Drawing a snowflake is not difficult, but drawing beautifully is already a more difficult task. But everyone will be able to cope with it, since the process of creating such drawings is detailed below: the materials and tools necessary for the work are described, step-by-step master classes are given in pencil, paints and a pen in a notebook, on a tablet, as well as unusual ideas for using such images. Thus, on the eve of the New Year, there will be no time to get bored, because you need to try all the proposed methods.
Tools and materials
For a creative activity like painting snowflakes, a variety of tools and materials will work. So, you can create intricate patterns on a Whatman paper or an album sheet, in a checkered notebook or on pebbles, Christmas gingerbread, sugar cookies or salted dough blanks. Even any tablet can become a canvas for such a picture.
The answer to the question: what to draw is also capable of surprising. So instead of pencils, paints and felt-tip pens familiar to young and not so artists, you can use sugar glaze, glue and glitter, a stylus for a tablet and much more. The most interesting options for how to draw a snowflake using various tools and materials will be described in the step-by-step descriptions.
Draw with a pencil step by step
The lines drawn with a pencil, intertwining, turn into an openwork crystal of frozen water. How to do this is easy to understand from the diagrams below, in which the entire process is shown in stages. For work, you can use white, blue, blue or a simple pencil. It is important that it is sharp, then the lines will turn out to be thin, and the snowflakes will be weightless.
Drawn snowflakes usually have 6 rays. To position them correctly, you need to mentally imagine the dial on paper and connect with lines first 12 and 6, then 2 and 8, 10 and 4. Then just add volume to the rays.
You can also draw a picture with a large number of rays, for example, 8 or 16. To make them the same length, you can take a circle as a basis by tracing an inverted glass or other round object on paper.
You can also draw a picture with a large number of rays, for example, 8 or 16. To make them the same length, you can take a circle as a basis by tracing an inverted glass or other round object on paper.
The circle can then be removed by gently wiping it with an eraser, or left as an element of the drawing.
The picture drawn in pencil does not have to be made of fine lines. The image can be more voluminous, but then you need to draw fewer rays, ideally 5-6.
Such 5-6 end snowflakes can then be carefully cut out of paper and used for decoration as a pendant on a Christmas tree or window.
Thin rays of the star can be connected together. This will give the picture volume.
For children 8, 9, 10 years old, you can offer more complex master classes of volumetric snowflakes, in which thin rays are given volume.
The auxiliary lines on the finished picture can be carefully removed with an eraser or left by drawing them in blue or covering them with sparkles.
Here's what else you can make snowflakes:
- from salted dough;
- from beads;
- from paper using the quilling technique.
Draw by cells in a notebook
This lesson will not only help to have a little fun when it’s boring, but it will also be useful for children 6-7 years old, because drawing beautiful winter patterns, they will develop fine motor skills of their hands and imperceptibly improve their writing skills, which is very important at this age.
Drawn crystals of frozen water can be of different sizes and complexity.For example, each of the options below can take up a whole notebook sheet.
The following options are much simpler, but no less beautiful. They can be used not only for drawing in cells, but also as decorative elements for winter crafts.
To practice writing to a child, you can draw one half of a snowflake in a notebook and ask to finish it by repeating the drawing in a mirror image.
We draw with paints
There are several options for how to draw a snowflake with paints. For the first, you will need a thin brush and white gouache if the background is blue or vice versa. The principle of operation is similar to drawing with a pencil, but you only have to work with paints and a brush. In order not to spoil the drawing, because the eraser will not erase the wrong line drawn in gouache, you can make a sketch in pencil.
The second option involves using a template for which you first need to cut out a snowflake from thick paper. Then this blank is outlined with a simple pencil on a canvas for watercolor. Then, with a round pointed brush, you need to apply water to the drawing, after which watercolor paints are dotted on the water surface. You can take cyan, blue, green, purple and pink colors. It is important to ensure that the paint does not go beyond the contour.
For this method of painting with paints, stencils are also needed. They need to be attached to a canvas or a sheet of paper for watercolors, and painted over with paints of different shades of blue and blue on top. Then removing the stencils, you can see a beautiful winter drawing.
You can paint over the canvas over the stencils with brushes or … a comb and a toothbrush. The brush needs to be dipped in the prepared paints, and then run it along the comb, holding everything above the paper. Drops scattering and spreading on the water surface will create a unique pattern.
Unusual ideas
The fact that snow patterns can be used to decorate New Year's crafts has already been casually mentioned above, and now it's time to talk in more detail about the unusual ways of using such patterns.
Use of natural materials
Pebbles brought from summer vacation can be turned into a beautiful New Year's craft. To do this, the stones should first be covered with a thick layer of acrylic paint, and then painted with snowflakes. Patterns can be applied with white acrylic or silver. In order for the drawing to be securely fixed, after drying, the "snowball" can be opened with varnish.
Such pebbles can be presented as a souvenir or used for New Year's compositions with candles, fir branches and other attributes of this holiday.
On gingerbread and cookies
On New Years, many families have a tradition of making gingerbread cookies and cookies. Cooperative culinary creativity brings together and allows the whole family to have fun. But do not dwell only on baking, finished products can be painted with icing made from powdered sugar and egg white.
It's good if in the kitchen arsenal there are cuttings for cookies in the form of snowflakes and multi-colored food colors, but if they are not there, the blanks can be made round with a glass, and painted with white icing.
On snowflakes made of salt dough
Weightless paper snowflakes can be used to decorate a window or hang them from the ceiling, creating the illusion of falling snow, and for a Christmas tree, you can make full-fledged toys from salt dough. To do this, a batch of flour, fine salt and water must be rolled into a layer, from which snowflakes are cut out using cuttings for cookies or a sharp knife and a stencil.
The blanks must be dried at room temperature or baked in the oven, and then painted with paints, as imagination suggests. After drying, all that remains is to thread the string and hang the decoration on the tree.
We draw using an application on a tablet
You can easily and beautifully draw a snowflake on your tablet.Not all children, and even adults, know that there are applications that allow you to create fractals and, by analogy with them, beautiful snow patterns. To create your own snowflake, it is enough to draw one of its rays, and the program will complete the rest in its image. The finished drawing can then be printed.
The video of how a newly drawn ray appears similar is mesmerizing and captivating, so such a drawing will interest more than any popular game.
Video lessons
And for those who are better off seeing the whole process once than reading about it several times, below are some interesting video tutorials on drawing beautiful snowflakes.