There is a wonderful tradition of decorating your home and giving gif.webpts in honor of the New Year. The decor purchased in the store, as a rule, is impersonal and "inanimate", so many use their full creative potential at this time. So, you can decorate a Christmas tree, window or front door, as well as make a beautiful New Year's card with the image of the Bull, the patron saint of 2021. Detailed step-by-step master classes and video tutorials collected in this article will help you easily cope with this task.
What does the symbol of the year have in store for us?
The new year 2021 will be held under the auspices of the White Metal Bull. According to the expectations of various predictors, these will be calm 365 days, in which hardworking, diligent and persistent people will definitely receive their reward, because these are the qualities inherent in the animal.
But while someone is making forecasts, we can confidently say that the days on the eve of the new year can be devoted to one of the types of creativity - drawing. This will give not only a festive mood, but also help to decorate your home with beautiful pictures with the image of a bull.
Simple drawings for toddlers
Drawing for kids is not just a way to spend interesting time with their parents, it is also a fascinating cognitive process, during which the child gets to know animals, learns colors and shapes, because simple images are built from simple geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle ).
In the process of work you will need:
- album or thick sheet of whatman paper;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- black gel pen;
- colored pencils, markers, or paints.
Before proceeding directly to the creation of the drawing, you should tell the kid about the animal, where the bull lives, what he likes to eat, in which fairy tales and cartoons he can be found.
How to draw a sitting bull?
The mischievous calf galloped merrily on the green lawn, and then at full gallop ran into the flower on which the butterfly was sitting. In order not to frighten the insect, he braked sharply, could not resist and sat down on his hind legs. Such thoughts come to mind when you look at this picture. To draw it, you need to proceed as follows:
- The work starts from the head. At the top of the sheet, you need to draw an even circle with a pencil.
- Then, at the bottom of the circle, an oval is drawn across - the head is ready.
- Below you need to draw a teardrop-shaped torso, and hind legs to it with a side.
- After that, you need to draw the ears on the head, and the front legs on the body.
- Now the resulting silhouette needs to be revived. Draw dots-eyes, on the face - small circles-nostrils, draw hooves on the legs and do not forget about the horns and tail.
- After that, it remains only with an eraser to carefully erase all unnecessary lines, trace the contours with a black pen and paint the bull with pencils.
Spotted cow - simple drawing scheme
If you disassemble this figure, then it completely consists of circles and ovals. A perfectly straight circle is difficult to draw, but small flaws made by an uncertain child's hand can be corrected with an eraser. There are only a few steps involved in working on this image:
- In the central part of the album sheet, you need to draw a body in the form of a large oval.
- On the left side, then draw the head in the form of a vertical oval of a smaller size. On the head, the muzzle of the animal is separated by a line.
- Now you need to draw the legs and ears of the cow. It is necessary to ensure that they are the same size, correcting the drawing with an eraser.
- Next, they draw horns, eyes, nose, tail and hooves. After that, you can start painting, then you get a goby. Or you can draw an udder and spots on the body and head, you get a cow.
Drawing with a lumograph
Lumograph is a ruler for drawing geometric shapes. With its help, you can draw the symbol of the New Year 2021, broken down into simple components. First, step by step, using a ruler, draw the torso, head, udder and legs. Then they add a tail, a spot on the back and smaller details. The excess lines are removed with an eraser and the image is colored.
Cow chewing grass
This image is a little more complicated than the previous ones and is suitable for kids who already confidently hold a pencil in their hands. It can be easily repeated in steps as shown in the diagram. This animal's eyes are not just dots, but have eyelids, eyelashes and pupils. From their direction you can see where the cow is looking.
Goby from two circles
To draw a beautiful bull, it is enough to draw two circles on the sheet (they are shown in yellow on the diagram), and only then give them the outlines of an animal (blue). When all the contours are drawn with a pen, and the extra strokes are removed, you can proceed to the most interesting stage of the work - painting. The brighter the animal is, the more beautiful the picture will be.
Spotted calf that sits
Another version of a seated bull, which is also easy to portray. The sequence of actions is similar to the previous similar master class, but the sizes of the elements should be larger, and there will be slight differences in drawing the body. In this bull, the belly is completely covered by the front paws. The muzzle and inner surface of the ears are painted pink, the horns yellow, the hooves, eyes and spots on the skin black.
