Everyone can make original New Year's crafts. You only need a little time, imagination and, of course, a good mood. Whether you make one toy or want to decorate the whole tree with handmade decorations, the creative process will give you real pleasure. And if you involve children, preparing for the New Year will become even more fun. Crafting materials are easy to find at home or from craft stores.
- Christmas tree decorations from buttons
- Crafts from beads
- Decor with wool balls or pompoms
- Christmas pasta toys
- Quilling
- Christmas tree decorations made of threads
- Felt crafts
- Decorations from multi-colored paper
- From nuts
- From newspapers
- Varieties of crafts
- Christmas trees
- Stars
- Balls
- Christmas tree sweets
- Snowman
- Snowflakes
- Cones
What will we make
You can literally create Christmas tree toys from scrap materials. For the jewelry that we propose to make, you will need:
- scissors,
- glue,
- threads,
- needle,
- pins,
- ribbons,
- spray paint,
- foam blanks,
- filler for soft toys,
- cardboard.
The main materials will be:
- buttons,
- beads, beads,
- wire,
- wool balls,
- pom-poms,
- fleece or plush,
- cones, nuts, acorns, seeds,
- pasta,
- paper,
- felt,
- newspapers.
Christmas tree decorations from buttons
Crafts from simple buttons look unusual.
For a multi-colored ball you will need:
- foam blank,
- buttons of different colors and sizes,
- pins with beaded hats,
- ribbon.
Pin the buttons to the workpiece with pins, tie the loop from the ribbon. You can even decorate a street tree with such balls - they are durable, they are not afraid of low temperatures, snow and dampness.
The base for the second New Year's decoration is the same foam base, painted golden. If you glue buttons to match it and pick up a ribbon with a golden thread, you get a decoration in the style of "retro".
It's even easier to make a herringbone. Materials:
- 10 - 12 green buttons of different diameters, 4 identical brown buttons for the trunk, star button.
- a thread,
- needle.
Using a needle, string the buttons on a thick green thread: first a star, then buttons from a smaller diameter to a larger one, and finally the trunk. Return the thread through the second holes in reverse order. Fasten the thread.
The base of the star in pastel colors is a Styrofoam star. In addition, you need light-colored buttons of different sizes and styles, a glue gun. In order for the surface to turn out to be voluminous, you need to overlap the buttons, without trying to maintain symmetry.
Crafts from beads
It is one of the most interesting materials for creating New Year's gif.webpts due to the variety of shapes, colors and sizes.
For a multi-colored ball you will need:
- foam base,
- beads of different colors,
- strong thread,
- needle,
- universal glue,
- end piece for beads with a loop,
- ribbon.
String beads on a thread, grease the base with glue, glue it down in a spiral. At the end, attach the end piece for the beads, thread it through the loop and tie the ribbon.
Snowflake stars, bells and other ornaments are made of beads, bugles and beads of different sizes.
For a star you need:
- wire sprocket,
- thin wire
- beads, beads of different colors and sizes.
String beads and beads onto a thin wire. Wrap the sprocket with wire in any order.
How to decorate a ball with beads step by step?
If you have experience in bead weaving, you can use a pattern to braid the ball.
- Christmas ball (preferably plain),
- beads of two colors,
- fishing line,
- needle.
Cast on 27 beads on the line, close into a ring. Then weave according to the pattern.The diagram shows half of the work; the second half is braided symmetrically.
Decor with wool balls or pompoms
Finished balls are sold at craft stores. If you are proficient in the felting technique, felle them yourself. And pompons made of threads will be obtained by any needlewoman. Glue the colored balls on the foam base, sew on a loop, decorate with a bow.
For the Christmas tree you need:
- pom-poms,
- a cone made of thin cardboard or foam,
- glue gun,
- cardboard star,
- several beads.
We glue the blank with multi-colored pom-poms, attach the beads, attach a star on top.
Christmas trees are made from small woolen balls according to the same principle. Small stars will serve as the top for them, and several skeins of multi-colored serpentine will serve as the trunk.
For a ring made of wool with a golden decor you will need:
- woolen blank,
- beads,
- accessories: snowflakes, stars,
- pasta bows,
- spray can of gold paint,
- needle,
- threads to match.
Paint beads, accessories and a pasta bow, sew on a ring.
For a cute popsicle, take:
- ice cream stick,
- ribbon
- two black beads, a carrot bead, a bead for a cap,
- a few small plastic snowflakes,
- two rectangular pieces of soft white fabric (plush, fleece),
- a piece of cloth for the cap,
- filler for soft toys,
- a needle
- thread to match.
Sew a rectangle from pieces of fleece or plush, fill with filler, sew in an ice cream stick, decorate it with a ribbon. Sew on beady eyes, nose. Stitch the cap, decorate with a snowflake and a bead, attach.
How to decorate with balls
Materials for the following craft:
- cone,
- packing of small multi-colored woolen balls,
- glue gun,
- a little harsh thread.
Glue the balls on the cones, tie long loops.
Christmas pasta toys
Children will love making pasta figurines with their own hands. You will need:
- pasta of various shapes and sizes: tubes, bows, horns, shells, spirals,
- glue,
- beads,
- spray paint,
- ribbon,
- scissors,
- cardboard.
To make cute angels, you need to pick up large pasta, large beads are suitable for the heads, and small beads or pieces of foam plastic for the hair. You just need to glue the figures, paint.
Follow this link to find master classes on making pasta snowflakes.
From small pasta you will get an elegant decoration that resembles lace.
You will need:
- small round balloon,
- PVA glue,
- small pasta,
- ribbon,
- decorative rope,
- tweezers.
Inflate the balloon to the desired size, grease with glue, roll over the pasta poured onto the table so that they stick evenly. Leave a hole about 1 cm in size. If necessary, trim the parts with tweezers. When the glue is completely dry, pierce the base, pull it out, and seal the hole. Color the product, attach a loop, tie a bow.
For a photo frame on a Christmas tree, cut out a cardboard star, stick pasta, leaving a place for a photo in the center. Paint the craft, glue a photo, sew on a loop.
If you have the skill of working in the quilling technique, make graceful delicate balls, figures and snowflakes. Roll motifs out of paper, glue them to the base. Decorate with small beads additionally.
This technique can be used for other tree decorations as well:
Christmas tree decorations made of threads
From simple threads that can be found in every home, you can make some wonderful light Christmas tree toys. You will need:
- threads,
- PVA glue,
- small round balloons,
- beads,
- spray paint,
- scissors,
- cardboard,
- wire star,
- disposable food tray,
- pins,
- decor elements (cones, ribbons).
Saturate the thread with glue, wrap a balloon inflated to the required size with it. Allow the glue to dry, blow off the base and remove it.Decorate the craft with ribbons and cones.
Cut a Christmas tree out of cardboard, wrap it tightly with thread with strung beads, paint.
It's even easier to make an asterisk. Give the wire a star shape or take a blank, wrap it with threads.
Threads can be easily shaped into almost any shape. To get a star or an angel, pin the outline of the future figure with pins, wind the threads in random order, grease with glue for strength. When the glue is dry, all that remains is to remove the pins and, if necessary, decorate the figurine.
How to make a Christmas tree toy out of thread
Felt crafts
Felt and decorative items are sold in hobby shops. It is pleasant to work with it - it does not crumble and it is convenient to cut parts of any size from it. You will also need a little filler for soft toys, glue, threads, beads.
Decorate the tree with a delicate flower ball. It will turn out if you glue the base with small felt flowers and beads.
Cut out the details of the future figurine from multi-colored pieces of felt, sew along the contour, fill with filler. Small details (eyes, mouth) to embroider or draw with a felt-tip pen.
How to make a felt toy (step by step)
The pattern can be almost any. This workshop will show you how to work with felt using an asterisk as an example. We will need:
- cardboard,
- scissors,
- felt,
- needle,
- threads,
- braid,
- small buttons,
- ribbon.
Cut out cardboard patterns (hearts, stars, little men), cut out felt details on them, decorate them with braid, buttons, sew along the perimeter with a decorative seam, fill with filler, sew a loop.
Decorations from multi-colored paper
Even such a simple familiar material will make interesting Christmas tree decorations. There is a large selection of paper in original colors and unusual textures in handicraft stores.
To make funny deer, cut out strips for the ball and details of the muzzle. Glue a ball out of strips, glue the muzzle.
Everyone can make a Christmas tree. An interesting pattern of material and decorative elements will transform even such a simple craft.
Step-by-step master classes
Cut 5 strips out of the paper, as shown in the figure. Fold them like an accordion, glue the circles. Collect and hold the bump.
From nuts
From hats from acorns, nuts, seeds, processed with golden paint or sparkles, it is easy to make original decorations for the Christmas tree.
Paint acorn hats on the outside with glitter paint, glue on the base, tie a bow to match, fasten the loop.
A large festive New Year's ball will be made of walnuts painted with gold paint. Stick the nuts on the blank, attach decorative leaves, tie a ribbon. These balls can be used to decorate a window or even a large city Christmas tree.
Smaller toys will be made from seeds according to the same principle. They will look very original on the tree.
Newspaper toys
Varieties of crafts
You can decorate the house for the New Year with decorations of different shapes. Christmas trees, stars, balls, sweets, snowmen, snowflakes, cones have not lost their relevance for many years.
Christmas trees
You can decorate the house for the New Year with decorations of different shapes. Christmas trees, stars, balls, sweets, snowmen, snowflakes, cones have not lost their relevance for many years.

