The White Rat is being replaced by 2021, the year of the Metal Bull. And for many people this year will be more than just a happy one. It will become significant, because a new person will be born. An important task for parents is to choose names for boys in the year of the Ox. And this is very difficult: I want the name to be not only sonorous or fashionable, but also to have a positive impact on the fate of the newborn.
Master of the Year Metal Bull
The bull is associated with slowness and calmness. But behind the screen of a certain infantilism there is a power that can both destroy and create. The bull is shock resistant. He calmly perceives the negative and successfully solves the assigned tasks. But if the situation is unpredictable, then the Bull easily solves even the most seemingly insoluble problems. It leaves its imprint on a person's character, influences fate, programs life. And, of course, the name plays an important role.
General characteristics of boys born in the year of the Ox
Boys born in the Year of the Ox are very calm children. They are slow, than they can sometimes cause mild irritation, but they are thorough and prudent.
The Bull Boy will never get into dubious adventures: playing at a construction site or dangerous entertainment.
He is more interested in calm games: logic, board. Boys born in the Year of the Ox prefer solitude. They do not strive to make new friends, they feel good without them. Of course, they will have friends, but quiet sitting at home, such children like more than wandering along the street.
The Bull Boys are very hardworking and practical. It makes no sense for them to give gif.webpts that cannot be made with their own hands. So, if you need to choose a gif.webpt for the Bull, then it must be a constructor, a tool, something that can be applied in practice. The Bulls have very developed leadership qualities. That is why they do not need friends, and so everyone is drawn to them. They are very self-confident, sometimes even too much, and take criticism badly. Therefore, if you need to make a comment, you will have to choose words. Otherwise, the Bull will rest, and it will be difficult to move him.
Month of birth and name for the boy-Ox
The name of the child depends on what month the boy was born. This issue should be taken seriously. The summer name given to a person born in winter can cause a conflict of energies. In the table, you can choose a suitable name for the boy. There are universal names that can be given at any time of the year. But it's not just the month that needs to be accounted for. To choose a name, you need to look at the child's horoscope. The combination of the zodiac sign and the name is especially important.
January | Arkady, German, Leo, Makar, Maxim, Plato. |
February | Artem, Valentin, Konstantin, Mikhail, Timur, Eric, Julian, Yuri. |
March | Gordey, David, Damir, Semyon, Tikhon, Yan. |
April | Gleb, Miron, Peter. |
May | Valery, Vladimir, Ignat, Ilya, Eldar. |
June | Anatoly, Oleg, Ruslan, Savely, Timofey. |
July | Demid, Dmitry, Efim, Zakhar, Kirill, Pavel, Roman, Sergey, Yakov. |
August | Boris, Elisha, Ivan, Leonid, Stanislav, Philip. |
September | Alexander, Albert, Arthur, Daniel, Igor, Marat, Nikolay, Stepan. |
October | Anton, Bogdan, Vasily, Victor, Vyacheslav, Gennady, Grigory, Demyan, Denis, Eugene, Matvey, Svyatoslav, Fedor, Yaroslav. |
November | Alexey, Andrey, Arseny, Vitaly, Vladislav, Egor, Nazar, Nikita, Rodion. |
December | Adam, Bulat, Vadim, Georgy, Mark, Rustam, Edward. |
By the way, if you are expecting a daughter, then beautiful names for girls are here.
Choosing a name for a boy by the sign of the zodiac in the year of the Ox
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) | Akim, Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Arkady, Artem, Arthur, Afanasy, Borislav, Bronislav, Valery, Gabriel, Georgy, Egor, Makar, Marat, Mark, Nazar, Nikolay, Oleg, Prokhor, Rostislav, Ruslan, Eldar, Yuri, Jan, Yaroslav. |
Taurus (21.04 - 21.05) | Adam, Akim, Anatoly, Anton, Artem, Arthur, Bogdan, Boris, Vasily, Veniamin, Victor, David, Daniil, Demyan, Egor, Emelyan, Illarion, Ilya, Maxim, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikita, Osip, Pavel, Peter, Taras, Tikhon, Fedor. |
Gemini (22.05 - 21.06) | Akim, Alexey, Anatoly, Arkady, Valery, Gennady, German, Georgy, Eugene, Igor, Illarion, Innokenty, Clement, Konstantin, Mark, Nikita, Nikolay, Sergey. |
Cancer (22.06 - 22.07) | Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Denis, Dmitry, Emelyan, Efim, Ilya, Lev, Maxim, Semyon, Stanislav, Stepan, Timofey, Eldar. |
Leo (23.07 - 23.08) | Abram, Adam, Alexander, Alexey, Albert, Anatoly, Anton, Arnold, Artyom, Arthur, Bogdan, German, David, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Ilya, Cyril, Lev, Leonid, Mikhail, Makar, Mark, Nazar, Nikolay, Peter, Prokhor, Robert, Roman, Rostislav, Ruslan, Eldar, Jan. |
Virgo (08.24 - 09.22) | Valentin, Victor, Vsevolod, Gennady, Henrikh, German, Gleb, Grigory, Demyan, Denis, Dmitry, Igor, Innokenty, Clement, Konstantin, Nikita, Prokhor, Rostislav, Sergey, Stanislav, Stepan, Timofey, Timur. |
Libra (23.09 - 22.10) | Akim, Alexey, Albert, Anatoly, Anton, Arkady, Arnold, Boris, Borislav, Veniamin, Victor, Vitaly, Eugene, Illarion, Innokenty, Clement, Konstantin, Lev, Leonid, Makar, Mark, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikita, Oleg, Osip, Pavel, Prokhor, Rostislav, Savely, Semyon, Timur, Philip, Thomas, Yakov. |
Scorpio (23.10 - 22.11) | Aristarchus, Arkady, Athanasius, David, Efim, Zakhar, Makar, Savva, Savely, Sergey, Taras, Fedor, Thomas, Yuri, Yakov, Yan, Yaroslav. |