Cute and powerful bull
In the minds of most kids, the cow is a kind and affectionate animal, while the bull, on the contrary, is calm, but formidable, ready to rush into battle for his herd at any moment.
Not at all such a representative of artiodactyls from the next master class. This animal, although endowed with a powerful frightening torso, but the smile on its face makes it sweet and kind.
It is absolutely not difficult to depict it, following the diagram below. As always, the work begins with simple geometric shapes - two circles and an oval, and ends with coloring.
A simple algorithm for drawing a spotted Burenka
Having mastered simple examples of how to portray the patron animal of the New Year 2021, you can proceed to more complex work. First you need to make a sketch with a simple pencil, keeping all the proportions. It is important to draw the child's attention to the fact that you should not press too much on the pencil, because these lines will still need to be removed with an eraser anyway.
How to draw the bull Ferdinant
Ferdinant is the kindest bull in all of Spain, familiar to children, if not from the book by Munroe Leaf, then from the full-length animated film by Walt Disney. In this regard, the idea of portraying a favorite children's hero will appeal to kids. You can draw from nature, stopping the cartoon at your favorite moment, or use the given algorithm.
Dancing cow
What can a cow do? Graze lazily in a meadow, relax in the shade of a tree, drink cold water from a stream and stand calmly while the mistress milked her? An ordinary animal can do this, and nothing prevents a drawn cow from standing on its hind legs and dancing, merrily ringing a bell around its neck. How to draw such a Burenka and a bell can be clearly seen in the master class with pictures.
Drawings for older children and adults
Not only children love to draw, but also adults. Their work is usually more realistic. Below are master classes that will interest this particular category of artists.
How to draw a cow
This image has volume. If you look at the final result, it seems that now the animal will leave the album sheet. And going back a couple of steps, it is clear that it is absolutely not difficult to repeat the image, it is only important to maintain the proportions and not forget about the shadows when painting. They will make the cow realistic.
Realistic image
The more details the artist can accurately convey, the more natural the image of the animal will turn out. In addition, it is important to observe all proportions to make it easier, even in complex work, simple geometric shapes are used, as in this master class.
Buffalo drawing
Buffalo - a cloven-hoofed animal from the bovine family, is one of the largest bulls. The weight of its individuals reaches 1 ton. The image of such a majestic animal will be appropriate on a postcard or wall newspaper in the New Year 2021.
The work begins with the image of the head and body, which are connected to each other with a massive neck to the withers. Next, draw the horns, legs, tail and other smaller details.
Master class on a basic grid
When drawing complex images, in addition to using simple geometric shapes, the basic grid will help to maintain proportions. To build it, you need
- On the album sheet, you need to draw a rectangle in which the picture will be placed.
- Then split it in half with horizontal and vertical lines going through the center.
- Draw two more vertical and horizontal lines to split the large rectangle into 16 equal smaller rectangles.
- Next, make a sketch according to the above diagram, focusing on the location of the image details relative to the base mesh.
Calf Gavryusha from Prostokvashino
The diligent drawing of all the details of this cartoon character cannot be compared with the flat animation about Peppa Pig. But with a certain amount of diligence, you can draw this bull, following a step-by-step algorithm. To give the calf a New Year's look, you can hide its mischievous bangs under a red cap or draw a garland on the horns.
We translate the Bull on the window
If the child does not manage to beautifully portray the animal, you can simplify the task a little: print the image you like, attach it to the window, put a blank sheet of paper on it and draw outlines with a pencil. After that, it remains only to color the drawing. This activity will appeal to absolutely kids who are just learning to hold a pencil in their hands, and adults as an anti-stress coloring book.

Video lessons
A master class with pictures is not always understandable for children and adults. Sometimes you want to see in which direction the artist draws the lines, in what sequence he performs the work, and also to hear, perhaps, some advice. For this reason, we have collected interesting video tutorials on how to draw a bull, cow or calf. Repeating all the actions on the video, in incomprehensible moments you can always pause or go back a few seconds or minutes.