Christmas stars
The star will need the following materials:
- 3 equal lengths of wire
- 6 big cones, 24 small ones.
String the cones on the wire, secure.
A few more stars:

This is the most popular Christmas tree toy. You can decorate an ordinary New Year's ball by pasting lace and tinted with paint. The ball, pasted over with beads of different sizes, looks elegant.
The variety of handmade Christmas balls is amazing:

Christmas tree sweets
Decorating a Christmas tree with sweets is an ancient and almost forgotten tradition. To make the new year 2022 sweet, we suggest baking cookies with New Year's motives for decoration.
Sweet pastries can create a festive mood, as well as become a good addition to Christmas tree toys:

You can make a cute snowman out of white pompons. Put on him a felt hat, a scarf made of braid, embroider small details and you will get a wonderful New Year's souvenir.
In other techniques, no less cute snowmen are obtained:

Everyone in childhood cut snowflakes from napkins. We suggest you master the manufacture of a needle-like snowflake. Cut out several circles from paper, cut them into sectors, twist and glue the rays, as shown in the figure. Collect and sew a few of these pieces.
Snowflakes on a Christmas tree can be as follows:

A very simple budget option for a quick decor of an ordinary cone: paint the tips of the scales with a stationery proofreader. Let dry.
You can use these ideas: