Vera Lyon's predictions for 2022 are of interest to people who want to open the veil in the near future. Such an interest in the prophecies of the Kazakh fortune teller is justified: for all the time of her work, she was able to win the trust of a large number of people, since many of her predictions are accurate and detailed.
Vera Lyon is often called the "Kazakh Vanga" - she has lived in Kazakhstan for a long time, but was born. Many of her prophecies are associated with these states. What awaits us in the coming year?
Vera Lyon: Predictions Come True
On the account of the Russian-Kazakh soothsayer, there are many predictions that have come true, the reliability and validity of which initially raised doubts.
However, here are some of the predictions that have been proven to be accurate over time:
- change of the president of Ukraine - the election of Yanukovych, a coup d'etat and Poroshenko's coming to power;
- re-election of Vladimir Putin in 2018;
- the economic crisis that began in 2014 due to foreign sanctions provoked by the disconnection of Crimea from Ukraine;
- the collapse of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev's departure from the post of head of state;
- explosions in Volgograd in 2013.
The seer's forecasts regarding the future of Russia are very optimistic. For example, she speaks confidently about Vladimir Putin: according to her, he stands firmly on his feet, despite the intrigues that weave behind him. In her blog, she advises the president to carefully choose his assistants and allies.
What awaits us in 2022
Vera Lyon pays a lot of attention to the post-Soviet countries. In particular, she predicted the separation of the DPR and LPR, and also said that their reunification with Ukraine is impossible.
Vera Lyon sees Russia as a boat that has fallen into a stormy river and is successfully overcoming obstacles. Perhaps this means that the confrontation with the West will continue, but at the same time the powerful state will be able to maintain its positions.
Among the predictions of the "Kazakh Vanga" for the near future, it is worth highlighting the most striking:
- Dissolution of NATO at the initiative of the president.
- The abolition of the EU under the influence of the head of the American government.
- Decrease in sales of weapons made in the United States due to poor product quality.
- Aggravation of relations between China and the United States: it is possible that events will turn into an armed phase.
- Numerous terrorist attacks in the United States.
- Unification of North and South Korea into a single state.
- Cryptocurrency and all its varieties will disappear.
- Scientists will be able to find traces of alien civilizations in Antarctica.
- The earth's poles will change their position, which will lead to an abrupt change in climate.
These are general predictions for the whole world that are not tied to specific time frames.
Some prophecies seem, at least, strange and unrealistic, nevertheless, many of the predictions of the Kazakh seer came true, so they cannot be ignored.
Vera Lyon's predictions for Russia
The soothsayer respects Russia and the current president.
State predictions for 2022:
- The political situation will remain unchanged - this applies to both opposition-minded citizens and the current government.
- "Everything is kind of gray in the country, and half fog" (fog is a mystery).
- Vladimir Putin will remain in his place.
- “Dmitry Medvedev clutches his head with the words:“ What have I done… ”. He is wearing the mantle of a judge. "
- With regard to foreign policy: as before, a lot of attention will be paid to the Middle East and the entire African continent.
- There is no war with China and is not expected. However, the Chinese will be driven from the Russian land.
- "The city is lit with bright lights, the sky is black - night." Perhaps we are talking about innovations in urban lighting.
- Relations with the United States: “It is as if a large ship is sailing from the Russian side, but it stumbles over a wave, it does not let it go. The waves are restless. From the side of the United States, elongated black stripes go across the sky, the water is also black. I see a rowing boat, and on it there are sailors in two rows, they row. Trump stands in the middle of the boat, his arms folded behind his back, he is heading towards the Russian ship. "
What do these predictions mean for the fate of Russia? They can be interpreted in different ways: on the one hand, it was never easy for a powerful state to defend its positions, so intrigue and intrigue are the norm for the Russian government. The main thing is that the "boat" successfully cope with the troubles.
Prophecies for the World
Vera Lyon, like many psychics, has repeatedly said that in the future the planet will face natural disasters and natural disasters provoked by thoughtless human activities. And one cannot disagree with her words - the ecological situation is becoming critical.
Other predictions for the whole world:
- the dormant Yellowstone volcano will wake up, leading to devastating disasters in America;
- Europeans will begin to abandon Catholicism;
- the rapid melting of glaciers, changes in the area of water and land, strong movement of the poles, numerous floods, natural fires, earthquakes and hurricanes, according to Vera Lyon, 2022 will be one of the worst on the entire planet;
- a wave of suicides and new diseases will appear, old diseases will return, perhaps even the plague, but in a new form, European countries will suffer greatly from the epidemic;
- “A huge monkey is walking in the snow, next to it is a small man, and the monkey is pulling a bundle of brushwood, they walk together, talking to each other, it looks like an ice age - everything goes to this”;
- stagnation in the global economy.
These words make you think not only about your future. The prophecies of Vera Lyon seem ominous, but the Kazakh soothsayer claims that ultimately peace and harmony will be established on the planet, a person will learn to take care of nature, which will soon regain its strength.
Latest predictions
The clairvoyant does not exclude the aggravation of relations between the ruling states. Despite this, Vera Lyon is confident that order will be established in the world. At the same time, she talks a lot about the growing influence of the United States on other states.
The desire of the American president to follow exclusively his interests at the expense of other countries may plunge the EU zone into a crisis that will drag on for more than one year. Vera Lyon notes that many states will have to turn to Russia for help.
In turn, Russian politics will be able to find an approach to the American president, as a result of which relations will become warmer over time. This will not be done without China's assistance. As for the Celestial Empire, this state will soon conquer world positions and become a superpower.
The Third World War - this topic often pops up in the words of famous soothsayers and worries ordinary people. According to Vera Lyon, the threat of an armed conflict, which has existed for a long time, is gradually weakening.
In 2022, people should not bother with useless experiences, but rather channel their energy into a creative or religious direction, pay more attention to family and spiritual values.