It is very important that the most long-awaited and the most fabulous New Year holiday is unforgettable and extraordinary! Especially carefully you need to prepare for the children's New Year's festive events! Your attention is invited to an exclusive scenario for children for the Year of the Tiger, thanks to which the celebration will be unforgettable!
A fabulous plot, characters, original contests - everything is designed taking into account the age characteristics of children. Watching, and even more so, participating in a real fairy tale, will be interesting for both children who are still very young (5 years old) and those who are older (10 years old)!
It is highly recommended to be sure to record everything that happens on video and save it in your home or school video archive. In addition, you can "multiply" this video story-script and give it to every child who attended the New Year's celebration!
This scenario is adapted both for conducting it in a kindergarten, school, children's studio, and so on. Even at home, you can spend this wonderful holiday!
Props and decorations:
The entire scene should be visually divided into three parts. The first and largest is the auditorium where the chairs are. The second is the scene itself, where the main action will take place, and the third is on the backdrop. It should be covered with blackout curtains or curtains so that the elegant Christmas tree standing there is not visible.
It is quite easy to arrange a clearing. To do this, it is necessary to make trees and bushes, hemp from improvised means. You can make a base from plywood, and branches from wire. Cotton wool snow. Stump from a box or from a bucket.
Snowflakes on strings hang around. Above, above the main stage, there is a colorful banner with the inscription "Magic Forest".
Preliminary preparation:
- Recording of light instrumental music;
- recording "backing tracks" of the following songs:
- “If there was no winter! (from the m / f "Prostokvashino") ";
- "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree!";
- "And it is snowing" (Glucose);
- song from m / f "About three pigs" ("We are not afraid of the gray wolf …")
Characters in the script for children:
- The presenter is dressed festively;
- Santa Claus - dressed in his traditional costume;
Snow Maiden - dressed in her traditional costume; - Soroka-Beloboka (girl in disguise) - a hat with a beak on her head, dressed in dark trousers, a light jacket and a dark sleeveless vest, carries a postman's bag over her shoulder;
- The hedgehog (boy in disguise) has a swimming cap on his head, wears a white T-shirt and dark-colored sports trousers. A dark-colored pillow with attached thin cardboard tubes (these will be hedgehog needles) is worn on top, like a backpack;
- Bunny (boy in disguise) - dressed in gray oats. You can have a tracksuit. A small tail is attached at the back, which can be made from cotton wool, or knitting threads. On the head is a cap or a rim with ears long, like a hare. They can be bought in a store, or they can be made from cardboard and colored paper;
- Goby (boy dressed in all brown) - the suit should not be clingy, on the contrary, with an overlap. Make a tail from the wire. On the face there is a bull nose made of cardboard with an elastic band. On the head there are horns made of a rim and cardboard triangles.
Scene 1
Light instrumental music sounds. The presenter enters the stage.
Host: “Our dear guests! Adults and children! Do you know what holiday is coming soon? "
All in chorus: "Yes, New Year!"
Presenter: “That's right! And if you think that only people celebrate this fabulous holiday, then you are very wrong! Do you want me to take you all to the magic forest? So that you, too, could see how the animals prepare and celebrate the New Year? "
All in chorus: "Yes, we want!"
Presenter: “Well, close your eyes and count to three in chorus. Ready?"
All Yes!"
The presenter thinks: "One, two, three, please let us all into the fairy tale!" (claps her hands).
Scene # 2
Soroka-Belobok “flies out” on the stage. Periodically changing the position on the stage (either in the middle he will tell a poem, then he goes to the right edge, then to the left, covering all the audience, notifying everyone, everyone!)
Magpie-Beloboka: (makes her hands a mouthpiece):
“I am a white-sided magpie!
I fly around all the edges!
I am announcing one-sidedly!
As it is written, friends!
(Runs across, changing position on stage)
Decorate the Christmas tree!
And equip the runners.
