Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2022 will be celebrated, as usual, on February 23. This holiday came to us from the USSR, but over time, its essence and traditions associated with it have changed slightly. On this day, it is customary to congratulate men who served in the army, as well as active military personnel.
history of the holiday
Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated annually in Russia - since the first decades of the 20th century. Over the years, the name of the holiday has changed several times. In 1922, it was celebrated for the first time, the commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR was set to consider February 23 as the Day of the Red Army and Navy. After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was renamed and it began to be considered the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.
Since 2002, February 23 is considered an official day off. In addition, amendments were made to the labor code of the Russian Federation, according to which the previous working day should be reduced by 1 hour.
Since February 23rd is a military holiday, most of the traditions are associated with the army. On a mandatory basis, the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day is accompanied by solemn events:
- awards are presented and promoted;
- awards are given to military personnel;
- flowers and wreaths are laid at the memorials and burial places of the fallen soldiers in the USSR and the Russian Federation;
- congratulations of veterans are organized;
- gif.webpts are given to men and women involved in military service throughout the country.
In some regions, parades of military equipment and reviews are organized. Also, in honor of the holiday, various entertainment events and concerts are organized.
What to give for Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2022
Now, due to the fact that more and more women associate their lives with military service, on February 23 it is customary to congratulate not only men. Gif.webpts must be chosen individually, depending on who they are intended for. When choosing a suitable presentation, you need to focus on the following nuances:
- floor;
- personal preferences;
- purchase budget;
- degree of kinship or closeness of relationship.
For example, when it comes to a collective gif.webpt to male colleagues at work, it might just be a sign of attention. For example, cups with themed pictures. But if you are planning to congratulate one of the relatives, you can choose a more valuable gif.webpt, taking into account the personal preferences and interests of the recipient.
In honor of this holiday, it is customary to give themed gif.webpts in a militaristic style. These can be souvenirs or things that can be used in practice.
For example, among the popular gif.webpts: flasks, sets of accessories, mugs, knives, watches, souvenir weapons, stationery and writing materials.
As an addition to the gif.webpt, you can attach a thematic greeting card, and if the present is given to a woman, flowers.
Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated
February 23 in 2022 falls on Wednesday, but despite this, a day off was approved in honor of the holiday in the Russian Federation. Therefore, in many institutions and institutions, solemn events are held in advance.
One of the traditions of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day is congratulations in schools and educational institutions of the country. Girls prepare gif.webpts for boys in advance, teach congratulations or make postcards with their own hands. Sometimes matinees, themed evenings, meetings with veterans are held, and refreshments are organized.
In the military units of the country on February 23, solemn events, reviews, and presentation of awards are necessarily held. After the official part of the military, as a rule, an entertainment program awaits. There are concerts, if scheduled, or other recreational activities.
Families also celebrate.Women give gif.webpts to husbands, fathers, brothers. If there is a female soldier in the family, they are also congratulated. This is also a professional holiday for them. In honor of this holiday, it is also customary to organize fun feasts and family dinners.
Interesting Facts
There are many interesting facts related to the holiday in honor of the defenders of the Fatherland, which are not widely known. Some of them are presented below.
- The first time on February 23 was celebrated in 1919, but only three years later the holiday became official.
- The celebration takes place not only, in many countries this holiday is also honored. For example, in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, in the Republic of Belarus, solemn events will also take place.
- After the transition of the USSR to the Gregorian calendar, there was a little confusion with the dates, because according to the old style, February 23 is March 8.
- For many years, 23 February was not provided for a day off, until in 2002 the government made changes to the calendar.
Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2022 will be celebrated by the whole country, as well as some countries from the former USSR. On this day, it is worth remembering all those who are guarding the world today, as well as the fallen soldiers who gave their lives defending their native country.