Everyone expects bright impressions and great opportunities from the New Year. Someone dreams of financial success, and someone dreams of the long-awaited prosperity in their personal lives. If you have already chosen a white dress (or a stylish suit) and are just waiting for the opportunity to try it on, we remind you that you still need to find a suitable person. Well, and decide on the date of the wedding, of course. There are many ways to do this. And one of them is to ask the stars. About whether it is generally possible to get married in 2022 and when it is better to do it.
When to wear rings?
Of course, no one better than yourself can help you decide on a wedding date. After all, only you know when you will be able to take a vacation, gather the closest people for the celebration and then go on a honeymoon trip. But astrologers assure that the right day can strengthen your union and ensure harmony and well-being in your life together. With the popularization of astrology, the service for the selection of the date of marriage is more and more in demand. True, few people know why you need to do this.
Any business always carries with it the energies of the day in which it was started. There should be no negative energy influences on this day, as in the future it will certainly affect your life. The date of marriage is a kind of impulse at the start of life together. It is better that the energies of the day are harmonious, then the likelihood of a successful family life will be higher
If you decide to choose the date of the wedding yourself, then look at the astrological calendar, pay attention to the lunar day, exclude the period of eclipses of the Sun and Moon: this is a very unfavorable time for marriage. But special attention should be paid to the periods of retrograde planets: Mercury, Mars and especially Venus (astrologers claim that it most strongly affects the success and failure in personal life).
Wedding in 2022 is a dubious business
The coming year will be especially rich in periods of retrograde planets: we will have three periods of retrograde Mercury and one period of Venus and Mars. Since getting married at this time is extremely undesirable (there is a risk that the marriage will be unsuccessful), a wedding in 2022 does not look like the best idea: it is too difficult to choose the right date.
Mercury retrograde period:
- from February 17 to March 10;
- from June 18 to July 12;
- from October 14 to November 3.
Venus retrograde period:
- from May 13 to June 25.
At this time, you can reconsider your relationship, you can understand that you are not yet ready and do not reach the registry office at all. Therefore, in late spring and early summer, it is better not to plan a celebration.
Retrograde Mars:
- from September 9 to November 14.
At this time, you will feel a lack of strength and energy, your activity will decline, quarrels and conflicts are not excluded. Naturally, during this period of time, a wedding is also out of the question. The stars say that a wedding celebration during this period can turn out to be a complete failure for you.
By the way, not only retrograde planets are ready to put a spoke in your wheels and destroy joint plans. During periods of eclipses, it is also better to hide the veil somewhere far away, the astrologer is sure. So if you do not want an eclipse to come in your personal life, it is better to avoid solar and especially lunar eclipses.
Solar eclipses: June 21 and December 14.
Lunar eclipses: January 10, June 5, July 5 and November 30.
So if you decide that it is time to put a stamp in your passport, try to choose a date, avoiding these unfortunate periods. If you, of course, listen to the prophecies of the stars and the opinion of astrologers. But remember that this is only a small part of what an astrologer pays attention to when choosing the right date.
Many people use the elective method in their work. The transit picture of the day and its interaction with the natal chart of each partner and other factors are also taken into account. So if you want to choose the most successful astrological date for your wedding, you will have to contact a specialist.
But above all, remember that, first of all, your happiness depends not on the stars and not on the horoscope, but on your relationship with the person. Therefore, focus on the most important first, and then look into the astrological calendar.
Astrologers' advice
When planning a wedding, many listen to the advice of astrologers:
- Experts say that it is better to marry on the growing moon. It is believed that during the waning moon, positive energy leaves, and with it the trust between the spouses.
- When choosing a day for a wedding in 2022, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the trajectory of Venus. Astrologers say that the days when the planet is moving in a straight trajectory are most favorable for celebrating the main triumph in the life of two loving hearts.
- According to experts, it is better not to carry out important events when celestial bodies "conflict". Therefore, the days of the new moon and eclipses (lunar or solar) are not the best period for registering a marriage. It is better to refuse the celebration even on days when the moon is in the first or last quarter.
- Astrologers believe that choosing a date for a wedding in 2022 should be based on the days when the newlyweds were born. Experts say that a marriage entered into in 1, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 11 months from the date of birth of the newlyweds will be strong.
Let's not talk about signs
Now you know when is the best time to register a relationship in 2022. It remains only to decide where to celebrate this significant event. A charming atmosphere, impeccable service, an original decorated hall, a breathtaking cuisine - all this awaits you all year round.