Frost will come to us soon!
My prediction is very accurate!
Not the one that bites!
And the one who is going to our holiday!
Santa Claus at our Christmas tree,
Will gather the people of the forest!
She is not more beautiful in the world!
Hello, hello New Year!
(Changes position on stage)
I am a postman, my name is Soroka!
And I will be nicknamed - Beloboka!
I'll tell you all the news,
I'll show you who lives where!
Hurry! Get ready quickly
And go to the holiday!
Hurry, hurry, forest people!
After all, the New Year is coming soon! "
("Flies away" from the stage)
Scene # 3
An excerpt from Glucose's song "And the Snow is Falling" sounds. A sad bunny comes out. Sits on a tree stump and cries.
“I'm a little boy,
I'm a gray bunny!
It's so bad outside!
And I was only six months old …
How will I come to the holiday?
If I don’t find the address! ”
(The Hedgehog enters the stage)
Hedgehog: “Bunny, why are you crying? Why are you sad on this holiday? "
Bunny: "Oh, and who are you? … I'm just very small and don't know everything in this forest …"
“I am a hedgehog, and that says it all.
They lie a lot about me - it's proven.
They say they don't see the legs.
I'm just like that, I'm stricter!
I do not like to tell everyone in a row
And show your soft tummy!
And I am friends with my head!
I don’t load it with anything.
I don't show it to everyone.
I appeal only with facts.
There is simply no smarter animal!
Try to argue back!
How will I use the needles then!
And I will confuse everyone with thorns!
You better not argue with me.
And allow to lead! "
Bunny: “You see, Hedgehog, today Grandfather Frost will arrive with the Snow Maiden. Magpie-Beloboka said. But I have no idea how to find the place in the forest where there will be an elegant Christmas tree, where the holiday will take place … What should I do? Tell me! "
Hedgehog: “Well, everything is clear here, everything is clear … Finding this magical place, and the truth, is not so easy. In order to become a participant in a wonderful holiday, and even receive a gif.webpt from the magical Santa Claus, you first need to guess the magical New Year's riddles. Do you think you can? "
Bunny: “I don't know … I'm not sure, of course … Unless, if the guys help me. Children, can you help me solve the riddles? "
Children in chorus: "Yes!"
The bunny was delighted, claps his hands: “Hurray! Hooray! We will definitely succeed, right guys? "
All Yes!"
Bunny: "Who will make them think?"
Hedgehog: “The one in whose honor the next year will be. And 2022 is the year of the Tiger! He is very strong, brave and handsome! Meet guys! "
Scene 4
Sounds "backing track" of the song from the m / f "Mary Poppins, goodbye" ("33 cows")
The Tiger enters the stage, waving his hand.
Tiger: “Hello, Hedgehog, hello, Bunny, hello guys! Do you really want to be at the fabulous celebration of my year? "
All Yes!"
Tiger: “Well, then try to guess my riddles first. Be attentive and answer together, loudly, in unison! "
The tiger makes riddles.
- Shaggy, branched,
Green, sparkling,
And here's another hint,
Dressed up like in a fairy tale!
(Answer: Christmas tree)
- He comes once a year
I am always looking forward to it!
Red nose and beard.
Children are always glad to him!
(Answer: Santa Claus)
- She braids are icy
Tightly, tightly braided
And on a holiday to us, merry
Together with Grandpa will come.
(Answer: Snow Maiden)
- The holiday will not come without her,
It has been and always will be
At the very top of the tree
Lights up brightly …
(Answer: Star)
- There are so many toys in the New Year:
Snowflakes, garlands and firecrackers.
And he is not a newcomer to the holiday.
New Year's from the snow …
(Answer: Snowman)
Tiger: “Ai, what good fellows you are all! You passed the first test! Let's move on to the second. Interesting New Year contests are waiting for you all! Ready?"
All Yes!"
Scene # 5
Light instrumental music sounds.
