Important news for the current tenth graders who will take the USE in 2022: The Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements publishes promising USE models. This is what Olga Kotova, Deputy Director of FIPI, told about the 2022 Unified State Exam.
Major changes
Modern standards were introduced when the current generation of graduates was in 5th grade, so education experiments are carried out regularly. In 2022, graduates will be the result of all the efforts of the new standards, since they were the ones who were influenced by the FSES during all the years of study, except for elementary school.
FIPI is confident that with the upcoming innovations, the exam results will be much better. After lengthy discussions about education, all staff agreed that the students lacked practical work where they could most clearly demonstrate all their skills.
Mandatory English
The authorities have long been planning to introduce another compulsory exam in English in the state final attestation. As a result of extensive public discussions, relying on the opinion of experts and concerned about the upcoming changes in parents, the Ministry of Education has so far ruled out the possibility of including English in the Unified State Exam. This means that in 2022, schoolchildren will be able to obtain a certificate without passing a foreign language exam.
At the same time, the FIPI was told that if English is once included in the number of compulsory, then the students will be divided into two groups:
- children whose work will be related to English will have to pass a profile exam;
- those who do not need it for admission will be able to pass only the basic one.
The basic version will be greatly simplified, and the profile version will remain exactly the same as at the present time.
Mandatory story
The Minister of Education of Russia said that in 2022 history may well become another compulsory subject. Last year, she said that the education plans are constantly increasing the number of compulsory subjects. Since the story is chosen by 23% of students, it will definitely be possible to include it in the number of required ones.
Of course, there is no specific time frame for this. According to the minister, it will be quite difficult to introduce history along with English, because many students will refuse to take the exam to an even greater extent.
Kravtsov also touched on this topic and said that apart from the English language, no significant changes are planned yet. The Minister of Education said that although this issue is being discussed quite actively, they have no specific deadlines for introducing a new subject.
Other optional items
The head of FIPI in recent interviews has already managed to refute many rumors about the upcoming USE. According to her, they have no serious intentions to expand the number of compulsory subjects even more on the exam in 2022.
Likewise, the oral part of the exam will not be introduced in any subject. One of the main reasons is the increase in exam time.
To summarize, the FIPI does not want to conduct any serious experiments with education and passing exams. All changes are very fluid and give students time to get ready. For this reason, you can start preparing for the 2022 Unified State Exam right now, knowing that besides English, there will be no other additional subjects. If you prepare well for this, then there will be no difficulties with points. Whether future exams will have a point system is not so important.
Practical exam
Exams for the current 9th graders already contain the OGE or GIA, which already prepare students for the exam. Thus, knowledge is verified in practice and the ability to use them.
The FIPI is not yet sure whether it is worth taking the exam in the form of practice. Of course, many students will have to conduct several experiments and experiments on the subject being handed over, however, school equipment is not always the same everywhere. Somewhere there may be serious problems preparing students for the exam.
Since after passing the exam, the road opens to all universities in the country, you need to make sure that the students' chances are equal.
Practical tasks will be introduced only if all schools in the country are fully prepared for them. If these changes do not come into force in 2022, then in a few years this issue will be considered again.
All subjects of the exam 2022
So, among the mandatory ones remain:
- Russian language;
- mathematics.
As an additional subject for the Unified State Exam in 2022, 11th grade graduates will be able to choose from the following disciplines:
- physics;
- chemistry;
- computer science;
- foreign languages;
- social science;
- history;
- geography;
- biology;
- literature.
State Final Exam (GVE-2022)
The main innovation of the 2021 academic year will also be relevant in 2022 - these are different forms of final certification for school graduates, depending on their future plans.
- Unified State Exam - for applicants to Russian universities;
- GVE - for all other 11-graders.
Since the USE in 2022 will be taken only by those who plan to enter the university, FIPI is developing a databank for the GVE in the format of tests and oral exams.
School graduates who plan to go to college must pass the GVE in Mathematics and Russian to receive a certificate. They then apply to college and enter the competition based on their GPA.
Graduates can change their minds and change the form of passing the state final certification upon application. The decision is made by the Regional State Examination Commission (SEC). It is assumed that applications indicating a change in the exam form can be submitted to the SEC no later than two weeks before the date of the first exam of the main period.
If a student received an unsatisfactory mark at the GVE in mathematics and / or Russian, he will have the opportunity to retake these exams at an additional time and receive a certificate.