DIY vegetable crafts: learning to do it yourself (photo, master class, instruction)

You can make crafts from vegetables with your own hands for an exhibition in a kindergarten, decorate a holiday or create an unusual culinary masterpiece. Working with fruits is easy and fun.

The creative process will captivate both children and adults. For work, you can take any vegetables from the store or grown on your own. It will be possible to create figures not only in the fall, but also at any other time.

What is required for work

Understanding how to make a craft from vegetables comes quickly if you understand the tools and materials that are used in the work. Nothing special is required.

Usually vegetables of any format are used. Beautiful and non-standard specimens are of the greatest value.

Additionally use:

  • Knife;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Cutting boards.

The kitchen table can be used as a workplace. It is easy to cut materials here without fear of staining or damaging the surface.

You can use a regular kitchen or creative apron to protect yourself from contamination.

What vegetables do they work with most often

After viewing a selection of photos of handicrafts made from vegetables, it becomes clear that you can use various fruits for work, as well as any other natural and artificial materials.

The easiest to manipulate is the easy-to-handle instances. These include vegetables with a moderately dense skin and not too soft inner part. These include:

  • Cucumber;
  • Zucchini;
  • Carrot;
  • Eggplant;
  • Potatoes.

The most common options are considered vegetables with a low price, mass distribution. Instances are chosen based on the invented idea.

With the right approach, a beautiful craft can be created from a single fruit or use a whole set of gif.webpts of nature.

Ways to do different crafts

You can pick up ideas for crafts from vegetables by looking at ready-made examples. This is most often done when something difficult needs to be done.

If the purpose of creativity is the development of the child, then it is better to dream up on your own. Whenever possible, children are involved in the process.

Options for the little ones

You can create simple crafts from vegetables for children in a few steps. To get the result, you just need to turn on your imagination.

Good ideas often come from close examination of the available material. Then it remains to make a little effort to get a beautiful figure.

Vegetable family

You will not need any step-by-step instructions if you make figures from whole vegetables. Even a kid will cope with the task. It is enough to pick up a few suitable clean fruits. It is better to take copies of approximately the same size.

Combine well:

  • Potatoes;
  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • Turnip.

It remains to make imaginary faces for the fruit. To do this, eyes, noses, mouths, drawn and cut out of paper, are glued on top of the peel. You can make all the details from pieces of other vegetables.

For example, circles made from radishes, olives and olives work well. Lettuce leaves can be used to create clothing if needed.

Potato figurine

You can make various interesting figures from ordinary potatoes. These can be little people, animals, or even whole royal castles. Select a work material. Every detail is carefully thought out.

The variety of potato calibers allows you to fantasize without limit. The individual elements are assembled into a single whole using wooden toothpicks.

Cauliflower lamb

It is easy to create a believable lamb from cauliflower inflorescences. For the body of the animal, take a bunch of larger flowers. A smaller twig will serve as the head.

It can also be made from a slice of potato or any other vegetable. The details are connected using a wooden skewer. Smaller sticks are used to arrange elements.

Larger skewers will perfectly fulfill the role of the legs of the animal. You can also use slices of other vegetables for this purpose.

Edible decor

Children often resist eating healthy vegetables. This can be achieved by decorating the dish beautifully. Vegetables can become an insignificant decorative element of any familiar dish.

For example, on top of mashed potatoes or a sandwich, you can put slices of vegetables depicting birds, fish, animals.

You can make a whole car from sweet bell pepper. It is enough to cut off the side, attach carrot or cucumber circles at the bottom, which will imitate wheels. The received car can be filled with valuable cargo:

  • Planks of carrot strips
  • Cucumber,
  • Beets.

For girls, you can make a bunch of flowers by stringing buds and leaves from carrots, radishes, beets and cucumbers on skewers-legs. Children absorb such beauty with pleasure.

Products demanding higher craftsmanship

If you are planning to get something more complex, then it is not always possible to do without a master class on creating crafts from vegetables. Using someone else's experience, you can make various carved baskets, boats and spectacular figures to decorate the table.

Perhaps the best result will not come out the first time. Using inexpensive material, you can practice. Moreover, spoiled decor can always be put into action, using it in cooking.

To create a real masterpiece will require skills, as well as accurate work. It is not recommended for children to take on complex projects. It is always best to increase your skill level gradually.

Everyone can do crafts using vegetables. This is a useful and enjoyable activity that will amuse and bring joy. The results of creativity can be used as an exhibit for a children's exhibition or turned into a real table decoration.

Photo crafts from vegetables

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