The Leader comes out and, together with the Hedgehog, Bunny and Bull, help, explain to the participants how to go through the contests. Help with props. The commands for the beginning and the end are given by the Tiger.
Competition number 1. "Dress up the Christmas tree!"
2 artificial Christmas trees are required (from 50 cm to 1 m in height). Each team has a set of Christmas tree decorations (8-10 pcs.), For safety, better plastic, tinsel and garlands (about 1-1.5 m each).
Children are divided into 2 teams (from 4 to 8 people).
Assignment: dress up the Christmas tree faster and more accurately. Each child takes 1 toy, hangs it on the tree, reaches the team, after which 2 children run with the toy, and so on. Both teams receive sweet prizes.
Competition number 2. "The symbol of the New Year is tangerines"
The competition requires a lot of tangerines - a large full basket. Those who want to play stand in a row, everyone at the start also has an empty basket or box. Opposite them, at a distance of 3-5 meters, there is a large basket of tangerines.
Assignment: run to the basket, collect tangerines and carry them to your basket at the start. Fruit can only be carried by hand. You can't put them in your pockets or your shirt. The competition can take from 30 seconds to a minute.
Then the number of tangerines for each is calculated, the winner is determined, who is given a gif.webpt - a bar of chocolate. Each participant takes as a gif.webpt those fruits that he himself collected.
Game number 3. "Ball with a surprise"
This is not a competition, but a funny outdoor game in which children will simply “rage”, pop balls and receive small gif.webpts.
While the event is underway or inflate a lot of balloons in advance (from 30 or more). Before inflating, put a small toy, lollipops, lollipops in each balloon. You can shovel with your feet, hands, any part of the body.
Music competition number 4. Louder, quieter
Under musical accompaniment - "backing track" of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", the children sing the song. As soon as the leader or teacher waves his hand, the music continues, and the children become silent, but they sing the words to themselves. Then again the command - a wave of the hand, and the children again sing in chorus aloud. The one who has gone astray is eliminated. So they sing "softly, loudly" until the winner is determined, until the end of the song.
Competition number 5. "Who has more snowballs?"
Children are divided into teams. One participant is selected from each. These guys will catch snowballs with boxes in their hands from the members of their teams.
For the competition you need a lot of paper "snowballs" or balls (tennis balls can be used). Catching can only be done with a box; dropped balls cannot be lifted. The competition can be allocated from 1 to 2 minutes. The results are summed up, the winning team is determined.
Scene 6
Presenter: “What are you guys, all great! All of you, together with the Bunny, the Hedgehog and the Bull, are invited to a holiday in a fabulous, magical forest! "
The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is played. The curtain opens, everyone sees an elegant Christmas tree. Santa Claus appears on the stage with the Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus: “Hello guys! How long it took me to get to you with my granddaughter Snegurochka and how glad I was to see you pass the tests! I heard how smart you are, how you solved all the riddles. I saw how funny, fast and strong you are when funny contests were held, and now it's time to have fun and celebrate the New Year! "
Snow Maiden: "Guys, and you are Grandfather Frost, don't you hear anything?"
Everyone listens. There is a knock on the door.
Snow Maiden:
“New Year, New Year
He's knocking at the gate!
Waving his hands to all of us,
Dances there and dances! "
Santa Claus:
“Both the bag and the gif.webpts,
Everything in bright wrappers! "
“There are candies and toys,
Cute, funny.
There are clockwork toys
We play with them! "
Scene 7
Santa Claus: “Oh, what is our Christmas tree and does not burn? Not in order … Come on, help me light it with colorful garlands! "
All in chorus chant at the command of Santa Claus: "One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!".It lights up.
Further, according to the scenario for the Year of the Tiger, all the children are in a round dance, singing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Then, traditionally, the children take turns reading the learned rhymes to Santa Claus. At the end of the holiday, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give gif.webpts to children.