When will solar and lunar eclipses occur in 2022? This question worries not only astrologers and astronomers, but also ordinary people, because, as you know, the influence of heavenly bodies on the life and fate of a person is quite large. Therefore, it makes sense to know in advance the schedule of eclipses in order to adjust your plans and use the energy of the heavenly bodies to your advantage.
Solar eclipses
The earth revolves around the sun in the ecliptic plane. The moon also revolves around the sun and passes along the same plane. At a certain period, the earth's satellite is on the line between the sun and the earth, as a result of which the moon's shadow falls on the earth. This is how a solar eclipse happens. This is an astronomical phenomenon, during which the Moon partially or completely covers the Sun. This is only possible on the new moon.
Scientists and astronomers know the trajectory of the moon, so they can calculate a relatively accurate time for the occurrence of an astronomical phenomenon. Their frequency is calculated according to the laws of celestial mechanics.
There are three types of solar eclipses:
- Complete. When the sun and moon are in line. The phenomenon can be seen only in a small area of the Earth. The sky becomes very dark, as if night had fallen in broad daylight.
- Private. Such an eclipse occurs when the Moon and the Sun are lined up practically on the same straight line.
- Annular. The moon is at its maximum distance from the earth. During this period, it is not able to completely cover the Sun and looks ahead of it as a dark disk with the outlines of a large solar disk. It looks like a black ball with a ring of fire in a circle.
Annular eclipse
In one year, from 2 to 5 solar eclipses can occur on Earth. In some parts of the planet, a solar eclipse is extremely rare. We propose to find out when the solar eclipses will occur in 2022.
Dates 2022
Solar eclipses always arouse a certain interest: for astronomers, it is professional, for people who are not related to science, it is philistine. Nevertheless, many are wondering when the solar eclipse will occur in 2022.
According to astronomers and scientists, this will happen:
- 04/30/22 at 23:42 (MSK) - a partial solar eclipse. There will be an opportunity to watch it in the Pacific Ocean. On the territory of Russia, the eclipse will not be visible.
- 10/25/22 at 14:01 (Moscow time) - a partial solar eclipse, which can be observed throughout Europe and the European part of Russia, in Central and Western Asia, and also in northwest Africa.
No other solar eclipses are planned for 2022. As for lunar eclipses, they occur much more often.
Influence on a person
In the course of research, medical scientists found out that during solar eclipses, meteosensitive people may have increased blood pressure, dizzy and worse overall health. Disturbances in the work of the nervous system are also possible. Probably, someone will be skeptical about such statements: they say, the pressure is increasing from the excitement associated with the expectation of a solar eclipse. But do not forget that during this phenomenon, two powerful celestial bodies are on the same line, their gravitational effect on the Earth reaches its apogee, which is eloquently evidenced by the strength of the ebb and flow (reaching a peak). Of course, emotional and weather dependent people will feel the change.
Experts specializing in the study of the human energy background recommend getting rid of complexes and fears during a solar eclipse. It is believed that an astronomical phenomenon helps to change karma.
Lunar eclipses
The cause of the lunar eclipse is somewhat different from the solar one.Not a single celestial object is capable of closing the Moon from the observer. But when the shadow from the Earth, which is illuminated from the other side by the Sun, falls on the Moon, its disk becomes almost black, with a bloody tint. For the appearance of the lunar eclipse, the celestial satellite of the Earth must enter the full moon phase.
Lunar eclipses are total and partial. Sometimes penumbra eclipses also occur, when the Moon enters not into a straight cone of shadow from the Earth, but into partial shade. Such phenomena are not uncommon, but they cannot be seen with the naked eye: such eclipses are interesting for astronomers and those who observe everything that happens in the sky. To see this spectacle, you need to know exactly when the lunar eclipses will occur in 2022.
Dates 2022
There will be 2 total lunar eclipses in 2022:
- May 16, 2022 at 07:11 UTC. The eclipse will be able to be observed on both American continents, Antarctica, on the west coast of Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. For the entire territory of Russia, during an eclipse, the Moon will be hidden behind the horizon.
- November 8, 2022 at 13:59 (MSK). It will be possible to observe this phenomenon throughout the Pacific Ocean and on the coast of all continents washed by it. you can see a lunar eclipse in the Far East.
And separately it is worth saying a few words about such an unusual astronomical phenomenon as a supermoon. During this period, the Moon is at its minimum distance from the Earth and looks 7% larger and 15% brighter than usual. Professional photographers try not to miss these phenomena, because it is at such moments that you can take really cool photos. In order not to miss the supermoon, pay attention to the dates of their occurrence:
- June 14, 2022 at 14:52 (UTC).
- July 13, 2022 at 21:37 (UTC).

Interesting! Lunar eclipses are rarely identical in terms of the movement of planets in their orbits. A complete repetition of the equivalent relative position of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun occurs approximately 1 time in 18 years. In astronomy, this period is called Saros. Its beginning and end is considered extremely important for esotericists.
Influence on a person
Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the lunar calendar. Full moon, new moon or eclipse - it cannot be said that the influence of the moon on a person is neutral. Special care should be taken on the eve and during lunar eclipses:
- Hypertensive patients and people with diseases of the heart and vascular system (it is advisable to limit physical activity, avoid stress and nervous shocks, and also try, if possible, not to go outside at all).
- People with mental disorders or predisposition to similar diseases. Esotericists and astrologers are sure that during lunar eclipses, the subconscious part takes precedence over consciousness, therefore, hidden character traits and inclinations are exacerbated.
- People who have previously experienced the effects of hypnosis. During a lunar eclipse, negative emotions and associated memories are exacerbated.
It is important! It has been scientifically proven that the number of suicides increases markedly during the period of lunar eclipses.
This trend provides food for thought. Pay attention to your emotions and feelings that arise on the eve of astronomical phenomena - so you can understand how this or that eclipse affects you.
Preparing for an eclipse: advice from astrologers
The Sun and Moon are the most significant celestial objects for our planet, the location of which affects many events on Earth. It is generally accepted that lunar eclipses carry the logical conclusion or culmination of a period. Solar eclipses, on the other hand, are the beginning of something new, a kind of starting point.
Astrologers recommend starting large businesses and serious projects during the eclipse season (it occurs approximately once every two years). But remember that 7 days before the eclipse and 7 days after it is a dangerous period - the situation may become beyond your control.Also, astrologers do not advise to closely observe these phenomena and turn to the sky, since during this period powerful currents of negative energy are raging in the Cosmos. Looking intently at the heavenly bodies, you will only draw her attention to yourself.