Happy New Years to the ex: boyfriend or husband, in prose and verse

Even if the relationship ends, often a man and a woman remain good friends. And it is customary to congratulate friends on the holidays, say warm words and sincere wishes to them. Congratulations to your ex-boyfriend or husband on the New Year can be in poetry, prose, said in person or sent via the Internet. If the former young man has a good sense of humor, you can congratulate him with comic poetry. The main thing is not to hurt the person with your congratulations, even if you still have grudges against him. After all, the New Year is a kind, family holiday, and you need to meet it with a clear conscience and good mood.

Should you wish your ex-boyfriend or husband a Happy New Year?

Parting is not always a reason to cross out a former lover from your life. If you ended the relationship by mutual agreement, but continue to communicate, you can congratulate each other on the holidays.

If you are not sure whether it is worth congratulating the former young man on the New Year, pay attention to the following factors that affect the further communication between the separated couple:

  1. Break in a relationship. Perhaps you did not put an end to the relationship, but took a break to think, weigh everything and make the right decision. In this case, the partner will certainly be glad to hear from you warm wishes and congratulations for the New Year.
  2. Common children. Divorce is a serious stress for spouses, but having common children obliges them to continue communication, even if the reasons for the breakup were serious. Even if the father of the children is unpleasant to you, you can congratulate him with a couple of phrases using social networks or SMS.
  3. The new family of the ex-spouse. It so happens that the ex-husband remarried after a divorce, and his new faithful is jealous of your communication. You shouldn't try her patience and come up with long New Year speeches with romantic content for your ex-husband. Laconic congratulations will be enough.
  4. You still have feelings. If the former lover is free, you can hint about your feelings with the help of New Year's greetings. If your ex has found a new mate, your congratulations should be short and not contain any romantic hints.
  5. The former is a colleague or boss. You broke up but are working together? Regardless of how the parting went, you will have to wish you a Happy New Year. In the work collective, you can congratulate the former officially, not only on your own behalf, but also on behalf of other employees.

Congratulations on NG to the former prose

Happy New Year greetings to the former can be written not only in poetry, but also in prose, in your own words:

I wish that the coming year will bring you a lot of joy and happiness, all your dreams will come true, there are loyal and good friends nearby. Let the new year be much better than the outgoing one.

I want to wish you that you appreciate good friends who are always there and ready to help. Enjoy every day, smile more often and remember that you can always count on me.

Thank you for the emotions and feelings that you gave me. I will never forget the time when we were together. I wish you to find true love and sincerely believe that your beloved will respect and appreciate you.

Let's leave all the grievances and misunderstandings in the past year. We were happy together, but now everyone has their own path. With all my heart I wish you to go your way easily, fun, interesting. Let faithful, good friends walk next to you, and next year I wish to find my soul mate.

Dear friend, Happy New Year! I wish you to enjoy life, to love and be loved, to return home, where they will always wait for you with warmth and tenderness. Happy New Year!

Kind, touching, beautiful wishes

Tell your ex-boyfriend on New Years Eve sweet, touching words if you really feel grateful for everything in your past together. The young man will be pleased to hear good wishes from his ex:

Life is difficult and long, full of obstacles and difficulties. But I want to wish you, dear, that there will always be loving and loyal people nearby who in any situation will support, rejoice or cry with you. May there be a place for love, devotion, happiness and good luck in your life. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I will always remember how good it was for us together. Happy New Year!

We used to love each other, but fate separated us in different directions. I sincerely wish you to find one who will treat you with the same tremulous feeling, love and adore. Become the center of the Universe for her, a guiding star, the best man in the world. I believe that in your life everything will turn out the way you want.

May the coming year be bright, magical, happy for you. I wish that 2021 will bring many delightful impressions, be successful and fun for you. Inspiration to you, creativity, career growth. Such a talented, intelligent, intelligent man like you deserves only the best.

