What to give your son for the New Year will depend on two main factors: the child's hobbies and age. So that the present under the tree does not disappoint, and Santa Claus does not have to blush, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible options for New Year's gif.webpts for boys of different ages.
- Choose your age:
- Ideas for a son 3-4 years old
- What to give a son 5-7 years old
- What to put under the tree for a young gentleman 8-10 years old
- How to please your beloved son at 11-12 years old
- Gif.webpts for a growing man 13-14 years old
- What to give a high school son or student 15-18 years old
- How to wish an adult son a Happy New Year
Ideas for a son 3-4 years old
At 3-4 years old, a child actively learns the world around him and learns to express his emotions and impressions with the help of speech, so a toy will be the best choice for him at this age. The more interesting toys the son has, and the more often the parents play with him, the better it will reflect on his ego development. The list of presents suitable for this age will be as follows:
- Interactive animals. It can be a talking cat, bunny, bear or dog, who will not only sing children's songs, but also repeat the words he said after his son.
- Various sorters. Boys of all ages love construction sets. At 3-4 years old, it will be difficult for a child to assemble something more complicated than a pyramid, so at this age he will be more interested in various sorters that will introduce you to various geometric shapes and help remember colors.
- Kinetic sand or slime set. Why not start building sand castles, even when there is frost and a blizzard outside the window, especially since there is kinetic sand, which not only keeps its shape well, but also glows in the dark. To avoid damage to the carpet or other flooring while playing with sand and slimes, you need to buy a sandbox table or a large basin in which it will be convenient to play.
- Fishing game or tool kit. A set of several fish and a magnetic rod will turn swimming into fun, not only for his son, but also for his amateur fisherman father. Children love to imitate their parents, so when dad decides to fix something at home, his son will be happy to help him by bringing his toy set of tools.
- Cars of all types, sizes and models. The 3-year-old loves the very process of getting a toy vehicle in motion, so he'll be equally excited about a plastic tractor and a Hot Wheels typewriter.
Children 3-4 years old are not able to handle toys carefully. They often drop them or pull them into their mouths, so parents need to consider any option for how safe it will be during the game.
What to give a son 5-7 years old
At this age, the child continues to study the world around him, but more consciously, and therefore the games become more difficult. To interest the young inquisitive mind of a 5-7-year-old boy, you can give him for the New Year:
- Flexible auto track or toy railroad. You should not try to save money when buying them. It is better to immediately purchase a toy with a lot of details in order to captivate your son with the game for a long time. He will be pleased not only by the game, but by the large-scale construction itself.
- Magnetic construction kit or construction kit with large parts. It will still be difficult for a boy at this age to assemble complex sets from small parts, so something simpler is more suitable. For example, a magnetic constructor has large enough parts that are easily connected to each other and allow you to build at least a tower, even a lunar rover.
- House tent.It will then be possible to take it with you in the summer to nature, but while it is winter in the yard, you can settle in it for calm and secluded games with friends at home. It is good if the model of the tent provides for the possibility of completing it with the help of tunnels.
- Professional play sets. Around this age, boys begin to try on various roles: doctor, policeman, construction worker, cook, and others. A set of toys that helps to better enter the chosen role, perhaps, in the future, will help determine the choice of a profession.
- Various "weapons". Just like cars, boys never fade away interest in various pistols, machine guns, blasters, bows, crossbows and other types of weapons. It is important to remember when choosing a toy from this category that it must be safe. Otherwise, toy weapons can cause real injury.
When choosing what to give your beloved son 5-7 years old for the New Year, you must not forget that at this age children still believe in Santa Claus and a miracle. In order not to disappoint the child, the choice of toys must be approached responsibly, tactfully knowing in advance what he is dreaming of.
If, in addition to your son, you also have a sweetheart daughter, here you can find ideas for New Year's gif.webpts for girls.
What to put under the tree for a young gentleman 8-10 years old
For a boy who is already attending school, toys are no longer so relevant. Yes, he will continue to play them, but on New Year's he will be more delighted to receive unusual gif.webpts. Will surprise the little gentleman:
- Ant farm or butterflyarium. Parents can donate not one pet, but a whole colony of ants. It will be interesting for the child and the whole family to observe her life and development. Cocoons of tropical butterflies will also arouse the same interest. Of course, it is a pity that they do not live long, but the bewitching sight, the appearance of a butterfly from a cocoon, will be remembered for a long time.
- Alarm clock projector of the starry sky or telescope. Does the boy like to look at the starry sky and often asks questions about distant planets and galaxies? Then he will be delighted by the alarm clock-projector of the starry sky, and the telescope, which allows viewing real celestial bodies, will delight him indescribable delight.
- Lego constructor or 3D pen. If by temperament the boy has perseverance, then he will like to collect various Lego models from small parts. A child with good spatial thinking can be presented with a 3D pen, with which you can create various plastic miniatures.
- Radio-controlled aircraft, boat, helicopter or car. A boy at this age will already be able to easily cope with such a technique, besides, he will be able to arrange races with friends on radio-controlled equipment, competing whose car is faster.
- A set for creativity (burning or chasing). Boys also love to create, but most of them prefer not to paint drawings by numbers or to embroider with cross stitches and beads, but to create paintings on wood and metal.
At 8-10 years old, boys, in general, are interested in technology, transport and constructors, but each already has their own preferences, the knowledge of which will greatly facilitate the choice of a New Year's gif.webpt for parents.
