The Day of the Nativity of Christ is a holy and wonderful holiday, for which it is customary to gather as a family, give Christmas gif.webpts and say the brightest words to each other. Children on this day are especially in the spotlight, as touching and beautiful congratulations are expected from them.
Mom and I will quietly go to church,I'll put a candle to God today.
I will find a happy star in the sky
I will put my palm to the cold snowflakes.
Sometime at the same time baby
Nearby in the barn he was born.
It was the Lord, and around the snow and silence,
And only a month was shining in the sky.
May Christmas bring to this house
Happiness, health and quiet joy.
And all the bad winter will sweep away
Leaving only a light sweetness for the holiday.
Somewhere in the distance a cat mewed.
I bleated a lamb and a miracle happened
The Virgin Mary in the stable was resolved.
A baby was born, bringing joy to people,
This Jesus, our God, was born.
He brought happiness and brought grace,
People will no longer suffer.
The birth of Christ is a great holiday,
We always celebrate it with soul.
We celebrate Christmas in January
On Christmas Eve, we sincerely congratulate you.
And above the ground, snowflakes fly.
A little boy was born
God the merciful was born.
He protects us, keeps us from demons,
It will hide us from darkness, will keep us from evil.
On your birthday we praise you
Our Lord, Savior. Keeping in my heart
The faith and light that you give us
On your birthday we go to the temple
And in the temple of prayers and candles, triumph
We praise you, our Lord! Merry Christmas!
Jesus was born - our Lord and God.
And immediately the whole world lit up as if
And immediately hundreds of roads opened.
Our God keeps us, always protects us
From troubles and hardships and from all evil.
He bestows and protects happiness,
So that we do not do bad deeds.
Today we celebrate Christmas all
Our God is always with us.
We wish you health and happiness,
Merry, bright Christmas to you!
The baby was born in the manger.
We celebrate Christmas today
In the name of the Son, Spirit and Father.
The Lord came down from heaven to our earth,
To shed grace on sinners.
We listen to your prayers, God,
And we ask you to forgive all our sins.
Today is a great holiday in Your honor,
We sincerely congratulate everyone on Christmas.
Wrap it up, our Lord of light,
Peace with light, happiness and goodness.
Glorifies this day, the people glorify Christmas.
And prays to God, asking for happiness,
Everyone who is Orthodox in his faith.
Everyone who is happy with the Star of Bethlehem
Everyone who believes in God and in the Son,
And in the Holy Spirit always and everywhere.
Someone for a long time, and someone from now on.
"Keep us, Lord" - asks everyone now
On this glorious day, the Birth of Christ,
A holy holiday for any of us,
I wish you great health and happiness, people.
And a wonderful baby appeared in the barn.
And the happy news spread,
So quickly, the one who heard it shone with happiness.
The Lord, protector and king is born
For the suffering of all and all the oppressed.
He brought a miracle and his life as a gif.webpt
For the good of people, they are all forgiven.
Let's celebrate the glorious day of Christmas
A quiet prayer and a lit candle.
Let's keep a moment of celebration in our hearts
Looking at the stars mesmerized.
For the Lord to grant everyone peace.
And so that the message reaches you,
Open your heart to faith and God.
After all, a miracle happens on Christmas
It is the Lord who says to you:
“Believe, I will always be there
And I will help you from heaven. "
Let us celebrate Christmas
In songs, prayers and quietly within yourself.
After all, God will never leave us,
He is always there, in me and you.
We send him a prayer at night by the flame of a candle.
He is our protector, he is our God, and faith only in him -
He is next to us, he is always in the shower, not far away.
May the glorious holiday of Christmas bring us joy,
Will give happiness and peace, save from evil.
We will praise this day in honor of God and goodness,
So that there is peace and grace in the heart.
And we are in a hurry to wish you Merry Christmas.
Let the house of guests be full, and there will always be peace.
May a light be on in the soul of any saint on this day,
And in the heart of everyone, the Lord will forever leave a mark.
Author: Guseva Tatiana Alexandrova