Congratulations, former lover! I wish you to find a loved one in the coming year who will not nag you, break dishes, demand expensive gif.webpts. Let them appreciate and love you!

How to congratulate the ex in verse?

The ex-partner will be pleasantly surprised if the ex-girlfriend wishes a Happy New Year in poetic form:

New Year is coming

May he bring happiness.

Smile from the heart

The surrounding is laughable.

May hopes come true

Be the same as before:

Kind, affectionate, skillful,

Reliable, strong, very brave.

Happy New Year,

I wish only the best.

You and I parted, unfortunately

But I want to wish you a Happy New Year.

Wish you good luck, inspiration,

Leave all the hardships in the outgoing year.

May the new year bring you a new relationship

I wish you love, success, inspiration.

I wish Santa Claus

I brought you a bag of love

To put it under the tree

A bag of luck, strong forces.

And I stuffed more coins into my wallet,

So that you live without grief, financial troubles.

I wish you happiness, dear,

Let the joy go in step with you.

Beautiful congratulations

It is a pleasure for every person to receive kind words of congratulations and the most sincere wishes on the holidays. How beautiful you can wish your ex-lover a Happy New Year:

Even though you and I parted,

But they remained friends forever.

We have survived all the trials

But there are pleasant memories.

Happy New Year to you!

I remember you very often.

Only with kind, good words,

Everything that was once between us.

I want, dear, to wish you

Never lose heart in the new year.

May faithful friends surround you

Let them love and respect you.

And, of course, I wish to find soon

The one with which you want to go in life.

May she be much better than me

May you have a strong family.

I will be happy for you

Happy New Year, good hour!

I once loved you

But I have already forgotten all the feelings.

And now you are my best friend.

If it suddenly becomes bad,

I'll come running to you right there,

I will help you as much as I can.

Happy New Year to you,

I wish you happiness in the coming.

May dreams come true

You deserve it.

Cool, funny, wishes with irony

Happy New Years to your ex can be humorous, but make sure the young man understands your sense of humor. There is no need to offend the ex-partner, list his shortcomings, remember past grievances.It is better to laugh heartily together on the eve of the New Year, so that there is no negative and bad memories left in the heart:

You and I lived together

It seems that they lived, they did not grieve.

Though I scattered socks

But he often made me happy.

Even though you didn't wash the dishes,

But he probably did.

What I want to wish

This New Year?

Meet half

Let's be lucky.

Now you are in the rank of "former",

But it doesn't make you look any worse.

I wish that in the year of the Ox

No horns grew on the head.

So that your pockets are full of money,

And expensive whiskey to be in a glass.

And so that in your personal life

Everything was cool and great.

How many were in our life

I have not forgotten anything.

How to break the plates

Sometimes I yelled at you.

I want to ask your forgiveness.

I wish you a good mood.

To meet you true love

And your life was like a Christmas tree - brilliant.

Comic New Year SMS

Many girls experience parting with a loved one with pain in their heart. It can be hard to send a congratulatory message to someone you loved so much. But maybe it is worth discarding the experiences and wish the former lover all the best in the coming year?

If the mental wound still hurts, and it is difficult for you to personally congratulate a loved one, you can send congratulatory words on social networks or SMS. Congratulations should not be stressful, because the New Year is a fun holiday, and the words spoken on the main night should be pleasant.

Happy New Year, my friend, congratulations,

Pockets full of money wish

Get a cool car in the new year,

All year long it is luxurious and happy to live.

May Santa Claus for you

Rather, it will bring money.

And under the tree I wish to find

The one with which you will be on the way.

Happy New Year without me

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, I'm a muse, almost ideal

But still I want you to meet

At least a little like me.

Congratulations, my friend, Happy New Year to you.

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New Year is a wonderful occasion to say warm, sincere words to loved ones. Even if you broke up with a young man, congratulate him on this wonderful holiday, wish him all the best. After all, you are probably bound by pleasant memories of the days when you were together.

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