Paper is arguably the most readily available creative medium. Office white, colored, corrugated, packaging and velvet, as well as paper towel rolls, old newspapers and magazines can be used to create crafts. By mastering various techniques for working with this material, you can make it so that by the New Year 2021, more than one paper bull will settle in the house, which, at least, will bring joy from joint creativity with children.
Application "Goby" for small children
For children who are just starting their acquaintance with the simplest tools and materials for creativity, such a technique as application is suitable. For work you will need cardboard, colored paper or a printed template, scissors and glue. The child needs to carefully cut out the details along the contour and glue them to the base.
It is much more interesting to create an appliqué of a bull not on an ordinary sheet of cardboard, but on a disposable plate, which can later even be turned into a mask. And what could be more pleasant for a child than to get the opportunity to demonstrate to everyone the fruits of his creativity in this way?
The symbol of the year in the quilling technique
Paper rolling or quilling is another paper art technique that allows you to create beautiful paintings or volumetric figures from curls of paper ribbons of different colors with your own hands. This kind of applied art originated in the Middle Ages in Europe, and now it has spread throughout the world.
Quilling helps develop fine motor skills of the hands, which, according to pediatricians, has a positive effect on the development of speech and mental abilities in children. To make a bull using this technique, you will need:
- strips of paper from 3 mm to 1 cm wide - you can buy them ready-made in the store or cut them yourself;
- glue - any quick-drying glue will do, it is desirable that it has a neck with a thin spout;
- slotted quilling tool - a special device for curling strips, but it can be easily replaced with a regular toothpick or a gypsy needle with a long eye;
- a ruler with holes of different sizes and shapes, which can then be given to curls.
Sequence of work:
- Paper of the corresponding colors, cut into strips, is twisted into spirals, which are then given the required shape using a ruler and hands.
- The free ends of the curls must be fixed with glue.
- When all the elements are ready, they are connected together with glue and fixed on the base.
The finished craft can be turned into a fridge magnet by gluing a magnetic tape on the back of the base. You can also make quilling snowflakes or other toys for the Christmas tree.
And here we have collected other crafts for the Year of the Ox!
Volumetric bull using papercraft technique
Paper modeling or papercraft is the creation of volumetric 3D models from paper. It has several levels of complexity from polygonal models, almost indistinguishable from living figures, to CubeeCraft (cubic modeling, where the base of the figure is a cube).
For creativity you will need:
- schematics;
- scissors and a stationery knife;
- iron ruler;
- a clean cutting board so that you can cut parts on it with a clerical knife;
- glue.
The process of assembling the model is quite simple: cut out the patterns, bend them inward (along the dotted lines) or outward (along the dotted lines) and glue them, picking up pairs of numbers on the "ears" of the parts.
To make the figurine neat, you must follow the following rules:
- When self-printing diagrams, you need to use paper with a density of at least 200 g / m22.
- Wash hands thoroughly before work so as not to stain the workpieces.
- Glue the parts with quick-drying glue that does not deform the paper.
- Start assembly with small parts.
You can strengthen the assembled model of the symbol of the year 2021 by pasting it with fiberglass or covering it with epoxy.
Origami paper bull
Origami (literally "folded paper") is a type of Japanese applied art, which consists in folding various figures from a square sheet of paper without the use of scissors and glue. All that is needed for the lesson is a square sheet and a detailed step-by-step diagram.
Along with this technique, there are other directions in origami:
- Kirikomi origami, which allows you to make small cuts, but the folding remains basic;
- Modular origami - a three-dimensional model is assembled from separate multi-colored triangular modules.

It will take a little perseverance to collect such a paper bull.
Crafts in the form of a symbol of 2021 from bushings
There is another way to make a bull. To do this, rolls from toilet paper, paper towels and other things are used as a base.
You can simply glue the eyes, ears, horns, tail and legs to them. The result is a funny bull that the child can play with. If you make several animals, you can get a whole puppet theater in which you can play the kid's favorite fairy tale with him.
Such a paper bull can be a very useful thing, for example, an organizer for stationery, stylized as the symbol of 2021. To create it, in addition to sleeves, colored paper, glue and scissors, you will need ideas for inspiration, which for different techniques of creativity with this material can be gleaned from this article.