How wonderful the New Year is! How impatiently the children are waiting for this fabulous holiday! To celebrate and spend the New Year 2022 (Year of the Tiger) magically, unforgettably and fun, you can and even need to use the materials proposed in our article! Unusual and unique games and contests for children will take your girls and boys into a real fairy tale with interesting tasks! The article also offers special games, the main theme and main character of which is the symbol of the New Year - the Tiger! And at this link, you will find a scenario for children for the Year of the Tiger.
Happy New Year to you, friends! Spend it with your children, and let it remain in your memory for a long time!
Competition-game number 1. "Mouse and cat"
For the competition, 1 subject is required - a long elastic band of 3-4 meters. It needs to be tied at the ends.
All the kids who want to play stand in a circle. The elastic should go behind each participant in the ankle area of the kids' legs. Participants stand in a circle, stretching the elastic band, but not too much so that it does not injure the children. 1 child enters the center of the circle, he will play the role of a wolf.
When the music plays, the children dance, and the cat "sleeps". As soon as the music turns off abruptly, the cat "wakes up" and catches the gaping mice, and they need to jump out of the circle as quickly as possible. The one who did not make it in time becomes a cat, and in the next round he catches mice.
The competition-game can be allocated from 2 to 5 minutes.
Game number 2. "Lost oxtail!"
To play the game, you need a large picture or a poster of the Goby, but without a tail. You also need a soundtrack - music and applause.
The task of the children: with closed eyes, attach the tail of the Goby. Each participant has 3 attempts in a row. After each wrong attempt, there is a stylized squeal, and if it is correct, applause. So the child will understand when the tail hit the picture correctly.
Everyone can play up to about 5 minutes.
Quiz game №3. "What do we know about the Tiger?"
- What does a tiger do for a successful hunt? (Imitates the voices of other animals, attacks the neck, hunts from an ambush).
What tigers can't do (Purr) - What the newly born tiger cubs lack? (View)
- What will the males do if several tigers claim for one caught prey at once? (They will let females and cubs go ahead)
- Why do tigers growl? (For communication)
- How many times is a tiger's vision better than a human's? (Six times)
- How is the word "tiger" translated from Greek? (Fast)
- How many stripes does a tiger have? (About 100)
- What is the best time for a tiger to see? (At night)
- How many teeth does a tiger have? (36)
- What book is the tiger in? (to Red)
- What is the most correct name for the tiger that lives and where does it live?
- (Amursky, he lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories)
- Which of the wild animals is considered to be the closest relative of a tiger: a cheetah or a lynx, a lion or a snow leopard? (Leo - they belong to the same genus - Big cats)
- How many cubs does a tigress usually have? (4-5 kittens)
- How long does a baby tiger stay with its mother, learning from her? (Three years)
- What speed can a tiger develop in attacking prey? (20 m / sec.)
- Which capital in Asia stands on the Tigris River? (Baghdad)
- What do people call an ornamental stone that is beautiful golden brown in color? (Tiger's eye)
- What are the longitudinal and transverse stripes on the animal's skin for? (Longitudinal - warning for other predators; transverse - masking)
- The lion is considered the king of beasts - is it larger or smaller than the Tiger? (Smaller and weaker)
- Which animal can hunt the Tiger? (No one)
- How do Tigers hunt, one at a time or in groups? (Tiger is a loner in the hunt)
- How did the girl Ellie and her friends from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" Volkov manage to avoid the attack of the tigers? (They walked very quietly, and the animals did not hear them)
- What flower is the Tiger very afraid of in Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli"? (The fire)
On this link, you will find other New Year's quizzes for kids.
Competition number 4. "Braid the Snow Maiden's pigtails"
For the competition, you will need a wig with long hair or a headband with 6 ribbons. Children are divided into 2 teams of 3 people each. Each team is given 3 ribbons if it is a headband, or half the hair volume if it is a wig.
Task: braid the braids of the Snow Maiden for speed and accuracy! Whoever does the best - that team will win. But it is desirable to encourage all children, this is a magical New Year!
Competition number 5. "Let's decorate the Christmas tree with snowflakes"
There are many snowflakes of 2 colors scattered on the floor: bright blue and light blue. The number of varieties of snowflakes should be the same. Children are divided into 2 teams (from 4 to 6 people).
Task: faster than the other team to collect and hang snowflakes on the Christmas tree. Each team collects snowflakes of their own color. The time is given from 30 seconds to a minute.
The team with the most snowflakes on the tree wins. Tip: It will be easier to count the remaining snowflakes on the floor or in the hands of team members. Whoever has the fewest remaining snowflakes will win that team.
Competition number 6. "Collect gif.webpts"
A large basket or box contains toys for boys and girls. Everything is interspersed: cars, dolls, soft toys, constructors, jump ropes, etc.
Children are divided into 2 teams: "Boys" - there are only boys in it, they are given a blue bag, and "Girls" - consists only of girls, they receive a red bag.
