Mother's Day in 2022: what date and in the world, date

Mother's Day 2022 is an important day in every person's life. Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated at the end of November, but it does not have an exact date.

What date is Mother's Day

The holiday has a floating date - the last Sunday in November. Therefore, to find out what date you need to congratulate moms, you need to look at the calendar. In 2022, it will take place on November 27.

History of appearance

The initiative to create Mothers Day belongs to the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs, headed by A. Aparina. this solemn date was recognized as a holiday 24 years ago. But this does not mean that there were no similar holidays before.

Honoring Mothers Day

According to historians, the British Mother's Sunday is considered the prototype of the modern holiday, which was considered a public holiday by the British in the 17-19 centuries. And this Sunday was also considered a religious holiday, since in the United States its date was determined based on the date of Easter. The image of the mother in Great Britain was identified by believers with the image of the Holy Virgin Mary, who gave life to God's Son.

On this day, it was customary to visit parents and present symbolic gif.webpts to mothers.

According to religious scholars, the roots of the modern holiday must be sought in paganism. They see a similarity between the modern traditions of Mother's Day and the Greek rituals praising Rhea - the woman goddess who gave birth to all other pagan deities.

How modern Mother's Day came about

The roots of the modern holiday of all mothers and pregnant women also, according to historians, must be sought in the United States. So, in the 20th century, Anna Jarvis in the state of Virginia proposed to determine the Day of honoring the keepers of home comfort. The authorities supported the girl's initiative: in 1910, the United States celebrated the day of those who give life for the first time, and in 1914 the holiday received the status of a national celebration.

Other countries have adopted a good tradition from the Americans - the holiday has become international.

Mothers Day

In Russia, the holiday of those who give life began to be celebrated at the end of the 20th century on the initiative of a secondary school teacher E. Huseynova: on 10/30/1988 she invited her students to take part in the action "Postcard for Mom". Later, a teacher from Baku developed a scenario for holding a holiday at school. E. Huseynova sent this script to the editorial office of the "Education of Schoolchildren" magazine, thanks to which in 1998 the holiday was recognized as a state holiday.

Symbols and traditions

Forget-me-not is considered a symbol of the holiday of mothers. This delicate flower is associated with the caress of mother's hands and the warmth of mother's heart, symbolizes devotion and eternal memory. Another symbol of parental love and care is considered a toy - a teddy bear. Most often, these symbols are depicted on greeting cards.

Abroad, a carnation is considered a symbol of the holiday. This flower is attached to clothing as a sign of reverence for women. Moreover, brooches with white carnations are worn on this day by people whose mothers have already passed away. If the mother is still alive, the flower on the person's clothes will be red, burgundy or pink.

The holiday is associated with such traditions as:

  • making crafts for mothers by children;
  • family meals;
  • international and all-Russian actions;
  • distribution of postcards and leaflets at bus stops, near shopping centers, near the metro in large cities;
  • educational institutions conduct public lectures on the psychology of motherhood;
  • concerts;
  • flash mobs;
  • thematic issues in the media;
  • visiting church and temple;
  • presentation of distinctions and awards to large families.

This holiday in other countries

Dates of honoring mothers in different parts of the world are different:

Country When the holiday is celebrated
Norway Second February Sunday
Great Britain First Sunday in March
Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal First Sunday in May
Austria, Colombia, Malta, Netherlands, Germany, America, Australia, Ukraine, USA, Turkey, Japan, Estonia, Latvia, Honduras, Venezuela, Denmark, China, Iceland, Canada, Taiwan, Cyprus, Finland, Malaysia, Italy, Belgium, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Chile, Switzerland Second Sunday in May
Kyrgyzstan Third May Sunday
France, Dominican Republic, Sweden Last Sunday in May
Kazakhstan, Argentina Third Sunday in October
Luxembourg Second Sunday in June
Russia Last November Sunday
Georgia March, 3rd
Egypt 21 March
Romania 8 March and first Sunday in May
Armenia 7 april
Belarus October 14
Greece 9th May
Philippines May 10
Poland 26 of May
Thailand 12th of August

Mother's Day

Women and children are in the center of attention on the festive day. Perhaps the most numerous category of congratulators is schoolchildren and kindergarten students. The efforts of teachers and children are aimed at making mothers smile.

Family and children are a priority area of state policy, therefore, the authorities provide measures of social support for large families and families with children.

What to give this day

On this day, women are given attention in the form of gif.webpts. They are given:

  • cosmetics;
  • perfume or toilet water;
  • jewelry or luxury costume jewelry;
  • beauty salon certificates;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • household appliances;
  • downy shawls;
  • albums with memorable family photos;
  • indoor plants or cut flower bouquets.

However, mothers are not picky about gif.webpts. They appreciate the attention to themselves from children. Sometimes a visit by children and a conversation over a cup of tea for a mother is a more valuable gif.webpt than jewelry with diamonds and expensive household appliances.

Mother's Day 2022 will take place on November 27. This is a family holiday, when the attention of her husband and children will be important for every woman.

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