How to please your beloved son at 11-12 years old
What to give your son for the New Year is a very serious question when it comes to a boy of 11-12 years old. Teenagers are demanding in terms of attention to themselves and their hobbies, no less than children. No one will be delighted with fashionable clothes or an interesting book if other wishes were spoken.
It is best to talk openly with your child before going for a gif.webpt. Maybe he will be interested in one of the interesting ideas:
- Board game with a fascinating storyline. In the age of computer technology and all kinds of gadgets, simple live communication is still relevant and priceless. Various board games will help make it interesting: Monopoly, Mafia, Jenga, Crocodile, Scrabble and others.
- Go bowling with friends or go to the game of your favorite football or hockey team.Both the first and second options will give a lot of emotions and adrenaline, especially if the boy is an ardent fan of this sport.
- Sports equipment or uniform. Most boys are seriously interested in this or that sport, so a leather soccer ball, high-quality boxing gloves, a brand new kimono or a tennis racket can please their son.
- Everything for outdoor activities. At the age of 11-12, children prefer to disappear on the street, actively spending their time, so the boy will be delighted with a skateboard, bicycle, scooter, roller or figure skates, a gyro scooter.
- A set for chemical experiments or an electrical constructor. Carrying out real chemical experiments or assembling electrical circuits is much more interesting than reading a boring physics or chemistry textbook. Or maybe, after such experiments, diligence in studies will be added and you will want to learn more about chemical and physical processes.
The list goes on for a long time (here are more ideas for New Year's gif.webpts for teens). The above list shows only the most popular and desired options for boys of this age.
Gif.webpts for a growing man 13-14 years old
Almost an adult guy shouldn't buy some kind of trinket. Teens will appreciate technical innovations and modern gadgets such as:
- Game console. This is the dream of any teenager, and often of an adult young man. Since the game console is quite an expensive present, it is better to choose it together so that you do not get into a mess after spending a lot of money.
- Departing alarm clock. Teens often have trouble getting up to school early. An alarm clock can easily solve this problem, which will not only make sounds at the appointed time, but also fly away from the owner, forcing him to get out of bed.
- Book. This is the best gif.webpt for all time, regardless of gender and age of the gif.webpted. Knowing your literary preferences, you can donate it in a familiar print format. And parents who are not familiar with modern youth literature can stop at an electronic book so that they can independently upload into it the works that they want to read.
- Fitness tracker or smartwatch. Such a gif.webpt will delight the athlete, since it will allow you to keep not only at hand, but on your hand information not only about what time it is now, but also about the number of steps taken, calories burned, heart rate and other health indicators.
- Musical instrument or accessory to it. A teenager who is seriously fond of playing a particular musical instrument will be happy to receive it as a gif.webpt or something to the existing one, for example, strings for a guitar, a case for a violin.
Parents are not always well versed in all modern technological innovations, so it is better to sacrifice a surprise and buy a New Year's present with a teenager who is more aware of this.
What to give a high school son or student 15-18 years old
If the upcoming year 2022 is marked by the transition of a teenager to high school or the beginning of his studies at the university, then you should take a closer look at the gif.webpts that will help him conquer new heights:
- Laptop or smartphone. It is difficult to imagine not only studying, but also communication without access to the Internet. Therefore, it would be better to give your son a gadget that meets all the requirements of a modern young man.
- Accessories for gadgets. Touch gloves, wireless headphones, power bank, wireless mouse, original computer mat - this is not an exhaustive list of relatively inexpensive additions to technical devices that can be presented to a high school student or student.
- Payment for driving license courses. The ability to drive a car for a guy is also necessary, as well as the ability to read and write, but getting a driver's license entails certain material costs. He will be glad if the parents take them over.
- A ticket to a concert of your favorite artist.At this age, young men often not only study, but already earn their first money, which they can spend on many of their material desires, so new impressions and emotions, for example, received at a concert of their favorite performer, can become the best gif.webpt.
Don't put off choosing a gif.webpt until the last moment. And if this has already happened, then it is better to just give a money certificate for the fulfillment of a youthful dream.
How to wish an adult son a Happy New Year
If the boy has already grown up, this does not mean that he does not expect attention from his parents and he does not want to plunge into the fabulous New Year's atmosphere, even if the gif.webpts are not for children. You can give a son who has already become a man:
- Thermo mug heated by the cigarette lighter. It is very convenient to take tea or coffee in such a mug with you on the road by car, especially considering the fact that they come with a lid that allows you to drink the drink without removing it and excluding spilling on bumps.
- Warm bathrobe. A terry cloth robe is useful for an adult son, even if he and his friends do not have a tradition of going to the bathhouse with friends. You should choose a thing of high quality, universal colors, and the embroidery of initials or a name will make it original.
- Diary and pen. Such a gif.webpt will come in handy both at school and at work. Before packing and donating it, you can make inscriptions on various pages with various wishes (“We love you”, “Dress warmer”, “Did you eat well?” And others). This will help him feel the love and care of his parents even at a distance.
- Auto accessories. For a man who spends a lot of time behind the wheel, gif.webpts such as new seat covers, a DVR, a radio tape recorder, body polish or an air freshener are suitable.
- A gif.webpt for hobbies. It can be headphones for a lover of computer games, tackle for a fisherman, a barbecue for a lover of outdoor recreation, a scarf with the symbols of your favorite team for a sports fan, and so on.
Having figured out what to give your son for the New Year, the importance of gif.webpt wrapping is not worth it. Indeed, unfolding a bright wrapper, behind which a surprise is hidden, gives additional positive emotions and makes presenting a gif.webpt more interesting.