Celebrating the New Year is always a very long-awaited and joyful holiday. Therefore, it is better to prepare thoroughly for it: think about what to celebrate the New Year, and pay special attention to your image. One of its important elements is the hairstyle. The upcoming year 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger, and he, like a real bright fashionista, will not forgive disrespect for the holiday of his arrival and careless appearance.
- Rules for successful hairstyles;
- For long hair;
- For medium curls;
- For short haircuts;
- Christmas accessories
New Year's hairstyle rules 2022
Hairstyles for the New Year can be different, but it must be remembered that the night of the celebration includes the most unexpected entertainment, from peaceful dancing at home to riding on snow slides. Therefore, choosing how to style your hair is best based on possible scenarios of events so that the styling lasts all night without falling or cracking. There is no need to do styling that is inconsistent with the whole style, that is, a mohawk with a romantic New Year's dress, or shiny curls with jeans.
A New Year's hairstyle must necessarily be part of the whole image, but at the same time, it should be matched to the type of appearance of the owner in order to emphasize her merits and hide flaws.
When choosing a styling, do not forget that you will need to go with it all night. This will help to avoid the desire to dissolve everything and wash your hair in an hour or two. Therefore, it is better not to use too many tools and do not use too tight clamps.
Hairstyles that are relevant for the New Year 2022 have their own characteristics associated with the period of the Water Tiger's reign. Styling should be done especially festive, since the ruler of the year is a bright and pretentious creature! Especially to the liking of the symbol of the year will be tails and hairstyles based on them. After all, he himself is the owner of a beautiful long tail.
New Year's hairstyles for long hair
For long hair, cute curls of all sizes are ideal. Both large curls and small curls are suitable. You can even make a perm in advance, so as not to overload yourself in the last hours of the holiday.
Weaving and braids will look very beautiful. After all, braids have been at the peak of popularity for many seasons.
Styling with a tail base will be easy for self-execution, then you can braid a braid from it or make dressings along its entire length.
Hairstyles for the New Year for owners of medium length
Curls and weaves look great on medium-length strands. Styling with a side parting looks very unusual. Curls in a bun look cute and gentle: such styling does not require much effort and time.
Styling for girls with short hair
For the celebration of New Year's Eve, styling is also worth doing for those with short hair in a completely new way. Perhaps there are not many options, but they are. You can slightly raise some of the strands above the forehead and fix them at the back of the head, after which the side strands can also be carefully fastened to them.
Slightly disheveled curls also look great, they will create the image of a cute robber.
What will you choose?
- High styling with curls.
- Loose hair.
- Option with braids.
- Seashell.
- Ponytail styling.
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Accessories for New Year's Eve
The symbol of the coming year is the Blue Water Tiger, so feel free to use metal hairpins and headbands, as well as pearls for your New Year's hairstyle. This is especially true for owners of short hair. Long-haired beauties can weave silver ribbons into curls.
Accessories such as beads, headbands, ribbons and hairpins can greatly enhance the New Year's look.
Every December 31st is filled with pre-holiday magic: chimes, snowflakes, sparkling Christmas tree and clinking glasses. Even the smallest beauties choose a New Year's dress and hairstyle. It is on this mysterious night that all the housewives try to prepare a delicious and exquisite table, decorate the house in such a way, the next year was joyful. But do not forget about yourself, too. After all, the beautiful hostess also needs to shine brightest at the holiday!