Sagittarius (11.22 - 12.21) | Alexander, Aristarkh, Artem, Afanasy, Vasily, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Maxim, Marat, Osip, Peter, Roman, Ruslan, Savely, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Stanislav, Stepan, Timur, Philip, Yaroslav. |
Capricorn (12.22 - 01.20) | Abram, Adam, Akim, Alexander, Arthur, Bogdan, Boris, Bronislav, Vadim, Georgy, Gleb, Gregory, David, Daniel, Denis, Dmitry, Egor, Ivan, Igor, Illarion, Clement, Kirill, Konstantin, Leonid, Makar, Nazar, Nikolay, Oleg, Peter, Prokhor, Robert, Stanislav, Timur. |
Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02) | Albert, Andrey, Arnold, Valery, Vitaly, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vsevolod, Gennady, Henrikh, Gleb, Eugene, Illarion, Kirill, Leonid, Oleg, Pavel, Ruslan, Svyatoslav, Yuri. |
Pisces (20.02 - 20.03) | Anton, Afanasy, Bogdan, Boris, Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Vasily, Veniamin, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Gabriel, Daniil, Emelyan, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Maxim, Marat, Matvey, Mikhail, Roman, Timofey, Timur, Fedor, Philip, Thomas, Yuri. |
By the way, we've already compiled a list of boy names for 2022. Come and see!
Name for the head of the family
The boy is the future head of the family. Nobody wants to blush for their son. Therefore, one of the most important qualities that they try to educate in a man is nepotism and thrift. He may not be seven spans in the forehead, not become a boss and not have a business, but his qualities, as a husband and father, are capable of covering everything in the world.
Alexey - these men are a godsend for any woman. They are great fathers and husbands. It is easy to walk with them through life, they do not shy away from housework, do not divide it into male and female. They will be happy to cook dinner and build a house. They will always get up at night with the baby and change the diaper. And if in the yard one man is playing football with the boys, then his name is definitely Alexei.
Sergei - this man is primarily a household assistant. He is a little afraid of babies, so they will readily take on any work around the house, except for swinging in the arms of a child. But if you leave him alone with the heir, then he will perfectly cope with the task. The child will be full, dry, cheerful.
Mikhail is the main family for him. He will do everything so that his household members do not need anything. A comfortable existence is guaranteed. Even in difficult times, he will always find a way to make life serene.
Future businessman or leader
Alexander is a warlike boy who always leads the company. As an adult, he transfers these qualities to his activities.Among businessmen and leaders, it is often leaders who can be found.
Andrey is calm and reasonable. He clearly goes to his goal. Knows what he wants. His business is running smoothly and smoothly. He can start small, but by middle age, his career rises several orders of magnitude.
Cyril - grabs at everything at once. It is at Kirillov's that a confectionery and a tire fitting can be opened at the same time. Moreover, things will be equally good both there and there. The thing is that Kirill works according to the general principle, easily adjusting any direction of his business to fit it.
Victor is a winner in life. He tries himself in everything, rarely stops at one thing. Can start one business, bring it to prosperity, and then suddenly sell the business and start a new one. An addicted person who doesn't care about anything.
Intellectual and creative person
Constantine - most often goes into intellectual activity. I am happy to be engaged in science, because his name means constancy. Loves a clear algorithm of actions, a perfectionist by nature. And science fully satisfies his needs.
Maxim - creativity is necessary for him like air. It is useless to set it up for business or work in production. He will definitely go into a comfortable environment for him. It is better to immediately reveal his talents in a creative direction. And then the world can get either a great artist or a great dancer.
Philip - everything related to intellectual and creative work interests him most of all. Often they turn out to be architects or designers-constructors. They love to think over to the smallest detail, design, draw. If one day he decides to build a house, then it will be a masterpiece. Philip will calculate himself: from drawings to design.
Sport and name
If you want the boy to become a sports legend, then it is better to choose a name for him that will be both soft and tough at the same time. It can be:
Leonid - sounds soft, but with a hard ending. Lyonka, the short form of the name, also: kind of soft, but at the same time hard. A hooligan, active kid will be nimble and restless all his life. This should definitely be given to sports.
Eugene - Zhenya will be whimsical. Broken window, bruises and bumps, bicycle and skates - that's him, Zhenya. A kind, good, affectionate boy who definitely needs to put his energy somewhere. Football or hockey are those sports that will lift a guy to a pedestal.
Artem is a hardy guy, hardworking and persistent. These are the qualities that coaches are looking for in their wards. Just do not impose a choice on him, let him decide for himself: swimming or tennis.
You can call the child any name. You can choose a name throughout pregnancy, but when a person comes into the world, it becomes clear that he is not Alyosha, but Gleb. So whatever name the parents choose, the main thing is to educate him as a man. And the Year of the Ox will help in this difficult matter.
By the way, we've already compiled a list of boy names for 2022. Come and see!