The new year 2021 is approaching, which will be patronized by the White Metal Bull. To enlist his support, many want to settle this animal in their home, but not a living artiodactyl, but some object with its image. The most affordable way to do this is to make a Bull paper stencil.
What do you need to create a stencil?
Despite its seeming simplicity, the work on its creation requires perseverance, accuracy and careful selection of tools and materials. In the process of paper creation you will need:
- thick paper - its density should be from 250 g per sq. m, so even the smallest details will not be crumpled, so it should be rather thin cardboard than paper;
- a knife for cutting paper - it does not matter what kind of firm it will be, only the sharpness of its blades is important; he must cut the paper effortlessly;
- scissors - cut a stencil along the contour or work out large details much easier and faster with scissors, they must also be sharp;
- protection for the table - it can be a special foam mat, a wooden cutting board, a piece of plywood, so that at the end of the work it turns out to be only a beautiful openwork paper bull, but the table remains intact.
The process of cutting a stencil itself is simple. First, prepare a sketch. The image you like can be downloaded for free and printed immediately on paper. Cut the pattern along the contour, then lay it on a protective mat or whatever replaces it and cut out all the other parts with a knife.
Where to use the Ox paper stencil
All the stages of creating the Bull stencil (the symbol of the New 2021) have been passed and there is a finished work on the table, where can I apply it now? Omitting the most common method, which involves the use of drawings for cutting on windows, you can find a few more original ideas:
- Decoration of walls and windows. With the same success, as well as on the windows, you can decorate the walls with openwork paper bulls. They can be neatly pinned to the wallpaper or glued to transparent tape. The pieces of adhesive tape should be small so that they can then be carefully removed without damaging the wall covering.
- List of dishes. On the eve of the holidays, many cups and plates with the image of the symbol of 2021 appear, but such dishes can be made independently, using a self-made Bull stencil for drawing. A plate or cup with this image will be a good gif.webpt.
- Baking decoration. If there is a cake on the New Year's table, let it be decorated with the symbol of the coming year. To apply its image using a stencil, baked goods should be covered with chocolate icing or ganache, a paper template should be laid on it, and powdered with powdered sugar or coconut flakes on top. Then carefully remove the paper fixture from the cake.
For the last two methods, it is better to glue the Ox stencil on one side with transparent tape. This will add extra rigidity and allow it to be used multiple times.
If you like the idea of decorating your home with the symbol of the year, check out some cute Gobies crafts you can make on the eve of the New Year.