A sister is the closest person in the world, so it is very important to say warm and sincere words to her in the new year. Congratulations to your sister on the New Year can be funny, touching, in prose or in poetry, written in your own words or taken from the Internet. The origin of the New Year's greetings is not important, the main thing is that it is from the heart.
- Congratulations from your sister;
- Congratulations from your brother;
- Funny congratulations.
Congratulations from my sister
Sister! You and I are like the best friends: we go through everything together, share secrets and wardrobe. It's good that we have different tastes for guys. My dear, in the coming year, may you have a joyful smile on your lips, peace and tranquility in your soul, success in your work, good luck in business and love in your heart! Happy new year 2022!
My dearest! You are my senior mentor, friend and closest person! May the coming year bring you extraordinary adventures, fulfillment of your most cherished desires, amazing discoveries, beautiful victories and excellent health! Happy New Year!
My own sister! You have been with me for so many years, for which I am immensely grateful to you! Thanks for your patience and love! May the coming year be easy, successful, fun, full of new adventures, unforgettable meetings, amazing discoveries and amazing moments for you! Happy New Year!
My closest person! You are so funny, you will always support and cheer when needed, thank you for your wonderful character! May in 2022 you will not have a single reason to be upset and upset, may there be only happy, joyful, unforgettable and wonderful moments! Happy New Year!
My little sister! Thank you for the joy, comfort, warmth, happiness that come with you. I never stop admiring your limitless energy and charm. May 2022 take with it even more great health, energy, smiles, new and exciting adventures! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! Without you, my life would be boring and incomplete, but with you I have no time to get bored! Dear, may 2022 bring you even more energy, humor, laughter, long-awaited meetings, kind smiles and dizzying success at work!
My dear! I am insanely glad that I have you! May my little nieces only make you happy in 2022, grow up healthy and smart. And for you, may the coming year bring beauty, charm, tranquility, contentment, family warmth and great well-being! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! Although we often quarreled with you, you are still the closest and dearest person for me! May you always have a smile on your face, joy and peace in your soul, love in your heart and great health in the coming year! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! It's always good, fun and cozy with you. May the coming year reward you with patience, joy, new acquaintances, fateful meetings, amazing discoveries, pleasant events, extraordinary travels and amazing impressions!
Congratulations from brother
My dear! Thank you for being a reliable friend and such a wonderful sister! May in the coming year you have everything that you have always dreamed of, all your plans come true, and your health never fails! And for your family I want to wish you warmth, well-being and prosperity! Happy New Year!
My dear sister, you are always there, support me in the most difficult moments and give me fun and positive! My dear, may the coming year bestow upon you with untold riches, dizzying successes, great luck, endless happiness and true love! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! Even though I am an older brother, you always knew what to do best, and your advice helped me out more than once. May 2022 you have a great mood, extraordinary travels, pleasant surprises, long-awaited meetings, happy moments and true love! Happy New Year!
My dear, dear, dear sister! You are always there when I need you, your care and kindness help to cope with troubles and sadness. And in the coming year, my dear, I want to wish you as much joy and happiness as there are seconds a year, sincere love and the implementation of your plans! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! I will always protect and protect you from sadness, sorrow and despair! May 2022 be for you the year of accomplishment of your plans, pleasant travel, new acquaintances, long-awaited meetings, sincere love, successful promotion at work and excellent well-being! Happy New Year!
My dear and little friend! You are my joy and my little counselor, and it doesn't matter that you are already twenty years old. My sister, may you be truly happy, loved in the coming year, make all your plans come true, go on a journey, learn to do what has not been possible for a long time, and you will always be my little adviser! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! Do not look that I am younger than you, I will always be your protector and friend. May you have a family and little children in 2022, joy and peace will always be in your home, and positive, love and humor will go along with you through life! Happy New Year!
My dear! As your little brother, I promise only to please and amuse you and never to upset you. May in 2022 you succeed in everything that you have conceived, your dreams come true, and you will go to new countries, find your prince and be very happy! And I will protect you and help you in everything! Happy New Year!
Funny greetings (from brother and sister)
Sister, we promise you that in 2022 we will behave well and obey in everything. May you not have grief, sorrow and disease in the coming year. We wish that you always have a smile on your face, joy and excellent health! Happy New Year!
Our dear little sister! We wholeheartedly promise you that in the new year we will help you and make you happy. May the coming year bring you new meetings, exciting travels, pleasant meetings, amazing adventures and the implementation of your plans! Happy New Year!
Sweet little sister! Thank you for covering me (us) in front of my mother, I promise that I will not be naughty so much anymore. I want 2022 to bring you a lot of joy, success, adventure, joyful meetings, excellent health, long-awaited surprises, wonderful people and pleasant impressions! Happy New Year!
Dear little sister! I am very glad that you are my sister, you understand me so well, you cover me when I am naughty, read books and drive to a cafe. My dear, may in 2022 you get a great mood for the whole year, impressive adventures, welcome gif.webpts, pleasant surprises and true love!
My darling! Thank you for loving me so much and allowing me to eat a lot of ice cream, I will not tell my mother about this. I want you to get a promotion at work, a high salary, pleasant emotions, long-awaited gif.webpts, tickets to where you have not been, and a reason to always smile in 2022! Happy New Year!
My dear sister! You are a little flower for me that must always be protected and protected. May you be immensely happy, successful, healthy, full of inexhaustible energy and excellent health in the coming year! Happy New Year!
My good sister! Although I often bored you, but know that you are the coolest sister in the world! The coming year has prepared for you a dizzying success, excellent health, fulfillment of desires, unforgettable trips and vivid emotions! Greet the year 2022 with a smile! Happy New Year!
My dear! Thank you for teaching me how to do makeup, dress nicely and weave braids. Without you, I would be very sad! May in the coming year you have everything that you have wanted for so long, many pleasant surprises, interesting and amazing discoveries, long-awaited travels and a sea of happy moments! Happy New Year!
It is better to prepare congratulations to your sister on the New Year in advance, because the New Year's bustle takes a lot of time and effort. A more advantageous version of New Year's greetings is in prose: you don't need to memorize anything, and if you forget, you can add it in your own words. The ideal option is a discreet postcard on which the chosen wish is written.You can just read from it, and give it as a keepsake.