On New Year's Eve, all the closest people are always there, because this is the most family holiday. And at this wonderful time, it is customary to say the warmest words to your loved ones. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance congratulations to your grandmother on the New Year in prose or in verse, to make an unusual postcard for your grandfather with your own hands, and to compose a song or a poem for mom and dad.
In any case, it is better to prepare in advance, because before the holiday there will be a lot of trouble, and preparation takes a lot of time. Of course, it is easier to prepare congratulations in prose, because the gif.webpt of writing poetry is not given to everyone, and congratulations in your own words sound more sincere.
- Beautiful congratulations from the granddaughter
- Happy New Year from grandson
- Short congratulations from the kid
- Video congratulation
New Year's greetings from granddaughter
Granny, I have always admired your kindness, affection and warmth. Therefore, for you, the coming year will bring only joy, smiles, excellent health and abundance. Grandma, Happy New Year 2022!
Dear, adored grandmother! Thank you very much for your care, delicious pies, warm hugs, interesting fairy tales and affectionate words! I am sure that in the coming year there will be no place for despondency, disappointment, the year will be filled with fun, vigor, health and joy. Happy new year, grandma!
My dear, dear granny! Another year is behind you, and you are still not getting old. I want you to have more health, laughter, smiles, bright moments and even more delicious recipes in 2022! Granny, you are an infinitely dear and dear person for me!
Granny! Thank you for the joy, comfort, warmth, happiness that come with you. I never stop admiring your limitless energy and charm. May 2022 take with it even more health, energy, smiles, new and exciting stories!
Dear granny! You like the sun shine on us every day! Thanks to you, I learned how to bake extraordinary pies! The coming year will bring health, energy, a good pension, and the outgoing year will take away hardships, unnecessary worries and sorrows. Be happy in the coming year, my dear!
My dear granny! Thank you for the necessary advice, kind words and patience. Forgive me for being obnoxious and capricious. In the coming year, I promise to visit you more often, call more often and stay longer. May the coming year present you with a delicious table always set, a full house of guests and good health!
My granny! There is no better and more reliable friend in the world than you. It's very easy with you, you will always give useful advice and find a solution to any issue. I sincerely wish you have even more strength, more advice and more warm smiles in this wonderful coming year!
Granny! On this night, it is customary to wish what you would like for yourself. Therefore, I wish myself to have such a wonderful, kind, dear and wonderful grandmother next to me for a very long time! And for you, my dear, I wish you to have such a good granddaughter like me always by your side. Happy New Year!
Granny! You, like a ray of the sun, warm me with warmth and brightly illuminate my path. You can always have a heart-to-heart talk and get invaluable advice. My grandmother, the year 2022 is already knocking, may he have a sea of laughter, joy, satisfied smiles and great well-being for you. And I will try to take care of happiness in the coming year, and feelings as far as possible.
Dear Granny! Your warm hands and warm heart always warm me, even if you are not near. You are my beacon that guides me even when it seems like darkness is around.May the coming year give you great happiness, good health and joyful moments nearby! Happy New Year!
Dear granny! You are a treasure trove of wisdom, understanding, good advice and patience. Thank you very much for always being with me. I really want the coming year to bring you joy, warmth, prosperity and excellent health. Let the elusive year carry away empty troubles, hardships, difficulties and illnesses. Happy 2022!
Congratulations in prose from grandson
My dear granny! Forgive me, this year I was not the most exemplary grandson. I apologize for all my pranks. Granny, you are a great cook and a wonderful friend! In the coming year, I promise to behave better, to come to you more often and help you around the house.
Grandmother! Another year has passed, and you are still young and cheerful! May your wrinkles not increase next year, your health becomes stronger, and more delicious pies are baked! Happy New Year, Granny!
My beloved grandmother! I want to say thank you very much for being next to me and warming you with your spiritual warmth. Without you, I would never have known that breakfast in the morning is so delicious. My grandfather and I promise that next year we will help you in everything and be your most reliable men and protectors! Health to you, grannies, happy new year!
Granny, I ask you from the bottom of my heart that you never grow old, be young at heart and always have fun with us. I also really want your excellent health to not let you down, and to have your pockets full of sweets! Happy New Year!
My granny! Being with you is a great pleasure and joy! Thank you very much, you love me so much, pamper me and wait. May your eyes always shine with happiness in the coming year, your smile will never leave your lips, and your health will never fail. I promise you that the chores at home next year will not affect you in any way, because I, your grandson, will be engaged in them.
My granny! I thought for a long time what words to say to you in congratulations. And I decided that the best congratulations are from the bottom of my heart. Therefore, I sincerely wish you a good pension, excellent health and that we come to you more often. Grandma, we love you very much! Happy New Year!
Dear granny! In the coming year, I want you not to be sad, to be cheerful and joyful, smiling and healthy! And in order for the wish to come true, I will very often come to you and make you happy! Granny, good health to you in the new year!
Our dear! Thank you for your warmth and kindness that you give us. Thank you so much for the awesome gif.webpts you are giving me. Granny, I want you not to be upset or sick next year, to smile and laugh more often, and all sorrows and illnesses pass by. Thank you for having me!
Granny! In the coming year, I want to give you bright smiles, a lot of laughter, great joy and pleasant chores. Let the next year be light, colorful and full of happy moments! Health to you, my dear, in the new year!
My grandmother! I have been a good boy all year, so Santa Claus will come to me. But I want to ask him for a gif.webpt not for myself. May Santa Claus give you a lot of health, happiness, and take sickness and sorrow, bad weather and tasteless sweets with him. Happy New Year, granny!
Dear granny! I want to confess to you that for me you are a model of wisdom and patience, kindness and mercy. May this coming year bring you as much joy and laughter as there are wrinkles on your kind and gentle hands. Granny, good health and great happiness, health and happiness in 2022!
Congratulations for the grandmother from the child
Granny! I want Santa Claus to give you excellent health, a lot of joy, a good pension and delicious pies!
Granny, in the new year you will definitely have a lot of health, joy, happiness and me!
May a smile warm you all year, my grandma, and your good health will not leave you! Desires will definitely come true in the coming year! Happy 2022!
Granny, I wish you that this year you have everything you dream of: good health and new recipes!
Grandma, may next year you have great health, great joys and not a bit of sadness and sadness. Happy new year 2022!
For you, grandma, I want to say that next year will be fun, full of health, joy and happy minutes! All sadness and sorrow will be taken with the outgoing year, and the coming year will give smiles and joy! Happy New Year!
Granny, your kind and warm hands are the most wonderful! You are the best grandmother. Excellent health, good mood, excellent health and great joy will not leave you all next year!
Dear mom of my mom! I, as your grandson, promise that next year you will have as many joyful moments as there are stars in the sky! Happy New Year 2022!
Granny, thank you for your big and kind heart! Happy New year to you!
I want to wish you great happiness and excellent health, grannies, in the coming year. Always smile and enjoy every wonderful day next year! And I will come to visit you and have fun!
Granny, you are my good friend, and I say thank you very much for the gif.webpts and goodies. I promise that in the coming year I will come to you more often and cook pies with you! May you feel the best in 2022!
Granny, 2019 is coming to an end. Let him take everything bad with him, leave a festive mood, great health and pleasant memories. Happy New Year!
In fact, it doesn't matter for a loved one what kind of New Year's greetings it will be (congratulating grandmother on the New Year, written in prose or poetry, or a drawn postcard). The main thing is that the wish should be from the heart, in your own words, and then it will move the beloved addressee to tears.