Youth Day in 2022 will be celebrated 64 times. The holiday has an impressive age and over the years has managed to acquire bright traditions. Many people know what date the Day of All Young Citizens of the country is celebrated - it is June 27. Each graduate knows when his holiday will take place, since this date is fixed.
When we celebrate Youth Day
Although Youth Day is a socially oriented holiday, it has a clearly established date. It is celebrated on June 27. In 2022, this number falls on Monday, so according to the accepted tradition, solemn events will be held this coming weekend.
History of appearance
The origin of the celebration is rooted in the Soviet Union, when by decree of the Presidium it was decided to establish a separate holiday for Soviet youth. The decree was signed on February 7, 1958 by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The purpose of the festive events was to draw public attention to the problems of the younger generation.
According to the decree, the day of Soviet youth should be celebrated on the last Sunday of June. At this time, all graduates and students have passed exams, so you can take a break from everyday life. The festive events were not only entertaining, but also ideological.
Throughout the country, meetings and rallies of young activists were held, at which urgent problems were discussed, far-reaching plans were set. Sports competitions, competitions between teams in factories, as well as various competitions were held. In the evening, dances were held in city parks, which ended with a festive fireworks.
In 1993, the celebration took on a different direction, from a social holiday it became a national one - the idea of uniting nations in our state was approved.
How is Youth Day now
Over time, the holiday has lost its ideological background, becoming a colorful and vibrant event where the young generation can have fun with their friends.
The celebration is organized at the official level, sponsored locally by the local authorities. Soviet competition between factory teams is a thing of the past. All the contests held have been "modernized". To entertain the younger generation, the city organizes the following recreational activities:
- musical battles;
- flash mobs;
- photo exhibitions;
- sports competitions between students of educational institutions;
- concerts with dance or music groups;
- cosplay festivals;
- talent contests.
Special attention is paid to social issues. Charitable fairs are organized, the funds from which go to sick or needy children, free screenings of films or performances, as well as excursions and master classes are held.
International Youth Day
The idea of the holiday does not belong to the Soviet Union, but originated even earlier - right after the Second World War, in 1945. The celebration is celebrated in many countries, and each nation has its own date of celebration. For example:
- according to the Soviet tradition in Belarus and Ukraine, the last Sunday of June is considered to be Youth Day;
- Vietnamese (26) and Taiwanese (29) celebrate in March;
- in May, celebrated by the Chinese (4), Turks (19) and Tajiks (23);
- South Africa has a sad occasion for Youth Day - victims of the June 16, 1976 execution are honored here.
In all countries where Youth Day is celebrated, the focus of the holiday is to draw the attention of society to the problems of the younger generation, as well as to involve young people in the political or social life of the state.
Celebration traditions around the world are similar to the main events that are held in our country.
Celebration under the auspices of the UN
The international holiday of the young generation, adopted under the auspices of the UN, is celebrated on 12 August. The peculiarity of the celebration is that every year a new theme of the celebration is chosen. It is based on the global problems faced by the modern young generation. Celebration organizers strive to attract the growing generation to participate in social and political life.
So, in 2019, the theme of the celebration was inclusive education. The United Nations has set a task - to draw the attention of governments of all countries to the problem of the quality of education received by young people.
World Youth Solidarity Day under the auspices of the WFDY
In London, the World Federation of Democratic Youth decided to establish its own unofficial holiday, which is associated with the founding of the organization. It falls on November 10.
WFDY is also involved in organizing festivals for pupils and students, which are held annually in different cities around the world. Moreover, in 2017, this large-scale event was held in the city of Sochi. The festival was attended by representatives of 60 countries, the number of participants exceeded 25 thousand people. Each day of the holiday was dedicated to one of the regions of our planet and a separate day was allocated for the host.
WFDY was the founder of another holiday dedicated to the young generation - the International Day of Solidarity. The holiday is celebrated on April 24, at one time it was actively supported by the Soviet Union. In the 90s of the last century, after the collapse of the USSR, it lost its former scope. And although now the holiday has begun to be celebrated again, it cannot return to its former greatness.
World Youth Day of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church has established its own Youth Day. For the theme of the holiday, certain verses are selected from the Bible. The holiday is held every 2-3 years and does not have a fixed date. The Catholic Church organizes a large-scale thematic festival.
Recently, instead of a social or ideological orientation, Youth Day has increasingly begun to acquire a charitable coloration. The modern generation of young people strives to take an active part in the life of their country. The rejection of bad habits is becoming fashionable, there is a tendency for a healthy lifestyle.