In December 2020, the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements presented for discussion promising models that are planned to be introduced into the Unified State Exam in 2022. Every year the exam is accompanied by some scandals.
According to the latest news, graduates will have to face serious complications at KIM from 2022. The new models led to a negative reaction from the teaching staff. According to educators, the new models do not match the curriculum in many schools. The innovations will lead to a significant reduction in exam scores.
Will there be any changes to this year's graduates? Read the latest news below.
Compulsory subjects of the exam 2022
FIPI is engaged in research in the field of education quality assessment. FIPI considers changes in the passing of the exam in 2022 to be a key point in the history of education. Experts have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to check not so much learned facts as skills and practical skills. Therefore, there will be more practice in exams.
The list of subjects that must be handed over will be changed. Now compulsory subjects are Russian and mathematics. A foreign language will be added to them.
The FIPI reassures that you should not be afraid of a foreign language exam. The exam in English will be divided into two forms: basic and specialized, as well as in mathematics. Those graduates who do not require English scores for admission will take the most simplified basic version.
Changes in the exam in 2022
What other changes will there be for the current tenth graders in 2022, besides what subjects are required to take? After the new CMMs have been brought up for discussion, teachers and parents do not lose hope that they will be able to challenge controversial issues. But, most likely, most of the innovations will still be included in the final version of the Unified State Exam, which will be announced in the fall.
Public dissatisfaction with the planned changes is due to the fact that many topics are not included in the program. The emergence of overly difficult questions will lead to a deterioration in the average score and will reduce the number of 100 points.
Advanced tasks will take more time, but the exam duration will not change. It turns out that without the participation of a tutor, it will not work well to pass the exam. And due to the fact that easy tasks were removed, many students will not be able to pass the minimum threshold. All students will experience a decrease in the overall score of at least 5 points.
Dissatisfied teachers and parents ask FIPI not to make changes to the Unified State Exam 2022. In the published demo version, some of the tasks are commensurate with the tasks at the Olympiads. The emphasis is on scientific discoveries and solutions to mathematical problems.
The questions do not relate to the content of the subject itself, there are many tasks integrated with related sciences. Many tasks are not in the textbooks. Biology teachers are asked to leave at least assignments in their subject unchanged. Over the past few years, the USE results in biology have left much to be desired (even worse in profile mathematics).
Planned changes:
- Russian language. They will change the text part, the tasks will be mixed together. New tasks for working with texts will appear. Instead of a question on punctuation, there will be a question about text analysis and stylistics. A new task will be introduced, where you need to select examples with a specific way of developing thought.
- Profile mathematics. Change of structure is planned. In the first part, they will do not 8, but 12 tasks, and in the second - 7. We changed the simplest tasks for more complicated options. One of the new assignments relates to the topic "Complex numbers", which are held exclusively in specialized classes, but this topic is not in the regular program.
- Physics. There will be not 32, but 30 questions. They will add a task for choosing the correct theses about physical phenomena.
- Chemistry.In the first part - 26 problems, and in the second - 7. Added a question regarding the calculation of the concentration of a substance.
- Literature. The structure will change. We left 7 text tasks and 5 essays.
- Biology. There will be not 28, but 30 tasks. We grouped tasks by cell division processes, added new types of questions.
- English. Some blocks will merge. New tasks will be added: find extra words or fill out registration cards. The writing part will also be changed.
- Geography. There will be not 34, but 31 tasks. The main changes will be in the second part. Instead of a question about demography, it will be about ecology. Below are a few questions, where countries are compared according to a number of criteria.
- Social science. The first 4 tasks will change. Previously, these were tests, and now questions are about text analysis. Many tasks will simply be swapped. But the second part of the exam will be simplified, for example, the essay will be removed.
- History. They will increase the number of questions on world history from 2 to 4. They will present several options for task 22, where it is required to choose arguments.
New promising USE models from 2022
The updated promising USE models were published in December 2020 on the website of the Federal Institute. Schoolchildren who complete grade 11 in 2021 will be tested on those CMMs that were announced at the end of summer 2020.
Changes in conduct await graduates of 2022. These are students who studied from the first grade according to new standards. They were trained not only to know the facts, but also to look for practical applications for them.
A gradual transition from testing students' knowledge to demonstrating practical skills is planned. There are no final approved models of the 2022 USE yet, there are only trial CMMs.
How many items will the change affect? According to preliminary data, tasks will change in eleven subjects. Basic mathematics, computer science, foreign languages (except English) will remain unchanged.
It is important to understand that promising models are conceptual designs. The Institute of Measurement is engaged not only in the development of tasks for exams, but also forms new approaches to assessing knowledge, creates unusual technologies that are not always implemented. And if they are introduced, then gradually.
The innovations are introduced into the Unified State Exam after long discussions. Several stages of approbation are carried out, in which graduates from different regions with different levels of training take part. Then the results are analyzed. Further, the repeated stage of approbation, after which a detailed plan for adjusting the CMM is formed.
FIPI strives to move from the everyday to the pre-professional context. Assignments in one science will overlap with others, for example, chemistry with ecology and medicine, biology with chemistry and veterinary medicine, geography with sociology and economics, mathematics with robotics and economics.
Now school standards provide that the last two years have been specialized classes, where certain subjects are deeply and systematically studied. Non-core subjects are studied at a basic level.
The KIM developers do not deny that one cannot do without a great desire and effort on the part of the student, as well as without the help of a tutor. One school program alone is not enough to get 100 points on the exam.
Opinion of teachers and parents
Teachers and parents spoke out unequivocally against the new types of assignments. They consider innovations to be completely meaningless and see no reason to complicate the existing tasks.
The teachers insist that the models of the measuring materials are not changed. They call an attempt to combine several types of activities in one question too difficult for schoolchildren, especially in such a short period of time.
The general education curriculum does not provide the knowledge and skills that are required to perform complex analytical tasks from new models.
All are unanimously against the adoption of this project.Removing the easiest tasks, they will achieve only one thing: the number of points will decrease. Many questions do not completely correspond to the school curriculum. Even teachers find it difficult to solve these tasks in the time allocated, not to mention ordinary schoolchildren.
The published new models of USE materials in 2022 caused a stir among teachers, parents and schoolchildren. The students are scared of the upcoming exams. A lot of changes are expected, and another required exam will be added.
The FIPI says that nothing has been decided for sure yet. There is a stage of approbation and discussion of issues. If the developers see that the students are not coping, for example, due to the fact that the topic was not studied in the school curriculum, then such tasks will be excluded from the model temporarily or permanently.