Assignment: the "Boys" team needs to collect the boys 'toys, and the "Girls" collect the girls' toys. Competition for speed and correctness. The team that is faster and more correct, within the allotted time (about 1 - 1.5 minutes), will disassemble the toys, and it will win.
But both teams must receive prizes, they can share all the collected toys among themselves.
Game number 7. "Our New Year's Tale"
This is not a competition, but just a game that will help you take a break from running around, show your imagination and laugh heartily
The essence of the game: everyone: mothers, fathers, children, teachers or guests come up with a fairy tale.
Each one in turn speaks one sentence. You can tell an already known fairy tale, or combine characters from different fairy tales, or come up with your own storyline with completely new characters. Collective creativity will both unite and make everyone present laugh.
Children's competition №8. "Draw the answer!"
Children are divided into 2 teams and are seated at different tables. Each is given an album and felt-tip pens.
The facilitator (s) ask riddles for both teams, and the children do not tell the answers. And they sketch. Whoever draws the answer faster, more correctly and accurately gets 1 point. When the puzzles are completed, points are calculated and the winning team is determined.
All participants, without exception, can be presented with an album and felt-tip pens.
Beautiful, tender and beautiful!
But it's not safe to love her!
She is cold and vulnerable!
Tell me what is her name?
(Answer: Snowflake)
He does not sleep at night.
From snowballs
Blind …
(Answer: Snowman.)Lives in the forest,
It feeds on cones.
He is very strong!
His name is …
(Answer: Bear!)The entire ice slide shines with ice,
The children woke up early
We rushed to the mountain for a ride
Taking with me …
(answer: sled!)They are loved by adults and children,
There are a lot of them in the New Year's gif.webpt!
We are grateful to Santa Claus for this!
They are very sweet, these …
(answer: candy!)In the New Year, as in Santa Claus name day!
We love to gulp, odorous, orange …
(Answer: tangerines.)On a New Year's holiday
She's the only one who's hot
Besides the festive garland,
Burning on the table …
(answer: candle)
Competition number 9. "Blizzard"
The competition requires the participation of 4 adults and a 2-bedroom embroidered duvet cover or any other white fabric.It needs to be decorated with snowflakes on 1 side, glue ready-made or sewn on. This is a blizzard.
The guys who want to play are in the center of the hall. The adults grab the corners of the duvet cover and cover the children with the duvet cover. You can play at will from 3 to 5 minutes.
The task of the children is to run out of this blizzard before it covers them. Children who are caught in this storm, that is, under a duvet cover, drop out.
Competition number 10. "Throwing snowballs"
An adult dressed as a snowman is needed for the competition. He will periodically interfere with children from competing. It is also necessary to make a lot of snowballs from padding polyester, cotton wool and fabric, in extreme cases, crumpled paper, or small light balls wrapped in foil.
Children are divided into 2 teams. 3-4 meters from them are placed on a wide basin or bucket.
Task: throw as many snowballs as possible into your bowl or bucket.
But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. In the midst of the competition, a snowman suddenly appears, which can close the buckets with itself, or try to steal already collected snowballs. Then the children need to drive off the snowman with the same snowballs. If you hit it, it disappears for a while, then it may reappear. He can interfere with each team in turn. You can allocate 5 minutes for the game.
Competition number 11. "The longest Christmas garland"
Required: colored paper (2 sets), scissors (4 pcs.), Stationery glue stick (4 pcs.).
Children are divided into teams of 4-6 people. Each team is given a set of colored paper, 2 pairs of scissors, and 2 glue.
Task: to make a garland in the allotted time. Whoever gets it longer - won.
To do this, cut colored paper into thin strips of approximately 5-6 cm, connect the ends with glue. This will be the 1st link of the chain garland. Thread the next strip into that link, and also glue it together, and so on.
If children are unfamiliar with this technique of creating garlands, adults should be shown how this is done before the competition. You can allocate 5-10 minutes for the game.
IMPORTANT: during the game, adults closely monitor the work of children with scissors.
Competition number 12. "Collect the same gif.webpt"
For the competition, it is necessary to collect in advance a gif.webpt set for children from sweets, toys, chocolates, and arrange it in a transparent New Year's bag and a bow.
Children are offered time (about 30 seconds) to remember all the components and design of the gif.webpt. Then the gif.webpt is removed from the eyes of the children.
Various objects, toys and sweets, wrapping paper, bows are laid out on the table. In addition to the same components of the gif.webpt, it is necessary to expand the "extra" items. Children need to collect the same gif.webpt they saw at the beginning.
Competition number 13. "New Year's darts"
There are many balls attached to the wall. On some you need to draw a snowflake, put toys or candy in them before inflating. lollipops. In the rest, put funny children's forfeits, for example, "Show the bunny who is full and it's hard for him to jump." Children take turns throwing darts, if they hit a ball with a snowflake, they take a surprise and walk away, and if with a task, then they must complete it.
These children's New Year contests can be held both in schools, kindergartens, development studios, and at home with family and friends! If you liked it, do not forget to share the article on social networks! Happy holiday!