. But in winter, when the opportunity for walks is limited, the baby will have a place to frolic.
For girls from eight to ten years old
Grown up girls at this age can be given thematic gif.webpts.It is already clear what hobbies and preferences the daughter has, what is closer to her in character. Do not forget only that your present should evoke warm emotions, sincere delight. Therefore, it is worth listening to the child, for sure the girl herself will tell about her dream.
- A personal diary is a timely gif.webpt. In it, the daughter will be able to record important events in her life, emotions and experiences. Nowadays, the stores sell variously designed diaries, even with keys.
- Adventure book or encyclopedia. The typography does not lag behind in its design. You can buy colorful and at the same time useful publications.
- Sets for handmade. Girls can create their own images on a T-shirt with special markers. Suitable for creative people.
- The kits of a chemist, biologist are a great gif.webpt for an inquiring mind with a thirst to try everything on its own, to experiment.
- Quilling set - perfectly develops spatial thinking, imagination, attention. Girls create three-dimensional figures of animals. You can play this kind of game together with your parents.
- Stone painting is an interesting educational game. The kit includes instructions, paints and pebbles. The art process is very fun.
- If a girl's ears are pierced, then you can buy an "adult souvenir" - silver earrings.
- A simple but often winning option: fashionable clothing. It can be modern jeans, a tunic, or a smart dress. The choice depends on the preferences of the fashionista herself.
- Tent houses are no longer relevant for girls at this age, but they are happy to play in older versions - children's wigwams. Such a ready-made fabric hut can be placed both at home and outdoors in summer.
Teenage girl ten to fourteen years old
The older the kids are, the harder it is to please them. And they stop sharing their dreams, and the fashion for souvenirs is changing. Toys cease to be appreciated only if it is a huge bear or leopard. But there are presentation options that will always come in handy even for a capricious teenager.
- A gadget - a phone or a tablet - will be the coolest gif.webpt for the New Year for any girl. And in the kit you can purchase headphones with a decorative insert in the form of a flower or an animal's face.
- Another useful gadget that is worth a separate item is an electronic book reader. A very convenient thing, you can load an unlimited number of books into it, it is easy to take it with you, and when reading from a reader, your eyesight does not deteriorate (compared to a mobile screen),
- If you need a simpler gif.webpt and already have a phone, then a set of modern covers for the gadget will do. They can be changed to suit the style of clothing and mood.
- Teenage girls are starting to wear jewelry, so you can gif.webpt a necklace with a bracelet included.
- From a series of cool gif.webpts, the following are appropriate: a thematic mug, key rings, a set of scented candles, a New Year's style lamp, original boxes.
- Returning to the cool surprises, we can recommend tickets for a mega show or a quest,
- A hoverboard that will not leave anyone indifferent.
- Teenage cosmetics, original notebooks and diaries, other girls' cuteness will perfectly fit into the New Year's holiday. Do not neglect such gif.webpts.
You can add more options to the list:
- professional photo session,
- a certificate to a clothing store,
- consultation of a cosmetologist,
- selfie stick,
- hobby set.
In principle, the choice is very varied. One has only to think a little about what is relevant for your girl now, and the option of a surprise will come to mind. We hope now you know what to give your girl for the New Year. All that remains is to plan the financial costs. It is important to remember that the present must necessarily be expensive, but it must be interesting and necessary.